Table 18,,,, "Amtrak On-Time Performance Trends and Hours of Delay by Cause ",,,, ,,,, ,2000,2001,2002,2003 On-time performance,,,, Total (weighted),78%,75%,76%,74% Short distance (<400 miles)a,R82%,79%,80%,77% Long distance (>=400 miles),R55%,52%,52%,53% Hours of delay by cause,,,, Amtrakb,"R23,337","27,822","26,575","25,711" Host railroadc,"R43,881","52,273","55,090","57,346" Otherd,"R3,176","3,741","4,266","5,355" Totale,"R70,396","83,837","85,932","88,413" a Includes all Amtrak Northeast Corridor and Empire Service (New York state) trains.,,,, "b Includes all delays when operating on Amtrak-owned tracks, and delays for equipment or engine failure, passenger handling, holding for connections, train servicing, and mail/baggage handling when on tracks of a host railroad.",,,, "c Includes all operating delays not attributable to Amtrak when operating on tracks of a host railroad (e.g., track- and signal-related delays, power failures, freight and commuter train interference, routing delays).",,,, "d Includes delays not attributable to Amtrak or host railroads, (e.g., customs and immigrations, law enforcement action, weather, or waiting for scheduled departure time). ",,,, e Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.,,,, Notes: All percentages are based on Amtrak's fiscal year (Oct. 1–Sept. 30). Host railroad is a freight or commuter railroad over which many Amtrak trains operate for all or part of their trip.,,,, Amtrak trips are considered delayed based on the following chart:,,,, "Trip length (miles)","Arrival time delay (minutes)",,, 0–250,10,,, 251–350,15,,, 351–450,20,,, 451–550,25,,, >551,30,,, "Source: Amtrak, personal communication, October 2003.",,,,