Table 13,, Long-Distance Travel: 2001,, "(Trips of 50 miles or more from home to the furthest destination) ",, ,Percent, Modal Shares of Long Distance Trips,, Personal vehicle,90, Air,7, Bus ,2, Train,1, Other,<1, Trip Purpose,, Pleasure,56, Business,16, Work Commute,13, Personal Business,13, Other,3, ,,,,, Mode ,Share of trips by gender,,,, ,Women (%),Men (%),,, Personal Vehicle,42,58,,, Air,43,57,,, Bus,55,45,,, Train,42,58,,, Other,30,70,,, All modes,43,57,,, "Notes: Percentages may not add to 100 due to rounding. Trip purpose—Pleasure includes vacations, sightseeing excursions, rest and relaxation, visiting friends and family, or outdoor recreation. Business includes conference and meeting attendance or any other business purpose than commuting to and from work or such occupational trips as driving a bus. Work includes commuting to and from work, but does not include such occupational trips as driving a bus. Personal business includes medical visits, shopping trips, and trips to attend weddings, funerals, etc. Mode—Other includes ship, taxicab, limousine, shuttle, or bicycle.",,,,, "Sources: U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), Federal Highway Administration and Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), National Household Travel Survey (Washington, DC: 2002); USDOT, BTS, National Household Travel Survey 2001 Highlights Report, BTS03-05 (Washington, DC: 2003), tables 4, A-18a, and A-24b.",,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,