
International Polar Year 2007-2008 is underway!

The International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008 is an intense, internationally coordinated campaign of research that will initiate the dawn of a new era in polar science. IPY 2007-2008 includes research in both polar regions and involve strong links to the rest of the globe. It is multi- and interdisciplinary in scope and truly international in participation. It will educate and excite the public, and help train the next generation of engineers, scientists, and leaders. It includes elements from a wide range of scientific disciplines, including issues related to human populations.

For the most up-to-date information about IPY activities, go to:

IPY logo merchandise is now available via Cafe Press. 100% of the profits from this online store are used for increasing international awareness of polar science and fostering the next generation of polar enthusiasts, through projects such as the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS). (Disclaimer: This link does not imply any connection with or endorsement of the private business).

Read about IPY research goals and activities in our brochure.

The Polar Research Board of the National Academies serves as the U.S. National Committee for IPY.

Please email IPYINPUT@lsw.nas.edu with comments and questions concerning the IPY.