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Secretary Kempthorne Meets with Marshalls’ President Note

WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 26, 2007) - Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne, right, today met with Republic of the Marshall Islands President Kessai Note at Interior Headquarters.  Note is in Washington in connection with hearings by the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources regarding Marshall Islands issues.  After the hearing and meeting with Secretary Kempthorne, President Note traveled to New York City, where he is scheduled to address the United Nations General Assembly on Friday.  The Republic of the Marshall Islands Ambassador to the United States, Banny deBrum, joined President Note at the meeting.  (Photo by Tami Heilemann, DOI.)

Note and Kempthorne The Secretary accepts Marshallese Gifts Minister Philippo, Kempthorne and Note

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Last Updated on 09/28/07