About the National Archives

[Subchapter F -- Nixon Presidential Materials]

Part 1275 -- Preservation and Protection of and Access to the Presidential Historical Materials of the Nixon Administration

Part 1275 was last amended on 07/05/02.


1275.1 Scope of part.

Subpart A -- General Provisions

1275.10 Purpose.
1275.12 Application.
1275.14 Legal custody.
1275.16 Definitions.
1275.18 Requests or demands for access.

Subpart B -- Preservation and Protection

1275.20 Responsibility.
1275.22 Security.
1275.24 Archival processing.
1275.26 Access procedures.
1275.28 Extraordinary authority during emergencies.

Subpart C -- Access to Materials by Former President Nixon, Federal Agencies, and for Use in Any Judicial Proceeding

1275.30 Access by former President Nixon.
1275.32 Access by Federal agencies.
1275.34 Access for use in judicial proceedings.

Subpart D -- Access by the Public

1275.40 Scope of subpart.
1275.42 Processing period; notice of proposed opening.
1275.44 Rights and privileges; right to a fair trial.
1275.46 Segregation and review; Senior Archival Panel; Presidential Materials Review Board.
1275.48 Transfer of materials.
1275.50 Restriction of materials related to abuses of governmental power.
1275.52 Restriction of materials of general historical significance unrelated to abuses of governmental power.
1275.54 Periodic review of restrictions.
1275.56 Appeal of restrictions.
1275.58 Deletion of restricted portions.
1275.60 Requests for declassification.
1275.62 Reference room locations, hours, and rules.
1275.64 Reproduction of tape recordings of Presidential conversations.
1275.66 Reproduction and authentication of other materials.
1275.68 Amendment of regulations.
1275.70 Freedom of information requests.

Appendix A -- Settlement Agreement

Authority: 44 U.S.C. 2104, 2111 note.

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§1275.1 Scope of part.

This part sets forth policies and procedures concerning the preservation and protection of and access to the tape recordings, papers, documents, memorandums, transcripts, and other objects and materials which constitute the Presidential historical materials of Richard M. Nixon, covering the period beginning January 20, 1969, and ending August 9, 1974.

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Subpart A -- General Provisions

§1275.10 Purpose.

This part 1275 implements the provisions of title I of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act (Pub. L. 93 - 526; 88 Stat. 1695). It prescribes policies and procedures by which the National Archives and Records Administration will preserve, protect, and provide access to the Presidential historical materials of the Nixon Administration.

§1275.12 Application.

This part 1275 applies to all of the Presidential historical materials of the Nixon Administration in the custody of the Archivist of the United States pursuant to the provisions of title I of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act (Pub. L. 93 - 526; 88 Stat. 1695).

§1275.14 Legal custody.

The Archivist of the United States has or will obtain exclusive legal custody and control of all Presidential historical materials of the Nixon Administration held pursuant to the provisions of title I of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act (Pub. L. 93 - 526; 88 Stat. 1695).

§1275.16 Definitions.

For the purposes of this part 1275, the following terms have the meaning ascribed to them in this §1275.16.

(a) Presidential historical materials. The term Presidential historical materials (also referred to as historical materials and materials) shall mean all papers, correspondence, documents, pamphlets, books, photographs, films, motion pictures, sound and video recordings, machine-readable media, plats, maps, models, pictures, works of art, and other objects or materials made or received by former President Richard M. Nixon or by members of his staff in connection with his constitutional or statutory powers or duties as President and retained or appropriate for retention as evidence of or information about these powers or duties. Included in this definition are materials relating to the political activities of former President Nixon or members of his staff, but only when those activities directly relate to or have a direct effect upon the carrying out of constitutional or statutory powers or duties. Excluded from this definition are documentary materials of any type that are determined to be the official records of an agency of the Government; private or personal materials; stocks of publications, processed documents, and stationery; and extra copies of documents produced only for convenience or reference when they are clearly so identified.

(b) Private or personal materials. The term private or personal materials shall mean those papers and other documentary or commemorative materials in any physical form relating solely to a person's family or other non-governmental activities, including private political associations, and having no connection with his constitutional or statutory powers or duties as President or as a member of the President's staff.

(c) Abuses of governmental power popularly identified under the generic term "Watergate." The term abuses of governmental power popularly identified under the generic term "Watergate" (also referred to as abuses of governmental power), shall mean those alleged acts, whether or not corroborated by judicial, administrative or legislative proceedings, which allegedly were conducted, directed or approved by Richard M. Nixon, his staff or persons associated with him in his constitutional or statutory functions as President, or as political activities directly relating to or having a direct effect upon those functions, and which --

(1) Were within the purview of the charters of the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities or the Watergate Special Prosecution Force; or

(2) Are circumscribed in the Articles of Impeachment adopted by the House Committee on the Judiciary and reported to the House of Representatives for consideration in House Report No. 93 - 1305.

(d) General historical significance. The term general historical significance shall mean having administrative, legal, research or other historical value as evidence of or information about the constitutional or statutory powers or duties of the President, which an archivist has determined is of a quality sufficient to warrant the retention by the United States of materials so designated.

(e) Archivist. The term Archivist shall mean the Archivist of the United States or his designated agent. The term archivist shall mean an employee of the National Archives and Records Administration who, by education or experience, is specially trained in archival science.

(f) Agency. The term agency shall mean an executive department, military department, independent regulatory or nonregulatory agency, Government corporation, Government-controlled corporation, or other establishment in the executive branch of the Government including the Executive Office of the President. For purposes of §1275.32 only, the term agency shall also include the White House Office.

(g) Archival processing. The term archival processing may include the following general acts performed by archivists with respect to the Presidential historical materials: Shelving boxes of documents in chronological, alphabetical, numerical or other sequence; surveying and developing a location register and cross- index of the boxes; arranging materials; refoldering and reboxing the documents and affixing labels; producing finding aids such as folder title lists, scope and content notes, biographical data, and series descriptions; rewinding, duplicating and preserving the original tape recordings; enhancing the tape recordings on which the conversations are wholly or partially unintelligible so that extraneous noises may be filtered out; producing general subject matter logs of the tape recordings; reproducing and transcribing tape recordings; reviewing the materials to identify items that appear subject to restriction; identifying items in poor physical condition and assuring their preservation; identifying materials requiring further processing; and preparation for public access of all materials which are not subject to restriction.

(h) Staff. The term staff shall mean those persons whose salaries were paid fully or partially from appropriations to the White House Office or Domestic Council, or who were detailed on a nonreimbursable basis to the White House Office or Domestic Council from any other Federal activity; or those persons who otherwise were designated as assistants to the President, in connection with their service in that capacity; or any persons whose files were sent to the White House Central Files Unit or Special Files Unit, for purposes of those files.

(i) National security classified information. The term national security classified information shall mean any matter which is security classified under existing law, and has been or should be designated as such.

§1275.18 Requests or demands for access.

Each agency which receives a request or legal demand for access to Presidential historical materials of the Nixon Administration shall immediately forward the request or demand to the Archivist of the United States, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Washington, DC 20408.

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Subpart B -- Preservation and Protection

§1275.20 Responsibility.

The Archivist is responsible for the preservation and protection of the Nixon Presidential historical materials.

§1275.22 Security.

The Archivist is responsible for providing adequate security for the Presidential historical materials.

§1275.24 Archival processing.

When authorized by the Archivist and until the commencement of archival processing in accordance with subpart D of this part, archivists may process the Presidential historical materials to the extent necessary for protecting and preserving the materials, and for providing authorized access to the materials pursuant to subpart C of this part.

§1275.26 Access procedures.

(a) The Archivist will receive and/or prepare appropriate documentation of each access authorized under this part 1275.

(b) Entry to the records storage areas will be provided by the Archivist only to archival, maintenance, security, or other necessary personnel or to Mr. Nixon or his agent. Two persons, at least one of whom represents the Archivist, will be present at all times that records storage areas are occupied.

(c) The Archivist will determine that each individual having access to the Presidential historical materials has a security clearance equivalent to the highest degree of national security classification that may be applicable to any of the material examined.

(d) The Archivist will provide former President Nixon or his designated attorney or agent (hereinafter Mr. Nixon), prior notice of, and allow him to be present during, each search necessary to comply with an authorized access under §1275.32 or §1275.34.

(e) Only NARA archivists shall conduct searches necessary to comply with authorized accesses under §§1275.32 and 1275.34.

(f) Prior to releasing Presidential historical materials in accordance with an access authorized under §1275.32 or §1275.34, the Archivist will give Mr. Nixon notice of the nature and identity of, and at his request allow him access to, those Presidential historical materials which the archivists have determined are covered by the subpoena, or other lawful process, or request. The notice will also inform Mr. Nixon that he may file a claim with the Archivist objecting to the release of all or portions of the described materials within 5 workdays of his receiving the notice described herein. The claim should detail the alleged rights and privileges of Mr. Nixon which would be violated by the release of the materials. The Archivist will refrain from releasing any of the materials to the requester during this period, and while any claim of right or privilege is pending before him, will refrain from releasing the materials subject to the claim.

(g) The Archivist will notify Mr. Nixon in writing of the administrative determination on any claims filed in accordance with paragraph (f) of this section. In the event the determination is wholly or partially adverse to the claim, the Archivist will refrain from releasing the materials to the requester for an additional 5 workdays from Mr. Nixon's receipt of the determination.

(h) Whenever possible, a copy, which shall be certified upon request, instead of the original documentary Presidential historical materials shall be provided to comply with a subpoena or other lawful process or request. Whenever the original documentary material is removed, a certified copy of the material shall be inserted in the proper file until the return of the original.

§1275.28 Extraordinary authority during emergencies.

In the event of an emergency that threatens the physical preservation of the Presidential historical materials or their environs, the Archivist will take such steps as may be necessary, including removal of the materials to temporary locations outside the metropolitan area of the District of Columbia, to preserve and protect the materials.

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Subpart C -- Access to Materials by Former President Nixon, Federal Agencies, and For Use in Any Judicial Proceeding

§1275.30 Access by former President Nixon.

In accordance with the provisions of subpart B of this part, former President Richard M. Nixon or his designated agent shall at all times have access to Presidential historical materials in the custody and control of the Archivist.

§1275.32 Access by Federal agencies.

In accordance with the provisions of subpart B of this part, any Federal agency or department in the executive branch shall have access for lawful Government use to the Presidential historical materials in the custody and control of the Archivist to the extent necessary for ongoing Government business. The Archivist will only consider written requests from heads of agencies or departments, deputy heads of agencies or departments, or heads of major organizational components or functions within agencies or departments.

§1275.34 Access for use in judicial proceedings.

In accordance with the provisions of subpart B of this part, and subject to any rights, defenses, or privileges which the Federal Government or any person may invoke, the Presidential historical materials in the custody and control of the Archivist will be made available for use in any judicial proceeding and are subject to subpoena or other lawful process.

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Subpart D -- Access by the Public

§1275.40 Scope of subpart.

This subpart sets forth policies and procedures concerning public access to the Presidential historical materials of Richard M. Nixon.

§1275.42 Processing period; notice of proposed opening.

(a)(1) The archivists will conduct archival processing of those materials other than tape recordings to prepare them for public access. In processing the materials, the archivists will give priority to segregating private or personal materials and transferring them to their proprietary or commemorative owner in accordance with §1275.48. In conducting such archival processing, the archivists will restrict portions of the materials pursuant to §§1275.50 and 1275.52. All materials other than tape recordings to which reference is made in §1275.64 will be prepared for public access and released subject to restrictions or outstanding claims or petitions seeking such restrictions. The Archivist will open for public access each integral file segment of materials upon completion of archival processing of that segment.

(2) The archivists will conduct archival processing of the tape recordings to prepare them for public access in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Settlement Agreement (see Appendix A to this part). In conducting the archival processing of the tape recordings, the archivists will restrict segments of the tape recordings pursuant to §§1275.50 and 1275.52. The tape segments which consist of abuses of governmental power information, as defined in §1275.16(c), will be given priority processing by the archivists and will be prepared for public access and released following review and resolution of objections from the Nixon estate and other interested parties as set forth in the Settlement Agreement (see Appendix A to this Part). After the tape segments which consist of abuses of governmental power information have been released, the archivists will conduct archival processing of those tape recordings which were taped in the Cabinet Room, as set forth in the Settlement Agreement, Appendix A to this Part. Following release of the Cabinet Room tape recordings, the remaining tape recordings will be prepared for public access and released in five segments in accordance with the schedule set forth in the Settlement Agreement. In addition, NARA will identify and return any additional private or personal segments to the Nixon estate, at approximately the time that NARA proposes each segment for public release.

(b) At least 30 calendar days prior to the opening to public access of any integral file segment of the materials, the Archivist will publish notice in the Federal Register of the proposed opening. The notice will reasonably identify the material to be opened and will include a reference to the right of any interested person to file a claim or petition in accordance with §1275.44. Copies of the notice will be sent to the incumbent President of the United States or his designated agent and by first-class mail to the last known address of: Mr. Nixon, or his designated agent or heirs; any former staff member reasonably identifiable as the individual responsible for creating or maintaining the file segment proposed to be opened; any individual named in the material which the Archivist may not restrict in accordance with §1275.50(b) because the material is essential to an understanding of any abuse of governmental power; and any persons named in the materials who are registered with the National Archives and Records Administration in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.

(c) The Archivist will maintain a registry which shall contain the names and mailing addresses of persons who wish to receive personal notice of the proposed opening of integral file segments of the materials when those segments contain references about them. To be included in the registry, a person must submit his/her name and mailing address to the National Archives and Records Administration (NLN), Washington, DC 20408. Both the envelope and letter should be prominently marked, "Nixon Materials Registry." By submitting his/her name for inclusion in the registry, a person agrees to reimburse the United States for the cost of first-class postage for each instance of personal notice received.

§1275.44 Rights and privileges; right to a fair trial.

(a) Within 30 days following publication of the notice prescribed in §1275.42(b), any person claiming a legal or constitutional right or privilege which would prevent or limit public access to any of the materials shall notify the Archivist in writing of the claimed right or privilege and the specific materials to which it relates. Unless the claim states that particular materials are private or personal (see paragraph (d) of this section), the Archivist will notify the claimant by certified mail, return receipt requested, of his decision regarding public access to the pertinent materials. If that decision is adverse to the claimant, the Archivist will refrain from providing public access to the pertinent materials for at least 30 calendar days from receipt by the claimant of such notice.

(b) Within 30 days following publication of the notice prescribed in §1275.42(b), officers of any Federal, State, or local court and other persons who believe that public access to any of the materials may jeopardize an individual's right to a fair and impartial trial should petition the Archivist setting forth the relevant circumstances that warrant withholding specified materials. The Archivist will notify the petitioner by certified mail, return receipt requested, of his decision regarding public access to the pertinent materials. If that decision is adverse to the petitioner, the Archivist will refrain from providing public access to the pertinent materials for at least 30 calendar days from receipt by the petitioner of such notice.

(c) In reaching decisions required by paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, the Archivist may consult with other appropriate Federal agencies. If these consultations require the transfer of copies of the materials to Federal officials in agencies other than the National Archives and Records Administration, the Archivist will transfer these copies in accordance with the procedures prescribed in §§1275.26 and 1275.32.

(d) Within 30 days following publication of notice prescribed in §1275.42(b), any person claiming that materials proposed for public access are in fact private or personal, as defined in §1275.16(b), and that he or she is the proprietary or commemorative owner of those materials shall notify the Archivist in writing. The claim shall describe the specific materials to which it refers, and the claimant's basis for concluding that these materials are private or personal. Upon receipt of such a claim, the Archivist will transmit it to the Presidential Materials Review Board for its consideration and determination in accordance with §1275.46(i). The Archivist will refrain from providing public access to the pertinent materials or from returning them to the claimant for at least 30 calendar days from receipt by the claimant or any intervening parties of the Board's determination.

(e)(1) In place of the right to make all other objections with respect to the tape segments that NARA has designated as abuses of governmental power materials, the Nixon estate may object to their release only on the ground that such designation by NARA is clearly inconsistent with the term "abuses of governmental power" as used in §104(a)(1) of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act (PRMPA) and defined in §1275.16(c), as qualified by §1275.50(b). Any such objection may not be based on isolated instances of alleged failure by NARA to apply the appropriate review standard, but only on a pattern of misapplication of the requirements of the PRMPA and its implementing regulations. Further, any such objection must be accompanied by specific examples of alleged review errors and contain sufficient information to enable the review panel of three Presidential Library archivists appointed by the Archivist, as described in the Settlement Agreement, Appendix A to this Part, to locate those examples readily.

(2) If an objection is made by the Nixon estate to the abuses of governmental power tape segments, the matter shall be immediately referred to a panel of three Presidential Library archivists appointed by the Archivist as set forth in the Settlement Agreement, Appendix A to this Part. The decision of the panel shall be either that the Nixon estate's objection is sustained or that it is rejected. The decision shall include a brief statement of the panel's reasons, but it need not include an item-by-item determination. In deciding whether the designation by NARA of the material proposed to be released is clearly inconsistent with the definition of "abuses of governmental power", the panel shall consider whether the release would seriously injure legitimate interests of identifiable individuals, whether the errors suggest a pattern of misinterpretation, and any other factor that bears on the issue of whether NARA's designation of material as relating to "abuses of governmental power" was reasonable, considered as a whole. The panel's decision shall be final and binding on all parties to the Kutler litigation, and no party may exercise any right to appeal to any person, board, or court that might otherwise be available.

(3) The Nixon estate may, at any time, elect to use the procedures outlined in paragraphs (e)(1) and (e)(2) of this section for the tape recordings other than the abuses of governmental power segments, except that the standard under which objections shall be made by the Nixon estate, and under which the review panel shall decide their merits, is whether the release taken as a whole is plainly inconsistent with the requirements of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 and these regulations. If the Nixon estate elects to use the procedures in paragraph 1 of the Settlement Agreement (Appendix A to this Part) in place of the provisions in paragraphs 4(b) and (d) and 5(c) of the Settlement Agreement for a tape segment, the estate cannot subsequently revert back to the formal objection process set forth in this section for that tape segment.

§1275.46 Segregation and review; Senior Archival Panel; Presidential Materials Review Board.

(a) During the processing period described in §1275.42(a), the Archivist will assign archivists to segregate private or personal materials, as defined in §1275.16(b). The archivists shall have sole responsibility for the initial review and determination of private or personal materials. At all times when the archivists or other authorized officials have access to the materials in accordance with these regulations, they shall take all reasonable steps to minimize the degree of intrusion into private or personal materials. Except as provided in these regulations, the archivists or other authorized officials shall not disclose to any person private or personal or otherwise restricted information learned as a result of their activities under these regulations.

(b) During the processing period described in §1275.42(a), the Archivist will assign archivists to segregate materials neither relating to abuses of governmental power, as defined in §1275.16(c), nor otherwise having general historical significance, as defined in §1275.16(d). The archivists shall have sole responsibility for the initial review and determination of those materials which are not related to abuses of governmental power and do not otherwise have general historical significance.

(c) During the processing period described in §1275.42(a), the Archivist will assign archivists to segregate materials subject to restriction, as prescribed in §§1275.50 and 1275.52. The archivists shall have sole responsibility for the initial review and determination of materials that should be restricted. The archivists shall insert a notification of withdrawal at the front of the file folder or container affected by the removal of restricted material. The notification shall include a brief description of the restricted material and the basis for the restriction as prescribed in §§1275.50 and 1275.52.

(d) If the archivists are unable to make a determination required in paragraphs (a), (b), or (c) of this section, or if the archivists conclude that the required determination raises significant issues involving interpretation of these regulations or will have far-reaching precedential value, the archivists shall submit the pertinent materials, or representative examples of them, to a panel of senior archivists selected by the Archivist. The Panel shall then have the sole responsibility for the initial determination required in paragraphs (a), (b), or (c) of this section.

(e) If the Senior Archival Panel is unable to make a determination required in paragraph (d) of this section, or if the panel concludes that the required determination raises significant issues involving interpretation of these regulations or will have far-reaching precedential value, the Panel shall certify the matter and submit the pertinent materials, or representative examples of them, to the Presidential Materials Review Board.

(f) The Presidential Materials Review Board (Board) shall consist of the Archivist, who shall serve as Chairman, and the following additional members:

(1) The Assistant Archivist for the Office of the National Archives;

(2) The Assistant Archivist for the Office of the Presidential Libraries;

(3) The Director of the Legal Counsel Staff of the National Archives and Records Administration; and

(4) The Historian of a Federal agency who shall be selected by the Archivist in his capacity as Chairman. The Board shall meet at the call of the Chairman. Three members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of the Board's business, although each member of the Board may participate in all of the Board's decisions. Members of the Board may be represented by their delegates on those occasions when they are unable to attend the meetings of the Board. The Board may consult with officials of interested Federal agencies in formulating its decisions. To the extent these consultations require the transfer of copies of materials to Federal officials outside the National Archives and Records Administration, the Board shall comply with the requirements of §§1275.26 and 1275.32.

(g) When the matter certified to the Board by the Senior Archival Panel involves a determination required in paragraphs (a) or (b) of this section, the Board shall prepare a final written decision, together with dissenting and concurring opinions, of the proper categorization and disposition of the pertinent materials. The Board's decision will be the final administrative determination.

(h) When the matter certified to the Board by the Senior Archival Panel involves a determination required in paragraph (c) of this section, the Board shall recommend an initial determination to the Senior Archival Panel, which shall retain the sole responsibility for the initial determination.

(i) When the Board considers a matter referred to it by the Archivist as provided in §1275.44(d), it shall follow these procedures:

(1) The Board shall notify the claimant of its consideration of the claim, and invite the claimant to supplement at his discretion the basis for the claim.

(2) The Board will publish notice in the Federal Register, advising the public of its consideration of the claim, and describing the materials in question as fully as reasonably possible without disclosing arguably private or personal information. The notice will further advise that any member of the public may petition the Board within 15 calendar days of the publication of notice, setting forth the intervenor's views concerning the public or private nature of the materials.

(3) The Board shall take into account the positions maintained by the claimant and any intervenors in reaching its decision. The Board shall issue its decision, including dissenting and concurring opinions, no sooner than 20 days nor later than 60 days from the publication of notice in the Federal Register provided in paragraph (h)(2), of this section. The Board's decision shall be the final administrative determination. The Archivist will notify the claimant and any intervenors of the Board's decision by certified mail, return receipt requested, and shall refrain from acting upon that decision for 30 calendar days as provided in §1275.44(d).

§1275.48 Transfer of materials.

(a) The Archivist will transfer sole custody and use of those materials determined to be private or personal, or to be neither related to abuses of governmental power nor otherwise of general historical significance, to former President Nixon's estate, or, when appropriate and after notifying the Nixon estate, to the former staff member having primary proprietary or commemorative interest in the materials. Such materials to be transferred include all segments of the original tape recordings that have been or will be identified as private or personal.

(b) Materials determined to be neither related to abuses of governmental power nor otherwise of general historical significance, and transferred pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, shall upon such transfer no longer be deemed Presidential historical materials as defined in §1275.16(a).

§1275.50 Restriction of materials related to abuses of governmental power.

(a) The Archivist will restrict access to materials determined during the processing period to relate to abuses of governmental power, as defined in §1275.16(c), when:

(1) The Archivist, in accordance with §1275.44, is in the process of reviewing or has determined the validity of a claim by any person of a legal or constitutional right or privilege; or

(2) The Archivist, in accordance with §1275.44, is in the process of reviewing or has determined the validity of a petition by any person of the need to protect an individual's right to a fair and impartial trial; or

(3) The release of the materials would violate a Federal statute; or

(4) The materials are authorized under criteria established by Executive order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy, provided that any question as to whether materials are in fact properly classified or are properly subject to classification shall be resolved in accordance with the applicable Executive order or as otherwise provided by law. However, the Archivist may waive this restriction when:

(i)(A) The requester is engaged in a historical research project; or

(B) The requester is a former Federal official who had been appointed by the President to a policymaking position and who seeks access only to those classified materials which he originated, reviewed, signed or received while in public office; and

(ii) The requester has a security clearance equivalent to the highest degree of national security classification that may be applicable to any of the materials to be examined; and

(iii) The Archivist has determined that the heads of agencies having subject matter interest in the material do not object to the granting of access to the materials; and

(iv) The requester has signed a statement, which declares that the requester will not publish, disclose, or otherwise compromise the classified material to be examined and that the requester has been made aware of Federal criminal statutes which prohibit the compromise or disclosure of this information.

(b) The Archivist will restrict access to any portion of materials determined to relate to abuses of governmental power when the release of those portions would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy or constitute libel of a living person: Provided, That if material related to an abuse of governmental power refers to, involves or incorporates such personal information, the Archivist will make available such personal information, or portions thereof, if such personal information, or portions thereof, is essential to an understanding of the abuses of governmental power.

§1275.52 Restriction of materials of general historical significance unrelated to abuses of governmental power.

(a) The Archivist will restrict access to materials determined during the processing period to be of general historical significance, but not related to abuses of governmental power, under one or more of the circumstances specified in §1275.50(a).

(b) The Archivist will restrict access to materials of general historical significance, but not related to abuses of governmental power, when the release of these materials would:

(1) Disclose trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential; or

(2) Constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy or constitute libel of a living person; or

(3) Disclose investigatory materials compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only when the disclosure of such records would:

(i) Interfere with enforcement proceedings;

(ii) Deprive a person of a right to a fair trial or an impartial adjudication;

(iii) Constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy;

(iv) Disclose the identity of a confidential source, and in the case of a record compiled by a criminal law enforcement authority in the course of a criminal investigation or by an agency conducting a lawful national security intelligence investigation, confidential information furnished only by the confidential source;

(v) Disclose investigative techniques and procedures; or

(vi) Endanger the life or physical safety of law enforcement personnel.

§1275.54 Periodic review of restrictions.

The Archivist periodically will assign archivists to review materials placed under restriction by §1275.50 or §1275.52 and to make available for public access those materials which, with the passage of time or other circumstances, no longer require restriction. If the archivists are unable to determine whether certain materials should remain restricted, the archivists shall submit the pertinent materials, or representative examples of them, to the Senior Archival Panel described in §1275.44(d), which shall then have the responsibility for determining if the materials should remain restricted. The Senior Archival Panel may seek the recommendations of the Presidential Materials Review Board, in the manner prescribed in paragraph (e) and (h) of §1275.46, in making its determination. Before opening previously restricted materials, the Archivist will comply with the notice requirements of §1275.42(b).

§1275.56 Appeal of restrictions.

Upon petition of any researcher who claims in writing to the Archivist that the restriction of specified materials is inappropriate and should be removed, the archivists shall submit the pertinent materials, or representative examples of them, to the Presidential Materials Review Board described in §1275.46(f). The Board shall review the restricted materials, and consult with interested Federal agencies as necessary. To the extent these consultations require the transfer of copies of materials to Federal officials outside the National Archives and Records Administration, the Board shall comply with the requirements of §§1275.26 and 1275.32. As necessary and practicable, the Board shall also seek the views of any person, including former President Nixon, whose rights or privileges might be adversely affected by a decision to open the materials. The Board shall prepare a final written decision, including dissenting and concurring opinions, as to the continued restriction of all or part of the pertinent materials. The Board's decision shall be the final administrative determination. The Archivist will notify the petitioner and other interested persons of the final administrative determination within 60 calendar days following receipt of such petition. If the Board's decision is to open previously restricted materials, the Archivist will comply with the notice requirements of §1275.42(b).

§1275.58 Deletion of restricted portions.

The Archivist will provide a requester any reasonably segregable portions of otherwise restricted materials after the deletion of the portions which are restricted under this §1275.50 or §1275.52.

§1275.60 Requests for declassification.

Challenges to the classification and requests for the declassification of national security classified materials shall be governed by the provisions of 36 CFR part 1254 of this chapter, as that may be amended from time to time.

§1275.62 Reference room locations, hours, and rules.

The Archivist shall, from time to time, separately prescribe the precise location or locations where the materials shall be available for public reference, and the hours of operation and rules governing the conduct of researchers using such facilities. This information may be obtained by writing to: Office of Presidential Libraries (NL), The National Archives, Washington, DC 20408.

§1275.64 Reproduction of tape recordings of Presidential conversations.

(a) To ensure the preservation of original tape recordings of conversations which were recorded or caused to be recorded by any officer or employee of the Federal Government and which:

(1) Involve former President Richard M. Nixon or other individuals who, at the time of the conversation, were employed by the Federal Government; and

(2) Were recorded in the White House or in the office of the President in the Executive Office Buildings located in Washington, DC; Camp David, MD; Key Biscayne, FL; or San Clemente, CA; and

(3) Were recorded during the period beginning January 20, 1969, and ending August 9, 1974, the Archivist will produce duplicate copies of such tape recordings in his custody for public and official reference use. The original tape recordings shall not be available for public access.

(b) Since the original tape recordings may contain information which is subject to restriction in accordance with §1275.50 or §1275.52, the archivists shall review the tapes and delete restricted portions from copies for public and official reference use.

(c) Researchers may listen to reference copies of the tape recordings described in paragraph (a) of this section in a National Archives building in the Washington, DC area and at other reference locations established by the Archivist in accordance with §1275.62.

(d) The reproduction for members of the public of the reference copies of the available tape recordings described in paragraph (a) of this section will be permitted as follows: Copies of tape recordings will be made available following the public release of the tape segments contemplated in §1275.42(a). Effective as of April 20, 2001, NARA will allow members of the public to obtain copies of all tapes that have been made available to the public by that date and that subsequently become available as they are released. Such copying will be controlled by NARA or its designated contractor. The fees for the reproduction of the tape recordings under this section shall be those prescribed in the schedule set forth in part 1258 of this chapter.

(e) The Archivist shall produce and maintain a master preservation copy of the original tape recordings for preservation purposes. The Archivist shall ensure that the master preservation copy, like the portions of the original tape recordings retained by the Archivist, does not contain those segments of the tape recordings which have been identified as private or personal and which have been transferred to the Nixon estate in accordance with §1275.48.

§1275.66 Reproduction and authentication of other materials.

(a) Copying of materials, including tape recordings described in §1275.64, may be done by NARA, by a contractor designated by NARA, or by researchers using self-service copiers or copying equipment.

(b) The Archivist may authenticate and attest copies of materials when necessary for the purpose of the research.

(c) The fees for reproduction and authentication of materials under this section shall be those prescribed in the schedule set forth in part 1258 of this chapter or pertinent successor regulation, as that schedule is amended from time to time.

§1275.68 Amendment of regulations.

The Archivist may from time to time amend the regulations of this subpart D in accordance with the applicable law concerning such amendments.

§1275.70 Freedom of information requests.

(a) The Archivist will process Freedom of Information Act requests for access to only those materials within the Presidential historical materials which are identifiable by an archivist as records of an agency as defined in §1275.16(f). The Archivist will process these requests in accordance with the Freedom of Information regulations set forth in §1254.30 of this chapter or pertinent successor regulations.

(b) In order to allow NARA archivists to devote as much time and effort as possible to the processing of materials for general public access, the Archivist will not process those Freedom of Information requests where the requester can reasonably obtain the same materials through a request directed to an agency (as defined in §1275.16(f)), unless the requester demonstrates that he or she has unsuccessfully sought access from that agency or its successor in law or function.

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Appendix A -- Settlement Agreement

Settlement Agreement filed April 12, 1996, in Stanley I. Kutler and Public Citizen v. John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States, and William E. Griffin and John H. Taylor, Co-executors of Richard M. Nixon's Estate, Civil Action No. 92-0662-NHJ (D.D.C.) (Johnson, J.). By letter dated April 17, 2001, NARA and the Nixon estate agreed to waive paragraph 11 of this Settlement Agreement, such that the delay on public copying until January 1, 2003, of tapes not made publicly available before April 12, 1996, shall no longer apply. This change is reflected in 36 CFR 1275.64.


This Settlement Agreement ("Agreement") is made by and entered into among plaintiffs Stanley I. Kutler and Public Citizen; defendant/cross-claim defendant John W. Carlin, in his official capacity as Archivist of the United States; and defendant-intervenors/cross-claimants John H. Taylor and William E. Griffin, CO-executors of the estate of Richard M. Nixon ("the Nixon estate"), in the above-entitled action by and through the parties' undersigned attorneys.

It is hereby agreed, by and among the parties, appearing through their undersigned attorneys, that this action is partially settled on the following terms:


1(a). As soon as practicable, the National Archives and Records Administration ("the Archives") will publicly release the segments of tape recordings made during the Presidency of Richard M. Nixon ("tape recordings" or "tapes") identified by the Archives as relating to "abuses of governmental power," as defined by 36 C.F.R. Part 1275, along with the corresponding portions of the tape log and any other finding aid. The date of that release, which is expected to be on or about November 15, 1996, shall be determined in the following manner.

(b). No later than April 15, 1996, the Archives shall deliver to an agent of the Nixon estate a copy of the approximately 201 hours of abuses of governmental power tape segments that it proposes to release, together with the corresponding portions of the tape log and any other finding aid, for review by the Nixon estate to determine whether it intends to object to the release. The Archives agrees to provide a period of orientation to the designated Nixon estate agent with respect to the review of the abuses of governmental power tape segments and to be available to respond to questions thereafter.

(c). In place of the right to make all other objections with respect to the tape recordings that the Archives has designated as abuses of governmental power materials, the Nixon estate agrees that it may object to their release only on the ground that such designation by the Archives is clearly inconsistent with the term "abuses of governmental power" as used in section 104(a)(1) of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 ("the Act"), 44 U.S.C. §2111 note, and defined in 36 C.F.R. §1275.16(c), as qualified by 36 C.F.R. §1275.50(b). Any such objection shall be in writing and may not be based on isolated instances of alleged failure by the Archives to apply the appropriate review standard, but only on a pattern of misapplication of the requirements of the Act and its implementing regulations. Further, any such objection must be accompanied by specific examples of alleged review errors and contain sufficient information to enable the review panel described in subparagraph 1(e) below to locate those examples readily. Nothing in this paragraph shall preclude the Nixon estate and the Archives from having informal discussions regarding the appropriate treatment of any of the abuses of governmental power tape segments.

(d). The Nixon estate shall have until October 1, 1996, to submit any objection in accordance with subparagraph 1(c) above. If no such objection is filed, the Archives shall proceed to issue a notice of proposed release pursuant to 36 C.F.R. §1275.42 as soon as possible, but no later than October 15, 1996.

(e). If an objection is made, the matter shall be immediately referred to a panel of the following three Presidential Library archivists: David Alsobrook, Frances Seeber, and Claudia Anderson. If any of these three persons is unable to serve, the Archivist shall appoint a substitute who is acceptable to the other parties.

(f). The panel shall have such access to the tapes as it deems necessary to make its decision. The decision of the panel shall be either that the Nixon estate's objection is sustained or that it is rejected. The decision shall include a brief statement of the panel's reasons, but it need not include an item-by-item determination. In deciding whether the designation by the Archives of the material proposed to be released is clearly inconsistent with the definition of "abuses of governmental power," the panel shall consider whether the release would seriously injure legitimate interests of identifiable individuals, whether the errors suggest a pattern of misinterpretation, and any other factor that bears on the issue of whether the Archives' designation of material as relating to abuses of governmental power was reasonable, considered as a whole. The decision of the panel shall be made within sixty (60) days of the date of the objection. However, if the panel determines that exceptional circumstances interfere with its ability to meet this deadline, the panel shall have up to an additional sixty (60) days to make its decision. The Archives shall notify the other parties of the need for an extension and briefly describe the reasons therefor. The panel's decision shall be final and binding on all parties, and no party may exercise any right to appeal to any person, board, or court that might otherwise be available. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall preclude the panel from advising the Archives of any particular processing errors that it believes may have been made, but the Archivist shall make the final determination as to whether to accept such advice.

(g). If the objection of the Nixon estate is sustained, the Archives shall re-review the tapes sufficiently to address the concerns raised by whatever aspect of the objection is sustained. At the conclusion of such re-review, the same process of review, first by the Nixon estate and then by the panel in the event of further objection, shall be repeated for those tape segments concerning the subject matter of the sustained objection prior to any release of tape recordings designated as relating to abuses of governmental power.

(h). The Nixon estate agrees to inform the Archives and plaintiffs whether it intends to file objections as soon as it has made its decision. If there is an objection by the Nixon estate and it is overruled, the Federal Register notice shall be published within ten (10) days of the date of the panel's decision.

(i). If, following the Federal Register notice, no objection by other individuals to a release is received within the time provided by law, the Archives shall release the tape recordings within ten (10) days after such time has expired. If objections are received, they shall be promptly considered by the Archives and shall be decided as soon thereafter as practical. Any materials as to which an objection to release has been timely filed shall not be released until such objection has been resolved pursuant to 36 C.F.R. §1275.44. All materials not objected to shall be released no later than thirty (30) days after the time for objections has expired, provided that the Archives may withhold any additional conversation to which no objection has been made, pending final resolution of an objection to another conversation, if (i) such additional conversation is in close proximity on the tapes to the objected-to conversation and it would be burdensome for the Archives to separate out the releasable and objected-to portions, or (ii) the subjects of the releasable and the objected-to conversations are closely related to one another and the Archives determines that it might be misleading or might unfairly prejudice a living individual to release only one conversation. Any release under this Agreement shall include the corresponding portions of the tape log and any other finding aid.

(j). The Archives shall send to plaintiff Kutler, to arrive no later than the day that the release of the tapes occurs, a copy of the portions of the tape log and any other finding aid that correspond to the tapes being released. The Archives shall also make suitable arrangements for plaintiff Kutler to listen to such tapes on the date of their release, and/or on such other subsequent business days as plaintiff Kutler shall designate.

2(a). Although the Agreement provides that the Archives will identify and return to the Nixon estate a copy of any private or personal materials identified on the tapes, the parties have been unable to reach agreement regarding the Archivist's retention and maintenance of the original tape recordings in their entirety, including those segments deemed to be private or personal, along with a master preservation copy. The government's position is that it is complying with the Act by retaining the original tapes and a master preservation copy, including those portions containing private or personal conversations. The Nixon estate's position, with which plaintiffs agree, is that the family has statutory, constitutional, and other rights that prevent the Archives from retaining private or personal materials, on both the original tapes and all copies.

(b). The parties have agreed to litigate the issue described in subparagraph 2(a) above, including the validity of 36 C.F.R. §§1275.48(a) and 1275.64(e) as proposed for amendment. The parties further agree that the Court shall retain jurisdiction of that issue, as provided in paragraph 14 below, and that the right to litigate this issue includes the right to seek review in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and the United States Supreme Court. If there is litigation between the Nixon estate and the Archivist over the issue described in subparagraph 2(a) above, the plaintiffs shall support the Nixon estate in any such litigation by filing a brief supporting the estate's position in District Court. The parties agree to make all reasonable efforts to expedite resolution of this issue.

(c). This Agreement and all discussions, negotiations and exchanges of information leading to it shall be entirely without prejudice to any positions the parties may take in the event of such litigation. Nothing in this Agreement, in any discussions leading to it, or in any information or materials exchanged by the parties as part of the mediation may be relied on or disclosed by any party to support or rebut the position of any party with respect to the treatment of private or personal materials on the original tapes. Nothing in this subparagraph prevents any party from expressing its understanding as to the meaning and effect of the legal position of another party.

3. The Archives will provide to the Nixon estate any additional private or personal materials at approximately the time that the Archives proposes each segment identified in paragraphs 4 and 5 below for public release. Any additional copies of that material (other than on a master preservation copy, the status of which will be determined in accordance with the resolution of the issue as described in subparagraph 2(a) above), will be destroyed by appropriate method, with appropriate means of verification.

4(a). The second group of tapes to be processed for release is the approximately 278 hours recorded in the Cabinet Room. The projected date for publishing a notice of proposed opening of tapes in that group is August 1, 1997. The Archives will make the Cabinet Room tapes proposed for release available to the Nixon estate in no fewer than four (4) segments. The process by which those tapes will be reviewed by the Nixon estate, and the objections handled by the Archives, is set forth in the following subparagraphs of this paragraph 4.

(b). The Nixon estate agrees to review each segment as it is received and promptly to call to the attention of the Archives any concerns that it may have. The Archives and the Nixon estate agree to attempt to work out their differences informally in order to minimize any objections to a proposed release. To facilitate informal consultation between the Nixon estate and the Archives concerning the tape review, the Archivist shall designate a panel member identified in subparagraph 1(e) above who will serve as a contact with the Nixon estate and assure access to information relating to Presidential libraries practices and procedures that may arise in the course of the tape review. The designated individual will be responsible for assuring that the Nixon estate has access to the appropriate person to answer its concerns. The Nixon estate may communicate with the designated individual orally or in writing. If the Archives agrees with the Nixon estate that any portion of a segment that has been sent to the Nixon estate as a proposed release should not be released, the Archives shall assure that there is appropriate documentation to reflect that change.

(c). The Nixon estate will have a period of at least six (6) months in which to review all of the Cabinet Room tapes, beginning on the date the Archives makes the first installment of such tapes available to the estate for review (but in no event will the six (6) months begin earlier than November 15, 1996). During the review of the Cabinet Room tapes, the Nixon estate will employ an agent or agents who will spend an average of at least thirty two (32) hours a week (total) in actual review of the tapes. The Nixon estate may request from the Archives an extension of the six-month review period, which the Archives shall grant if good cause is shown.

(d). If, during its review, the Nixon estate becomes aware that there are materials proposed for release that it believes should not be heard even by individuals on the registry list, it will promptly advise the Archives of any such materials so that they can be reviewed and/or segregated by the Archives before any other individual is permitted to listen to them. The Nixon estate will cooperate with the Archives so that the required Federal Register notice is published as soon as possible, but in no event shall such notice be provided later than ten (10) days after the time the Nixon estate completes its review. Final objections from the Nixon estate to the release of portions of the tapes shall be filed in accordance with 36 C.F.R. Part 1275 no later than the date for filing objections by other persons. Thereafter, subject to paragraph 7 below, the provisions of subparagraphs 1(i) and 1(j) above will apply.

5(a). The remaining tapes, consisting of approximately 2338 hours, shall be processed for release in five (5) segments. Because the precise number of hours of tapes for each month cannot readily be determined, the parties have agreed to divide the releases into the segments set forth below. The Archives will begin processing (which includes, but is not limited to, tape review, preparing tapes for declassification review, tape editing and production of finding aids) each segment before processing of the preceding segment is concluded. Processing of the tapes in each segment is projected to take from about fifteen (15) to about twenty three (23) months. The approximate number of hours of tapes to be reviewed in each segment is set forth in parentheses in the following listing of the segments. The projected number of months between the completion of the Archives' processing of the immediately preceding segment and the completion of the Archives' processing of each listed segment is set forth in brackets.

1. February 1971 - July 1971 (437 hours) [8 months]
2. August 1971 - December 1971 (405 hours) [7 months]
3. January 1972 - June 1972 (440 hours) [7 months]
4. July 1972 - October 1972 (410 hours) [6 months]
5. November 1972 - July 1973 (646 hours) [10 months]

(b). The time estimates in this Agreement are not enforceable as such, but the parties agree to have the Court retain jurisdiction to consider requests that it enter a binding order setting a schedule for the Archives to complete the processing of the tapes. No party may seek such an order unless that party first provides twenty (20) days' written notice to the other parties of that party's intention to seek such an order. Further, no party may seek such an order except on the ground that the Archives has unreasonably failed to meet the estimates contained herein by a substantial amount. The type of proof that will demonstrate reasonableness on the part of the Archives in this regard may include, but will not necessarily be limited to, a showing that the Archives is reasonably allocating its resources among its various programs and activities in the event that it experiences a shortage of resources, including any occasioned by court order.

(c). Portions of each segment processed by the Archives shall be provided to the Nixon estate when the processing of each month of tape recorded material is completed, unless there are a very few hours for two (2) or more months, which may then be combined into a single unit. During its review of the chronological tape segments, the Nixon estate will employ an agent or agents who will spend an average of at least thirty two (32) hours a week (total) in actual review of the tapes, forty eight (48) weeks of the year. As its review of the tapes proceeds, the Nixon estate shall provide a written report of its progress to the Archives and the plaintiffs on a bimonthly basis. The report shall include the number of hours worked in each week, the number of hours of tapes reviewed in each week, and the Nixon estate's projected completion date for review of the segment currently under review. The provisions of subparagraphs 4(b) and 4(d) above shall apply to the review, objections, and releases with respect to the chronological tape segments, subject to paragraph 7 below.

(d). If one of the other parties to this Agreement determines that the Nixon estate's review is not being conducted diligently or in good faith, or that the estate's estimated completion date(s) of one or more segments is unreasonable, that party may petition the Archivist to establish an earlier date(s) for the completion of the review of that segment and/or of future segments. Any such date(s) established by the Archivist shall provide the Nixon estate with a reasonable opportunity to protect and assert its interests without unduly delaying the release of the tapes, and shall be based upon consideration of the progress of the Archives' review and its scheduled completion date(s); the progress to date of the estate's review; and the time reasonably necessary to complete the estate's review and to formulate and present any objections. The Archives may also propose earlier dates for the completion of the review by the Nixon estate on the basis provided for in this subparagraph. If a proposal for an earlier date is made, the Nixon estate will have a reasonable opportunity to respond.

6. Once the Archives has completed processing the approximately 2338 hours of tapes discussed in paragraph 5 above, and has made corresponding releases, the Archives shall identify any additional copies of partial tape segments in its possession. If the Archives determines that some or all of such additional partial tape segments are duplicative of any tape recordings that it has already processed, the Archives may dispose of the duplicative tape segments, following notification to the parties, subject to paragraph 3 above. To the extent that such partial tape segments are not duplicative of the tape recordings already processed, the Archives shall promptly process such non-duplicative portions and shall treat any portions determined to be private or personal consistently with the resolution of the issue to be litigated as described in paragraph 2 above.

7(a). After completion of the procedures described in paragraph 4 above, the Cabinet Room tapes that are found to be releasable under paragraph 4 above may be released if either there has been a final decision by the district court on the issue to be litigated as described in subparagraph 2(a) above, or the release is scheduled after April 1, 1998, whichever of these two events happens sooner.

(b). After completion of the procedures described in paragraph 5 above, the tapes described in paragraph 5(a) above that are found to be releasable may be released if either there has been a final judgment by the district court, which is not subject to further review by appeal or certiorari, with regard to the issue to be litigated as described in subparagraph 2(a) above, or there has been a final decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on this issue, or the release is scheduled to take place after November 1, 1999, whichever of these three events happens sooner.

(c). As used in subparagraphs 7(a) and (b) above, the term "final decision" means a decision not subject to reconsideration under Rule 59 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, or Rules 35 or 40 of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, respectively.

8. The Nixon estate may, at any time, elect to use the procedures in paragraph 1 above with respect to any tape segment in place of the provisions of paragraphs 4(b) and (d) and 5(c) above, with the following substitution: The standard under which objections shall be made, and under which the panel shall decide their merits, is whether the release taken as a whole is plainly inconsistent with the requirements of the Act and its implementing regulations. Provided, however, that once the Nixon estate elects to use the procedures in paragraph 1 above in place of the provisions in paragraphs 4(b) and (d) and 5(c) above, it cannot subsequently revert back to the formal objection process set forth in 36 C.F.R. Part 1275 for that tape segment.

9. Within thirty (30) days of the Court's entry of an order as described in paragraph 14 below, the Archivist shall designate a particular person who shall be responsible for responding to reasonable inquiries from the plaintiffs on the status of the releases and objections. Such designation may be changed at any time at the Archivist's discretion by a notice to plaintiffs through their counsel.

10. If the Archives appoints a Senior Archival Panel as defined in 36 C.F.R. §§1275.46(d) and (e), no party to the Agreement may object to the appointment of such a panel on the ground that the suggestion to appoint such a panel was originated by an individual other than the processing archivists assigned to the Archives' Nixon Presidential Materials Staff.

11. The Archives will allow members of the public to obtain copies of publicly accessible portions of the tapes after the releases described in paragraph 5 above, are completed; provided, however, that if the releases described in paragraph 5 above are not completed by December 31, 1999, the Archives will allow members of the public to obtain copies only of the abuses of governmental power tapes, together with any other tapes publicly released as of the date of the filing of this Agreement with the Court, beginning January 1, 2000. Further provided, that if the releases described in paragraph 5 above are not completed by December 31, 2002, the Archives will, beginning January 1, 2003, allow members of the public to obtain copies of all tapes that have been made available to the public by that date and tapes that subsequently become available, as they are released.

12(a). Promptly after the Court enters the Order provided for in paragraph 14 below, plaintiff Kutler will withdraw his request under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. §552, for any and all tape logs and other finding aids, which is pending in Kutler v. Carlin, et al., Civ. A. No. 92-0661-NHJ (D.D.C.). In all other respects, plaintiff Kutler's request in that action shall be unaffected by this Agreement.

(b). Nothing in this Agreement shall affect the processing by the Archives of any dictabelts, which are a collection of recordings of former President Nixon and other White House staff members dictating memoranda, correspondence and speech drafts, that are included in the materials that are subject to the Act.

13. Pursuant to Rule 315 of this Court, the plaintiffs and the defendant shall attempt to resolve the plaintiffs' claim for attorneys' fees and expenses and shall advise the Court no later than forty five (45) days after this Court has entered the Order provided for in paragraph 14 below on whether they have been able to resolve the issue of attorneys' fees and expenses. If no resolution has been reached, they will, at that time, recommend a schedule to the Court to resolve such claim.

14. The parties agree to the dissolution of the preliminary injunction entered on August 9, 1993, and dismissal with prejudice of this action, including all claims and cross-claims, except for the issue to be litigated as described in subparagraph 2(a) above, and any fees and expenses claimed pursuant to paragraph 13 above, by filing the attached Joint Motion to Vacate Preliminary Injunction and to Dismiss Claims, and the attached Consent Order. The parties agree that the Court shall retain jurisdiction to: (a) consider the entry of an order in accordance with the terms of paragraph 5 above; (b) resolve the issue to be litigated as described in subparagraph 2(a) above; (c) determine any fees and expenses claimed pursuant to paragraph 13 above; and (d) for the purpose of enforcing the terms of this Agreement. The parties further agree that such jurisdiction, except with respect to the issue described in paragraph 2 above, will be retained only until the later of the implementation of paragraph 11 above or the completion of the releases called for in paragraph 5 above. Plaintiffs and the Nixon estate further agree that they will not challenge any regulations issued by the Archives which implement and are consistent with this Agreement.

15. The terms of this Agreement may not be altered except with the written consent of the parties. Nothing in this Agreement constitutes an admission of liability or wrongdoing on the part of any party.

Executed this 12th day of April, 1996.

For Plaintiffs Stanley I. Kutler
and Public Citizen:

Alan B. Morrison
(D.C. Bar No. 073114), Public Citizen Litigation Group, 1600 20th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20009, (202) 588-1000.

For Defendant John W. Carlin:

Anne L. Weismann
(DC Bar No. 298190)

Judry L. Subar
(D.C. Bar No. 347518)

Alina S. Kofsky
(D.C. Bar No. 419093), Department of Justice, Federal Programs Branch, Civil Division, 901 E Street, N.W., Room 1010, Washington, D.C. 20530, (202) 514-4523.

For Defendant-Intervenors John H. Taylor and William E. Griffin:

Herbert J. Miller
(D.C. Bar No. 026120)

R. Stan Mortenson
(D.C. Bar No. 114678)

Scott L. Nelson
(D.C. Bar No. 413548)

Ellen Fels Berkman
(D.C. Bar No. 433310)

Miller, Cassidy, Larroca & Lewin
2555 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037,
(202) 293-6400.

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