"TABLE 9 Comparison of Forecast Accuracy: Results of the Diebold-Mariano (DM) and Modified Diebold-Mariano (DM*) Tests for the Square Loss Function and Several Forecast Horizons Forecasting Period: 2000–2002",,,,,, ,SMT,10MT,SBT,10BT,TC,JTC h = 1, ,,,,, DM,–1.34,–0.57,–1.04,–2.32,0.23,–0.69 DM*,–1.32,–0.56,–1.02,–2.30,0.22,–0.68 h = 6, ,,,,, DM,–2.89,1.8,0.37,–2.08,0.60,–3.52 DM*,–2.38,1.48,0.31,–1.71,0.49,–2.90 h = 12, ,,,,, DM,–1.73,2.78,1.51,–2.96,–0.03,–3.03 DM*,–0.93,1.50,0.62,–1.56,–0.02,–1.64 Key: Bold indicates statistical difference between the two forecasting methods for alpha = 0.05. Positive (negative) values indicates that the DHR performs better (worse) than the causal model.,,,,,,