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Stop supplying Israel with weapons

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has become a one-sided war of attrition.  The actions of both sides are morally reprehensible, but Palestine does not have the means to protect itself sufficiently against superior technology.  There is no effective argument for supplying Israel with weapons, while simply Palestinian aid goes towards subsistence and meager weapons.  If left alone, Israel would surely do fine, and the blood would be on their and their enemies' hands and not ours.
5 Comments  »  Posted by Ferris to Foreign Policy on 1/12/2009 1:11 PM


1/12/2009 1:21 PM

I think the time is long overdue for our policy to change toward Israel, we are far too biased toward them and it seems so unfair on the Palestinian people, they just seem ostracized by everybody.
With all weaponry at Israel's disposal they don't need help from anyone least of all ours.



1/12/2009 2:50 PM
Thanks for the support so far.  If I'd known I'd get upped, I would have edited it better :-)

If the support continues, I'll add more information into this comment section.
1/12/2009 5:02 PM
I agree with Cajo about our bias in favor of Israel. Why do our nation's leaders act like Israel can do no wrong? Our economy is tanking and Israel is committing atrocities with weapons we supplied. This is so wrong. We should take care of business here at home and quit helpng Israel. 
1/12/2009 7:05 PM
 I agree, we had enough baby sitting of Israel. Israel should get out of our lap and should face the world for it's evil acts.
Silver Rabbit
1/13/2009 12:29 PM
During today's confirmation hearing, Senator Clinton was asked to share her thoughts on the conflict, and she simply restated Bush's (err) Obama's Middle East policy. Apparently, the word change doesn't apply to the foreign policy of the new old administration. I find it utterly incomprehensible that this administration's group of intelligent, articulate "big gamers" have nothing new to bring in so far as a- as Obama would say- "creative" approach to resolving the conflict. "Israel has a right to defend herself and Hamas must stop firing rockets or there is no peace", is all we hear over and over again. What's new and  creative in the old, tired and ineffective? Sadly, awarraic has it in reverse: America's foreign policy will always be dictated by this third party state, and it is us who are Israel's lapdogs. Wag the Dog.
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