Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 2 Inference Results: Evidence for Accident Type Probabilities

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Acc_type Cause (HI) Cause (OS) Cause (PD) Cause (PR) Cause (PV) Cause (SV) Cause (VR) Settl (No) Night (Yes) Alco12 (Yes)
Fos 0.279 0.034 0.276 0.065 0.092 0.229 0.026 0.612 0.253 0.106
Oth 0.134 0.046 0.204 0.048 0.238 0.133 0.196 0.283 0.241 0.083

Key: Fos = fatality or serious injury, HI = inappropriate speed, OS = other, Oth = other, PD = failing to give way, PR = wrong overtaking, PV = car maneuvers, Settl = settlement, SV = wrong side/direction, VR = unsuitable safety distance.

Note: For definition of Alco12, see table 1.