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Calendar cover featuring Malie Letuli (left) and Kuuipo Trepanier (right).
Calendar cover featuring Malie Letuli (left)
and Kuuipo Trepanier (right).
Malie Letuli.
Malie Letuli.
Kuuipo Trepanier.
Kuuipo Trepanier.

American Samoa Calendar Wins Recognition

Washington D.C. (August 14, 2007) — The official 2007 American Samoa Calendar, produced by Pacific Magazine, was recognized last month in a national U.S. awards competition for custom publishing.  The 2007 calendar features contemporary Samoan fashions, traditional attire and four of the finest resorts and hotels in Tutuila.  The calendar received “honorable mention” in the 4th Magnum Opus Awards, produced by Publications Management magazine. The calendar was a project of Pacific Magazine for the Office of the Governor, Government of American Samoa.

One of the models featured in the calendar, Ms. Malie Letuli, was, for five years, an employee of the Department of the Interior’s Office of Insular Affairs Field Office in American Samoa.

For more on this story, please visit http://www.pacificmagazine.net/news/



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Last Updated on 08/14/07