Explain->DATASHEET NGS homeFirstPage NOAA homeFirstPage
This page is maintained by NGS Software Requests updated:04/06/09.13:19:58

A Datasheet is sometimes referred to as DSDATA
It is an ASCII text file which contains data
for a survey control station maintained by NGS.

Datasheets for horizontal control stations
show precise LATITUDE and LONGITUDE

Datasheets for vertical control stations (a.k.a. Bench Marks)
show precise Orthometric Heights (Elevations)

Other data includes...
Geoid Ht, State Plane Coordinates, UTMs, and more

Description of how to reach the mark
and recovery information is also provided.

Click here to go directly to the Datasheet Retrieval Page,

or go back to the datasheet main page and click on DATASHEETS

Input is provided for retrieving by...
    PID, Point Radius, Min/Max, StationName, Quad
    ProjectID, County, LoadDate, or Interactive Map
Retrieved output will consist of a list of stations
from which you may choose one or more
to obtain the station datasheet.

A list of here to see datasheets with the non-publishable list
attached to the end.

Samples (with hyperlinks to data definitions)

Supporting Programs:
DSWIN (06/09/04) - Used on the PC for searching a file of datasheets,
       and extracting the data into a single line delimited format.
DSFILES (06/09/04) - Used on the PC for joining or splitting files of datasheets.
DSUPDATE (09/17/03) - Used on the PC for updating a file of datasheets.

Convert Datasheets to Delimited Records:
You can convert Standard Datasheets to delimited records
by loading them into PC program DSWIN or DSFILES
then saving them as DSSELECT format.
Click here to see how to merge DSSELECT output
into ArcView ShapeFiles.

Get a NGS datasheet from your Web site:
Pass a PID on the URL as shown below...

Get a NGS Station List from your Web site:
See samples at the URL below...

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