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National Forests
Chemult Ranger District

Haring Snowpark Cross-Country Ski Trail System Improvements

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To increase the variety of cross-country ski trail loops from the Haring Snowpark, two short sections will be added to the Runner Loop and the Twinkle Loop trails. Approximately ½ mile of trail will be added to the Runner Loop trail north to connect with the Pine Knob Trail. About twenty small lodgepole pine trees and numerous bitterbrush would be cut to accommodate the 12' wide trail groomer. A short section (about 600') would be added to the northwest corner of the Twinkle Loop to tie in directly to the Twisted Pine Trail. This section would have the most trees cut and sectioned as it goes through an existing lodgepole pine plantation (approximately 15' tall). A small opening (100' X 300') would be created just west of the Haring Sno Park to accommodate a large starting area for cross-country ski racers. Approximately 25 small diameter lodgepole pine trees would be cut to create the opening. These actions would make the area more usable for large groups of high school cross-country skiers and add variety to the ski trails for the general public. The project is at: Township 27 South, Range 8 East, Section 17.


Proposed Actions
To increase the variety of cross-country ski trail loops from the Haring Snowpark, two short sections will be added to the Runner Loop and the Twinkle Loop trails.

Approximately one half mile of trail will be added to the Runner Loop trail north to connect with the Pine Knob Trail. Some small lodgepole pine trees and bitterbrush shrubs would be cut to accommodate the 12-foot wide trail groomer.

A short section (about 600 feet long) would be added in the northwest corner of the Twinkle Loop to tie in directly to the Twisted Pine Trail. This trail section goes through an existing lodgepole pine plantation (approximately 15 feet tall). Trees would be cut to make a trail approximately 16 feet wide. Cut trees would be sectioned, handpiled and burned.

An opening would be created just west of the Haring Sno Park to provide a starting area for cross-country ski racers. Approximately 25 small diameter lodgepole pine trees would be cut to create the opening. Cut trees would be sectioned, handpiled and burned.

These actions would make the area more usable for large groups of cross-country ski racers and add variety to the ski trails for the general public.

Categorical Exclusion Rationale
These trail system improvements fit Category 4 of Section 31.1b, FSH 1090.15: Repair and maintenance of roads, trails, and landline boundaries. This category does not require a decision memo.

Width of the trail sections will be similar to the spacing specified for precommercial thinning of lodgepole pine plantations. The Chemult Townsite Small Tree Thinning and Hand Piling Decision Memo (signed 10/3/2001) approved thinning in the stands where the trail improvements will occur.

A Biological Evaluation (BE) for threatened, endangered, or sensitive (TES) plant and animal species was completed for the townsite fuels project in September 2001. The BE found there would be no adverse effects to TES species.

Section 106 SHPO consultation under Programmatic Agreement among the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region (Region 6), The Advisory Council of Historic Preservation, and the Oregon State Historic Preservation Officer regarding Cultural Resources management on National Forests in the State of Oregon, dated March 10, 1995, pursuant to Forest Archaeologist review and approval, September 2001.

Prepared by Jayne Goodwin
Environmental Coordinator
541 365-7072
July 14, 2004


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