
Explicit instructions, for the advanced user

  1. Select preference options provided on this page.
  2. Click the "Set Preferences" button at the bottom of this page.
  3. Bookmark the resulting page.
  4. Access your bookmark to convert using your preferences!
Date Format:
Default rate:
Menu Setup:
  1. Choose default base currency - the currency at the top of the left menu.
  2. Choose default quote currency - the currency at the top of the right menu.
  3. Optional: Choose your most often used currencies for the left menu.
  4. Optional: Choose your most often used currencies for the right menu.
  5. Choose your set of currencies displayed in the menu. Currently all currencies are displayed. You can deselect currencies by:
    1. Unix - simple mouse-click
    2. Macintosh - Apple + mouse-click
    3. PC - Ctrl + mouse-click
  6. Choose the number of rows visible in your menu.
1. Select top base currency

2. Select top quote currency

3. Select top base currencies

4. Select top quote currencies
5. Other currencies displayed
6. Number of rows in currency boxes:

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