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Young Samoan Medic Loses Life in Iraq

Army Private First Class, David T. To’omalatai, Army Private First Class, David T. To’omalatai, 19, of Long Beach, California, died January 27, of wounds sustained when an IED detonated near his ambulance humvee during convoy operations in Taji, Iraq.  To’omalatai, a medic, was picking up wounded soldiers.  Two others, Army Pfc. Jon B. St. John II and Army Cpl. Timothy A. Swanson, were also killed with him.  To’omalatai was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division in Fort Hood, Texas.    

The To’omalatai family, orginally from Samoa have been long-time residents of Long Beach, California.  David To’omalatai had been in Iraq less than 3 months when tragedy hit.  He leaves behind his 10-month old son, Damien To’omalatai and high school sweetheart, Daniela.

The Department of the Interior’s Office of Insular Affairs remembers and honors those and their surviving families who give the ultimate in sacrifice in the War on Terror.

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Last Updated on 02/09/07