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Accountability for Pharmaceutical companies.

We are learning more and more that is not uncommon that companies intentionally mislead the public by offering and promoting products they know to be harmful. The pharmaceutical industry is no different. We have learned this through the experience of personal sorrows. Hephren and Vioxx are examples. The industry preys on people that need medications to survive. Because of their needs, it is easy to cast doubt in the mind of anyone who might see the connection between popular prescriptions and death or impairment. It is important to note that the people who have dedicated their lives to curing the diseases of the world are NOT the same people who sell the cures to the people. Greed often forces the hand of benevolence and the result is that human beings become: Numbers, Profits, and Acceptable losses. We deserve better.
4 Comments  »  Posted by to Health Care, Additional Issues on 1/12/2009 3:31 PM


1/12/2009 4:08 PM
I cannot believe some of the things that the FDA and the large pharmaceutical companies get away with, President Obama.  The FDA, under the direction of the federal government, won't allow herbal/homeopathic/natural treatments that save lives because they haven't "evaluated" the treatments - but the FDA has time to evaluate whether or not Cialis works.  It seems a bit slanted to me.  The treatments that won't make money for "Big Pharma" don't seem to get FDA approved.  The one's that make the most money (like HIV/AIDS drugs, antidepressants) are the most needed and seem to get approved very quickly- but who can afford them?

We have to start fining these drug companies, giving them incentives to make cheap medications that work just the same as these brand names, and provide easier acess to programs like the PPRX program and ADAP programs.  RED TAPE = LESS TREATMENT

1/12/2009 10:48 PM
During the drug review process, Pharma only submits the data they want the scientific community and the public to see.  There is no mechanism to prohibit drug approval even though drug companies may be sitting on unpublished study data that indicate a drug that does more harm than good.

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1/13/2009 7:08 AM
This is not really an idea. It is more of a rant. 
The Progressive Logic Guy
1/13/2009 1:27 PM


Why has Obama been ignoring the demand of his supporters for a single payer health care system?  Does he have political debts to the insurance companies, HMOs, and pharmaceutical corporations? Government officials don’t worry about “affordable” health care, they get it for free.  We should take health insurance off the backs of employers and have a generalized Medicare system for all citizens and resident aliens.  Are we who participate in this exercise being had?

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