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NORA Document for Public Review and Comment
July 2008

Draft National Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities Agenda

The NORA Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities Sector Council requests comments from individuals and organizations on the current draft of the "National Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities Agenda."

The Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities (TWU) sector covers all modes of transportation; warehousing and entities which provide electric power, natural gas, water and sewage treatment (NAICS 48-49 and 22). More than 7 million U.S. workers are employed in the TWU sector. The sector accounts for 5% of U.S. workers, but 15% of workplace fatalities. Workers employed in truck transportation account for 58% of the fatalities in the TWU sector. In addition to being at risk of fatal injuries, workers in the sector are at risk of injury or illness from transportation incidents, overexertion, electrocution, vehicle emissions and falls. The TWU Sector Council has developed four strategic goal areas which were judged to define the major occupational safety and health priorities for the sector: fatal and nonfatal injuries; musculoskeletal disorders; health and wellness; and physical, chemical, biological and psychosocial exposures.

The Council seeks comments on the draft strategic goals, the intermediate goals, and the activities and outputs needed to achieve those goals. We are particularly interested in hearing from organizations and individuals who would be willing to commit to advancing one or more of these goals through partnerships. In addition, we are seeking comments from those who can offer insights into the impact of these goals and activities on the well-being of the TWU sector workforce. Finally, we are looking for new ideas and solutions to sector-wide hazards such as materials handling; slips, trips and falls and vehicle-related incidents.

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Comments will be accepted through November 14, 2008.

To submit comments please use one of these options:

Contact the NORA Coordinator if you have any questions:

Sidney C. Soderholm, PhD
NORA Coordinator

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Page last updated:October 21, 2008