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Ronald L. Ziegler

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The Presidential historical materials of Ronald Ziegler are in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of Title I of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 (P. L. 93-526, 88 Stat. 1695) and implementing regulations. In accordance with the act and regulations, archivists reviewed the materials to identify personal and private materials as well as non-historical items. These materials have been returned to Ziegler.

Materials covered by the act have been archivally processed and are described in this register. Items which are security classified or otherwise restricted under the act and regulations have been removed and placed in a closed file. A Document Withdrawal Record (GSA Form 7279) with a description of each restricted document has been inserted at the beginning of each folder from which materials have been removed. A Document Control Record marks the original position of the withdrawn item.

Employees of the National Archives will review periodically the unclassified portions of closed materials for the purpose of opening those which no longer require restriction. Certain classified documents may be declassified under authority of Executive Order 12958 in response to a Mandatory Review Request (NA Form 14020) submitted by the researcher.

  • Linear feet of materials:   21.25
  • Approximate number of pages:   42,500

Biographical Note

1939 May 12 Born in Covington, Kentucky

1958-1960 Jungle Boat Ride Operator, Disneyland, Anaheim, California

1961 B. S., University of Southern California

1961-1962 Press Director, California Republican Central Committee, Salesman, Proctor & Gamble Distributing Company, Los Angeles, California

1962-1968 Account Representative, J. Walter Thompson & Company, Los Angeles, California

1962 Press Aide to Richard Nixon in California gubernatorial campaign

1964 Part-time Volunteer, George Murphy's senatorial campaign

1966 Part-time Volunteer, Robert Finch's campaign for Lieutenant Governor of California

1968-1969 Press Aid to Richard Nixon during 1968 Presidential campaign and transition period

1969-1974 Press Secretary to President Nixon

1973-June 1974 Assistant to the President

1974-February 1975 Press Aide to former President Nixon, San Clemente, California

1975-1980 Manager, International Services, Syska Hennessy, Inc., Alexandria, Virginia

1980- President, National Association of Truck Stop Operators, Alexandria, Virginia

Scope and Content Note

The Ronald Ziegler file group combines materials brought into the White House Special Files from three different file groups: those of Ronald Ziegler, Agnes Waldron, and the Press Office. The materials in this file group reflect most strongly Agnes Waldron's work as head of the Correspondence Research office, though some of the materials arranged by type into the last two series may have been kept apart from Waldron's research file.

The materials are arranged into eight series:

  1. Alphabetical Subject File
  2. Numberical Subject File
  3. Numerical Subject File, Foreign Affairs and Defense
  4. Numerical Subject File, Presidential Meetings
  5. Briefing Materials, Meetings with Heads of State
  6. Foreign Policy Position Papers
  7. Talking Points Memoranda
  8. Press Office News Summaries

All of the files reflect the first imperative of the Press Secretary–the need to be informed. They are in character primarily background materials, briefing papers for the Press Secretary intended to educate him so that he could explain and defend the administration's positions. The files cover many of the events and issues on which Ziegler had to give briefings and answer questions, in particular, the President's trips and meetings, the Vietnam peace negotiations, Watergate, and the President's finances.

Ronald Ziegler served throughout the Nixon administration, from January 1969 to August 1974, as Press Secretary to the President. He was the man in the vanguard of the White House's public relations apparatus who met every day, sometimes twice a day, with members of the press to hold briefings and to answer questions on issues of interest to the administration. In a memorandum to H. R. Haldeman on November 11, 1972, Ziegler described the Press Office as "a reactive operation geared to fast, spot responses and ferreting out positions and guidance for the morning briefings."

The Press Office staff in late 1972 consisted of approximately fifteen people divided between five offices: the personal staff of the Press Secretary; the Office of News Operations, headed by Gerald Warren; the Domestic Affairs Office, headed by Ken Clawson; the Foreign Policy Office, headed by Andrew Falkiewicz; and Correspondence Research, headed by Agnes Waldron. This arrangement had developed within the Press Office during the first Nixon administration. A White House Staff personnel list, dated September 11, 1969, suggests that at the administration's beginning, the organization was much less well formalized. Ziegler had the title "Special Assistant to the President" at this earlier time; Gerald Warren was the "Deputy Press Secretary," and the other significant aides were simply "Staff Assistants."

The functions of the Press Office often overlapped those of other White House offices and of the public information offices of departments and agencies. This was particularly true of Herbert Klein's Office of Communications. Klein, in his book Making It Perfectly Clear, described three key differences between his office and Ziegler's Press Office. First, his responsibility spread throughout the executive branch, and was not confined, like Ziegler's, to the White House. Second, television was his domain, insofar at least as concerned the appearances of members of the executive branch. Third, he was responsible for maintaining White House liaison with publishers and broadcasters; Ziegler's responsibilities, in contrast, were confined for the most part to relations with the White House press corps.

The distinctions between the Office of Communications and the Press Office became lost in a gradual evolution that in June 1973 resulted in Herbert Klein's resignation and Ronald Ziegler's succession as Assistant to the President, with augmented responsibilities. Besides retaining his duties as Press Secretary, Ziegler took over Klein's responsibilities and assumed as well an intimate advisory role to the President. The task of conducting daily press briefings passed to Deputy Press Secretary Gerald Warren. This structure lasted for the remainder of the administration.

As is true for many file groups in the Special Files, coverage is selective both in subject and time period.

J. Bruce Whelihan and Gerald Warren have file groups in the Staff Member and Office Files of the White House Special Files.

Series Description

Boxes:   1-18
Series:   Alphabetical Subject File | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969 - 1974
Description:   Memoranda, correspondence, notes, speeches and drafts of speeches, press releases, reports, news summaries, transcripts of news programs, background and briefing papers, real estate and tax records, schedules, telegrams, telegraphs, a mail action log, printed materials, and photographs. Subjects covered include the President's finances, Henry Kissinger's 1972 press briefings, the President's trips, Watergate, selected foreign policy issues, and Press Office operations. Arranged alphabetically by subject; arrangement within folders is only occasionally in a discernible chronological or reverse chronological order.

Boxes:   18-22
Series:   Numerical Subject Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969 - 1973
Description:   Memoranda, correspondence, press releases, notes, reports, telegrams, wire service stories, clippings, and printed material. This series is concerned almost exclusively with domestic issues, and most of the material is from the period 1970-71. The Press Office apparently kept this file in a numerical scheme, and the numbers assigned are still carried on the folder titles. The numerical scheme itself has been abandoned, and arrangement is instead alphabetical by subject, and thereunder in reverse chronological order.

Boxes:   23-31
Series:   Numerical Subject File, Foreign Affairs and Defense | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969 - 1973
Description:   Memoranda, correspondence, notes, briefing papers, press releases, wire service stories, transcripts of television news programs, and clippings. The Vietnam War dominates the series, but other subjects covered included are foreign aid, the anti-ballistic missile system, chemical and biological warfare, the Middle East, and the Soviet Union. The arrangement is in accordance with a numerical scheme, devised by the Press Office; arrangement within folders is in reverse chronological order.

Boxes:   32-34
Series:   Numerical Subject File, Presidential Meetings| Folder Title List
Spans:   1969 - 1972
Description:   Memoranda, background and talking points papers, press releases, notes, wire service stories, transcripts of news programs, schedules, clippings and printed materials. The arrangement follows the numerical scheme assigned by the Press Office; items within folders are arranged in reverse chronological order.

Boxes:   35-42
Series:   Briefing Materials, Meetings with Heads of State | Folder Title List
Spans:   1971 - 1974
Description:   Briefing books, including background and talking points papers and biographical profiles on members of foreign governments, prepared for the President and his staff for use in connection with their meetings with heads of State. Also includes memoranda, trip or meeting schedules, lists of participants and members of the press, joint communiqués and agreements, notes, press releases, and telegrams. Arrangement is chronological.

Boxes:   43-45
Series:   Foreign Policy Position Papers | Folder Title List
Spans:   1972 - 1973
Description:   The Foreign Policy Position Papers series includes primarily memoranda from Leslie A. Janka, an assistant to Henry Kissinger, providing guidance to Ronald Ziegler on responses to questions about the administration's foreign policy. Also included are similar memoranda from others in the administration; notes; drafts of administration announcements and statements; background memoranda; official communiques; transcripts of press conferences; wire service stories; and clippings. Arrangement is chronological.

Boxes:   45-47
Series:   Talking Points Memoranda | Folder Title List
Spans:   1973
Description:   The Talking Points Memoranda series is composed primarily of memoranda intended for the President's use in preparing for meetings with members of his administration, heads of state and other representatives of foreign governments, members of Congress, representatives of state and local governments and private organizations, and individuals. Also included are drafts of proposed Presidential remarks, list of meeting participants, background memoranda, schedules, press releases, and clippings. Arrangement is chronological.

Boxes:   47-51
Series:   Press Office News Summaries | Folder Title List
Spans:   1973
Description:   The news summaries in the Press Office News Summaries and Announcements series are distinct from the news summaries prepared for the President by the Office of Media Analysis and Speechwriting. The former were apparently prepared within the Press office for its use only. Their coverage is for the most part restricted to network news programs, the Washington Post and the New York Times. Also included in the series are memoranda, notes, Press Office announcements, speeches, schedules, press releases, and clippings. Arrangement is chronological.

Folder Title List


Box 1

[The Aged; Water Pollution Control]
Agnew Speech [November 1969]
Antitrust [and the Networks, 1971]
April 17 and April 30, [President's Statements On Watergate]
April 17, 1973/ April 30, 1973/May 22, 1973 - statements and briefings
April 30, 1973 - RZ Briefing Announcements and President's Speech
Articles (Misc.) [Newspaper Stories About Watergate, July 1973]
Arts and Humanities Amendment of 1973
Asia [1969 - Jan. 1970] [1 of 3]
Asia [1969 - Jan. 1970] [2 of 3]
Asia [1969 - Jan. 1970] [3 of 3]
Aug. 15, 1973, Speech and Statement [on Watergate]
Basic Reorganization of Press Office [1 of 3]
Basic Reorganization of Press Office [2 of 3]
Basic Reorganization of Press Office [3 of 3]

Box 2

Biog. on Samuel Dash
Biographies [Personnel Matters, 1972-1973]
Chemical and Biological Warfare [1970]
Citizens Committee for Government Reorganization
Convention - Delegates [July 1972]
Ken Clawson Press Operations
[Democratic and Republican Platforms, 1972]
Dial Directory for White House Use Only [White House Telephone Directory]
[Domestic Council, April-December 1970]
East Side Personal [First Lady's staff]
Economic Speech [Sept. 1973]
[Election Results, 1972]

Box 3

Elections Returns [1972]
Energy Message [April 1973]
[Ervin Committee Witness List]
Executive Privilege
Factual Information the Scandal Stories Have Generated [The President's Taxes]
First Family Staff Operations Manual [November 1972]
Dan Rather - 1st Line Reports [and miscellaneous, November 1972-July 1973] [1 of 2]
Dan Rather - 1st Line Reports [and miscellaneous, November 1972-July 1973] [2 of 2]
First Line Report, Oct. 29 - Dec. 22, [1973]
Friday [Empty]

Box 4

Government Reorganization [Nov. 1972]
Haynsworth Nomination [1972]
[Leo Hays]
Alger Hiss/Joe McCarthy
Housing Message
Housing Radio Address [Sept.1973]
India [1971]
India - Pakistan I [1971]
India - Pakistan II [1971]
IDA [International Development Association]/ADB [Asian Development Bank] Message Draft
International Development
Aid for Israel and Cambodia
[Journalists to Invite to the White House]
[Kent State, 1972]
Kissinger Briefing, 6L35 p.m., 1/25/72Kissinger Briefing - Vietnam, 1/25/72, 7:55 p.m.
Kissinger On the Record Brief, 2/7/72
Kissinger Briefing - On the Record, 2/9/72
Kissinger/Green Briefing, Shanghai, 2/27/72
Kissinger Backgrounder to PRC Correspondents-Fed. City Club - March 1, 1972 [Empty]
Kissinger Briefing (Russia trip), 4/25/72
Kissinger Briefing-East Room-on record, 4/26/72
Kissinger Briefing- off the record, 4/26/72
Kissinger Backgrounder on Vietnam, 5/8/72 [Empty]
Kissinger Backgrounder-May 21, 1972, Salzber, Austria
Kissinger Press Conference (10:05 p.m.), 5/26/72
Kissinger Press Conference (1:00 a.m.), 5/27/72
Kissinger Press Conference (1:18 p.m.), 5/29/72
Kissinger Press Conference (10:50 p.m.), 5/29/72
Kissinger Press Conference - Tokyo - 6/12/1972
Kissinger Congressional Briefing, 6/15/72

Box 5

Kissinger Q&A at Congressional Briefing [6/15/72]
Kissinger Briefing on trip to PRC, 6/24/72
Kissinger Press Conference, 7/8/72
Kissinger Briefing - Vietnam, 10/26/72
Kissinger Briefing - Briefing Room, 12/16/72
Laird Briefing [July 26, 1973]
Laos/Cambodia Press Guidelines, January 19, 1972 - Ziegler, Scali
Latin America [1 of 3]
Latin America [2 of 3]
Latin America [3 of 3]
Latin American Speech [1969] [1 of 3]
Latin American Speech [1969] [2 of 3]
Latin American Speech [1969] [3 of 3]
[Legislative Agenda Speech, Sept. 1973]

Box 6

Mail Log, Jan. 19, 1973
May 22, 1973, President's 2 statements, Garment Briefing [Watergate]
May 22, 1973 - Statements and Briefing [Watergate]
Senator [Joseph] McCarthy
Minimum Wage Veto Message [Sept. 1973]
[Miscellaneous, July - Nov. 1972]
[Miscellaneous Domestic Issues: Drug Abuse, School Prayer, Federal Housing Authority, and Others, 1972]
[Miscellaneous Domestic and Foreign Issues: Gun Smuggling to Ireland, Public Works, Vietnam, and Others, 1972]
[Miscellaneous Articles, News Letters and Memoranda, 1972]
[Miscellaneous Press Memos I]
[Miscellaneous Press Memos II]

Box 7

Misc. Things for Central Files
Misc. Notes to RZ - Jerry Warren - Mike Schrauth Tom deCair - Jack d'Arcy - 1973 [1 of 5]
Misc. Notes to RZ - Jerry Warren - Mike Schrauth Tom deCair - Jack d'Arcy - 1973 [2 of 5]
Misc. Notes to RZ - Jerry Warren - Mike Schrauth Tom deCair - Jack d'Arcy - 1973 [3 of 5]
Misc. Notes to RZ - Jerry Warren - Mike Schrauth Tom deCair - Jack d'Arcy - 1973 [4 of 5]
Misc. Notes to RZ - Jerry Warren - Mike Schrauth Tom deCair - Jack d'Arcy - 1973 [5 of 5]

Box 8

Monday, Exposing Secret Document [Magazine Article, June 11, 1973]
[Monday Magazine, Sept.-Nov. 1972]
New State of the Union [Special Message to Congress on the Legislative Program, Sept. 1973]
Newsweek II - Dec. 1, 1973; Newsweek - [the President] & the KB [Key Biscayne] Houses Tricia
RN - Convention 1972 [Republican National Convention]
[Nixon - McGovern News Material]
OEP [Office of Emergency Preparedness] Functions-Press Action [1973]
Offices under the Press Secretary
9/16/70 - off the record remarks [to Midwestern Editors and Broadcasters] - Pres.
Operation Chop-Chop, November 1970
Operation Graphic Hand [Military Assistance for the Post Office]
Patent Message [Sept. 1973]
Pension Reform [Message, April 1973]

Box 9

[President's] Finances [Audit Related Material]
[President's Finances] Florida Property - Sale (JDE to President)
[President's Finances] #4 of Financial Statement, from PJ Buchanan
[President's Finances] GSA - Nixon Home Cost Stories, July 1973
[President's Finances] Arthur F. Sampson Statement and Press Clippings in Reply to Congressman Brooks' Report on Presidential expenditures
[President's Finances] Supplement to March 28 Folder - Additional Press Clippings in Response to Congressman Brooks' Report on Presidential expenditures
[President's] Personal Finances, 12/6/73
[President's] Personal Finances, [1969-73]
Presidential - Financial [1 of 3]
Presidential - Financial [2 of 3]
Presidential - Financial [3 of 3]
[President's Finances] [1 of 2]
[President's Finances] [2 of 2]
President's Finances [San Clemente Property, Trust Fund, Taxes]

Box 10

[President's Finances - Presidential Statements and Press Releases, December 6-8, 1973]
[President's Finances] Property
[President's Finances - Questions and Answers]
[President's Finances - Statement by the President, 2nd Draft]
The President's Finances, Draft 3
[President's Finances] Trousdale Estate
[President's Finances] Wakefield
President's Remarks and Announcements [April 30, 1973]
President's Schedule, 1/19/73 - 12/28/73

Box 11

[Presidential Trips: Background Briefings, Feb. to Aug. 1969]
[Presidential Trips, Feb. 3, 1969 - March 3, 1969 - Brussels, London; Bonn, West Berlin, Rome, Paris, The Vatican]
President's Midway Trip, June 3-10, 1969
Trip of the President, July 22 - August 3, 1969; Apollo 11 splashdown (Johnston Island), U.S.S. Arlington, U.S.S. Hornet, Guam, Manila, Diakarta, Bangkok, New Delhi, Lahore, and Bucharest [1 of 3]
Trip of the President, July 22 - August 3, 1969; Apollo 11 splashdown (Johnston Island), U.S.S. Arlington, U.S.S. Hornet, Guam, Manila, Diakarta, Bangkok, New Delhi, Lahore, and Bucharest [2 of 3]

Box 12

Trip of the President, July 22-August 3, 1969; Apollo ll splashdown (Johnston Island), U.S.S. Arlington, U.S.S. Hornet, Guam, Manila, Diakarta, Bangkok, New Delhi, Lahore, and Bucharest [3 of 3]
Indianapolis - Chicago Trip, February 5 and 6, 1970
[Presidential Trips] Astronauts - Medal of Freedom; Vietnam Speech - Calif., April 18-20, 1970
[Presidential Trips] Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, August 20-21, 1970
[Presidential Trips: Europe, September 27- October 5, 1970]
Trip of the President of the United States of America, September 27-October 5, 1970, to Rome, Italy; Aircraft Carrier Saratoga; U.S.S. Springfield; Naples, Italy; Belgrade, Yugoslavia; Madrid, Spain; London, England; Ireland [1 of 2]
Trip of the President of the United States of America, September 27-October 5, 1970, to Rome, Italy; Aircraft Carrier Saratoga; U.S.S. Springfield; Naples, Italy; Belgrade, Yugoslavia; Madrid, Spain; London, England; Ireland [2 of 2]

Box 13

[President Trips] DeGaulle Funeral-Paris, November 11-12, 1970
President's Watergate Speech, April 30, 1973
[Press Announcements, Sept. 1973]
Press Conf. [Questions in Preparation for, Sept. 1973]
Press Conf. Reaction, Oct. 26, 1973
[Press Office Planning and Staff]
[Press Releases, News Conferences and News Program Transcripts, 1972] [1 of 2]
[Press Releases, News Conferences and News Program Transcripts, 1972] [2 of 2]
POW Release [1973]
Prisoners of War/Terrorism [1972]
Honorable Ronald Ziegler [Prisoners of War Homecoming, January 1973]
[Proposed Television Piece on the Legislative Program]
PI0 [Public Information Officers], Press Office [1 of 2]
PI0 [Public Information Officers], Press Office [2 of 2]

Box 14

PI0's [Public Information Officers] [1 of 2]
PI0's [Public Information Officers] [2 of 2]
Radio Speech - Legislative Program, 9/9/73
Reaction to Press Conf., Aug. 22, 1973
Reaction to the Press Conf.- (from RZ desk), 9/5/73
[Republican National Committee, "Promise and Performance" Pamphlet, 1972]
[Republican National Convention, 1972]
John Scali [Memoranda for the President, 1971]
Secret Service Press Clearance [1969]
[Speaker's Kit on the Budget, March 1973]

Box 15

[Special Legislative Message, Sept. 1973]
State Department Briefings, Transcripts [March-May 1973]
Statement on Timber Rpt. [Sept. 1973]
Stockpile Message [April 1973]
["Summary of Remarks by James D. St. Clair ... to the Committee on the Judiciary," July 18, 1974]
Tapes - Watergate [1 of 3]
Tapes - Watergate [2 of 3]
Tapes - Watergate [3 of 3]
Tax Reform
Texas Transcripts [John Connally's Democrats for Nixon Speech, 1972]

Box 16

Trade Legislation Message [April 1973]
[Transcripts of "Meet the Press" and "Face the Nation; "Peter Peterson Press Conference; Press Releases of Presidential Statements and Remarks - Oct. - Nov. 1972]
Unemployment Insurance Message [April 1973]
Unreleased Transcript, [President]/HAK on MFN [Most Favored Nation; Conference with Congressional Leaders on Trade Relations with the U.S.S.R., June 1972]
USIA [United States Information Agency] Bill .
Vietnam - Agreement [Press Releases, Jan. - Feb. 1973]
[Vietnam Peace Opportunity, 1968]
War Powers Bill
Watergate [March-April 1973]
Watergate II, May 14, 1973 to Aug. 1, 1973 [1 of 3]
Watergate II, May 14, 1973 to Aug. 1, 1973 [2 of 3]
Watergate II, May 14, 1973 to Aug. 1, 1973 [3 of 3]
Watergate II½ "junk" [1 of 2]

Box 17

Watergate II½ "junk" [2 of 2]
III. Watergate, August 1, 1973 to [1 of 2]
III. Watergate, August 1, 1973 to [2 of 2]
Watergate - August 22, 1973 - Press Conf. Public Reaction
Watergate Speech - August 15, 1973
Wilderness Message and Fact Speech
Judy J. Working [Empty]
RZ Briefing/Pres. Statement, Watergate

Box 18

Ron Ziegler - [Report on Opinions and Activities of Primary Importance, by Herbert Klein, Aug. 9, 1973]
Ron Ziegler, Press Office [Personnel Matters, 1973-74]
Mr Ziegler - Peterson/Goals [Peterson Briefing to Members of Congress, June 1971]
RZ - [White House] Emergency Plan
Ron Ziegler Attention [Empty]
[out cards]
[folder-title lists]
White House Specialist
Ronald Ziegler


ABC 147 [American Broadcasting Company]
Administrative Reforms 85
Aero-Space Industry 161
Alaska Natives 169
Jack Anderson 230
ASNE [American Society of Newspaper Editors] Panel Remarks 158
Auto Industry 172
Backgrounders: WH Correspondents Association 229
Black Colleges 110
CBS 146 [Columbia Broadcasting System]
Calley Case l60

Box 19

Cable Television 94
Censor 123 [Ziegler News Conference, Oct. 9,1970]
Ramsey Clark 119
Clark Clifford 191
Communications Satellites 102
Construction Industry 145
Executive Protection Service 108
Exim [Export - Import] Bank 189
Senator Fulbright 137
Gov't Public Relations 149
International Labor Organization 184
Letters to the President 88-1 [1970]
Letters from the President 88-2 [1970]
Letters - Others 88-3 [1970]
Lockheed 174
Mail Volume 88
Paul McCloskey 143
Carl McIntire 120
Medicare 130
Misc. Transcripts 106

Box 20

Motion Picture Industry 159
NBC [National Broadcasting Company] 148
National Debt Ceiling, 2/22/71 142
"Neo Isolationism" 152
Office of Telecommunications 101
Patents Policy 194
Physical Fitness and Sports Program 121
Police Assassinations 180
Politics - Broder/Johnson, Post 214
Presidential Management Improvement Award 128
"Press" File #1 104 [1 of 6]
"Press" File #1 104 [2 of 6]
"Press" File #1 104 [3 of 6]

Box 21

"Press" File #1 l04 [4 of 6]
"Press" File #1 104 [5 of 6]
"Press" File #1 104 [6 of 6]
Prime Rate 177
Problem Stories 109
Public Service Jobs 171
Public TV 225

Box 22

Reagan/California Welfare 193
Regulatory Agencies 178
Republican National Committee 96
San Jose Incident 133
School Prayer 211
Securities 105
Small Business 139
Sulzberger Interview 164
Summit Announcements 218
TV Ratings 91
Unannounced Action
Virgin Islands 125
253 Watergate-Articles [March - May 1973]
Project Work Papers 253 [Watergate and Other Headlines]
White House Dinner 135
Wires of Interest 170
[out cards]


Box 23

Africa 01
01 Africa--Biafra, Press Office
Vietnam, Paris Talks 02-18, [1 of 2]
Vietnam, Paris Talks 02-18, [2 of 2]
#2 Paris Talks, File #3 2-18, RN 8-Point peace plan speech 1/25/72, [1 of 2]

Box 24

#2 Paris Talks, File #3 2-18, RN 8-Point peace plan speech 1/25/72, [2 of 2]
Paris Talks, File #3, RN 8-point Peace Plan contains TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE) II [2-18], [1 of 3]
Paris Talks, File #3, RN 8-point Peace Plan contains TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE) II [2-18], [2 of 3]
Paris Talks, File #3, RN 8-point Peace Plan contains TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE) II [2-18], [3 of 3]
U.S. PEACE PROPOSALS 2-18 [1 of 3] #1
U.S. PEACE PROPOSALS 2-18 [2 of 3] #1
U.S. PEACE PROPOSALS 2-18 [3 of 3] #1

Box 25

VIETNAM Prisoners of War, I, 02-19 [1 of 2]
VIETNAM Prisoners of War, I, 02-19 [2 of 2]
VIETNAM Prisoners of War II, 02-19 [1 of 3]
VIETNAM Prisoners of War II, 02-19 [2 of 3]
VIETNAM Prisoners of War II, 02-19 [3 of 3]
2-22 Mansfield Amendment
VIETNAM 02-22 Withdrawal Statements [1 of 3]

Box 26

VIETNAM 02-22 Withdrawal Statements [2 of 3]
VIETNAM 02-22 Withdrawal Statements [3 of 3]
VN-- Oct. 7 Peace Initiative 2-30
2-72 Vietnam (1972- ) I [1 of 3]
2-72 Vietnam (1972- ) I [2 of 3]
2-72 Vietnam (1972- ) I [3 of 3]

Box 27

Vietnam (1972- ) II 02-72 [1 of 2]
Vietnam (1972- ) II 02-72 [2 of 2]
VIETNAM-U.S., JOINT COMMUNIQUE June 13, 1973 (Paris) [02-?]
[VIETNAM, 02-?] Wire Service Stories, I
[VIETNAM, 02-?] Wire Service Stories, II
[VIETNAM, 02-72] Wire Service Stories, III, Press Releases [1 of 2]

Box 28

[VIETNAM, 02-72] Wire Service Stories, III, Press Releases [2 of 2]
PRC--Table Tennis Team 02.33-2
03 Europe
03.3--Europe Sov. Union
04.5 Cuba
05--Near East and South Asian Affairs
NEA [Near East, Arabia ?], United Arab Republic 05-3
NEA, Palestinians 05-4 [EMPTY]
5-7 Jordan

Box 29

Foreign Aid 06 [1 of 4]
Foreign Aid 06 [2 of 4]
Foreign Aid 06 [3 of 4]
Foreign Aid 06 [4 of 4]
Foreign Aid Supplemental 06.1

Box 30

10-Department of Defense
DOD--Laird Speeches 10-1
A.B.M. [Anti-Ballistic Missile] 10-3
A.B.M., Phase I, 1969, 10-4
A.B.M.--Phase II, 1970, 10-5

Box 31

A.B.M.--Working File, 10-6
DOD, Chemical & Biological Warfare 10-7, [1 of 2]
DOD, Chemical & Biological Warfare 10-7, [2 of 2]
DOD Cutbacks 10-8
DOD, Nuclear N.P.T. [Non-Proliferation Treaty] 10-11
Culebra [Island, Puerto Rico] 10-21


Box 32

64-10 Presidential Freedom Medal
Presidential Science Medal 64-11
Equal Time, 1970 64-13
TV-O'Brien, et. al. 64-15
Pres. Appearances 64-20
Cabinet Meetings 64-21
Cabinet Members 64-22
RN Mtgs. - Diplomatic 64-23
RN Mtgs. - Journalists 64-24
RN Mtgs. - Governors 64-25
RN Mtgs. - Judicial 64-26

Box 33

RN Mtgs.: Leadership 64-27
RN Mtgs.: Misc. Hill 64-28 [1 of 2]
RN Mtgs.: Misc. Hill 64-28 [2 of 2]
RN Mtgs.: Misc. 64-29
RN Mtgs.: Misc. File #2 64-29

Box 34

RN Mtgs.: Political 64-30
RN Mtgs.: Personal 64-31
RN Mtgs.: Science 64-32
Presidential Domestic Policy "Reforms" 64-35
Presidential TV Comparisons 64-36
RN Mtgs. with Editorial Boards 64-37
RN Mtgs.: Mayors 64-40
Mrs. Nixon 64-41
Red Cross 65


Box 35

Ron Ziegler Advance Trip [to China], Dec. 29, 1971, to Jan. 10, 1972, Press Options, Talking Points, Questions to be Answered
Visit of Richard Nixon, President of the United States, to the People's Republic of China, February 1972 [1 of 4]
Visit of Richard Nixon, President of the United States, to the People's Republic of China, February 1972 [2 of 4]
Visit of Richard Nixon, President of the United States, to the People's Republic of China, February 1972 [3 of 4]
Visit of Richard Nixon, President of the United States, to the People's Republic of China, February 1972 [4 of 4]
Biographical Material on Chinese Personalities
Trip Story Material - China

Box 36

[China Trip, February 1972] Gift Book -Mr. Ron Ziegler
Press Contingent - China [February 1972]
Visit of Richard Nixon, President of the United States, to the Federal Republic of Austria, May 1972
Visit of Richard Nixon, President of the United States, to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, May 1972 [1 of 4]
Visit of Richard Nixon, President of the United States, to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, May 1972 [2 of 4]
Visit of Richard Nixon, President of the United States, to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, May 1972 [3 of 4]
Visit of Richard Nixon, President of the United States, to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, May 1972 [4 of 4]

Box 37

[Soviet Summit, May 1972: Tentative Schedule]
[Soviet Summit, May 1972] Joint Agreements Information, Secret - Sensitive [1 of 2]
[Soviet Summit, May 1972] Joint Agreements Information, Secret - Sensitive [2 of 2]
[Soviet Summit, May 1972] Issues Briefing Book
[Soviet Summit, May 1972] Soviet Viewpoint & Objectives
[Soviet Summit, May 1972] I. U.S.S.R. - People
[Soviet Summit, May 1972] III U.S.S.R. - Plans/Memoranda
Cables Sent to Elbourne; Press Arrangement for Summit Meeting - Moscow [May 1972]
[Soviet Summit, May 1972] Press Contingent - USSR

Box 38

[The President's Trips to China and the Soviet Union, February and May 1972] Alternative Plans for Press Contingent
Visit of Richard Nixon, President of the United States, to the Empire of Iran, May 1972
Ziegler Counterparts, Austria, USSR, Iran, Poland [May 1972]
The Visit of Prime Minister Heath of the United Kingdom, February 1973, Mr. Ziegler
The Visit of King Hussein of Jordan, February 1973, Briefing Material, NSC
The Visit of Prime Minister Meir of Israel, February - March 1973, NSC Staff
Briefing Book: Visit of President Thieu, Republic of Vietnam, April 1973, NSC Staff

Box 39

The Visit of Prime Minister and Andreotti of Italy, April 1973, Ronald Ziegler
The Visit of Chancellor Brandt of the Federal Republic of Germany, May 1973, NSC Staff
Visit of Emperor Haile Selassie I [May 1973]
Schedule - Richard Nixon, President of the United States, Reykjavik, Iceland, May 30 - June 1, 1973
Consultations with President Pompidou of France, Reykjavik, May-June 1973, NSC [1 of 4]
Consultations with President Pompidou of France, Reykjavik, May-June 1973, NSC [2 of 4]
Consultations with President Pompidou of France, Reykjavik, May-June 1973, NSC [3 of 4]
Consultations with President Pompidou of France, Reykjavik, May-June 1973, NSC [4 of 4]

Box 40

Consultations with Prime Minister Johannesson of Iceland, Reykjavik, May-June 1973, Ron Ziegler
The Visit of President Tolbert of Liberia, June 1973, Ron Zielger
The Official Visit of His Excellency Leonid I. Brezhnev, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Soviet Union, to the United States of America, June 1973, Schedule
Briefing Book: Visit of General Secretary Brezhnev to the United States of America, June 1973
Background papers, volume I, Visit of General Secretary Brezhnev to the United States of America, June 1973
Visit of General Secretary Brezhnev to the United States of America, June 1973, Background Papers, vol. II

Box 41

[Nixon-Brezhnev Meetings, June 18-24, 1973]
[Brezhnev Visit, June 1973] Agreements Between U.S.S.R and the United States
Briefing Folder - Brezhnev [June 1973]
Guidance - Brezhnev Visit [June 1973]
[Brezhnev Visit, June 1973, Briefing Papers]
[Brezhnev Visit, June 1973, Briefing Papers] Middle East
[Brezhnev Visit, June 1973, Briefing Papers] SALT
[Brezhnev Visit, June 1973] SECRET - Bilateral Agreements, Nuclear Agreements, Salt Principles, Middle East, Vietnam
[Brezhnev Visit, June 1973, Transcripts of Brezhnev Remarks]
Ron Ziegler - Secret - Brezhnev Visit to U.S. (Schedule), Site Diagram, Proposed [Press] Pool [June 1973]
[Brezhnev Visit, June 1973: Joint Communiqué, Menu, Tour Schedule]
[Brezhnev Visit, June 1973: Trip to] California

Box 42

Visit of Houphout - Boigny [President of the Ivory Coast], October 8-9, 1973
Department of State Briefing Book: Pompidou Funeral, April 1972, Mr. Ziegler, SECRET/EXDIS
Department of State Briefing Book - Ron Ziegler [Meeting with Algerian President Boumediene, April 11, 1974]
Department of State Briefing Book [Visit of Prince Fahd of Saudi Arabia, June 6-7, 1974] [1 of 2]
Department of State Briefing Book [Visit of Prince Fahd of Saudi Arabia, June 6-7, 1974] [2 of 2]


Box 43

Foreign Policy Guidance, August through Oct. 1972 [1 of 3]
Foreign Policy Guidance, August through Oct. 1972 [2 of 3]
Foreign Policy Guidance, August through Oct. 1972 [3 of 3]
Foreign Policy Guidance, November - December 1972 [1 of 2]
Foreign Policy Guidance, November - December 1972 [2 of 2]
Foreign Policy Guidance, January - March 1973 [1 of 3]
Foreign Policy Guidance, January - March 1973 [2 of 3]
Foreign Policy Guidance, January - March 1973 [3 of 3]

Box 44

Foreign Policy Guidance, April - May 1973 [1 of 3]
Foreign Policy Guidance, April - May 1973 [2 of 3]
Foreign Policy Guidance, April - May 1973 [3 of 3]
Foreign Policy Guidance, June, July, August 1973 [1 of 3]
Foreign Policy Guidance, June, July, August 1973 [2 of 3]
Foreign Policy Guidance, June, July, August 1973 [3 of 3]
Foreign Policy Guidance, September/October 1973 [1 of 2]
Foreign Policy Guidance, September/October 1973 [2 of 2]

Box 45

Foreign Policy Guidance, November/December 1973 [1 of 2]
Foreign Policy Guidance, November/December 1973 [2 of 2]


Presidential Talkers - Feb. 1973 - July 12, 1973 [1 of 7]
Presidential Talkers - Feb. 1973 - July 12, 1973 [2 of 7]
Presidential Talkers - Feb. 1973 - July 12, 1973 [3 of 7]
Presidential Talkers - Feb. 1973 - July 12, 1973 [4 of 7]
Presidential Talkers - Feb. 1973 - July 12, 1973 [5 of 7]

Box 46

Presidential Talkers - Feb. 1973 - July 12, 1973 [6 of 7]
Presidential Talkers - Feb. 1973 - July 12, 1973 [7 of 7]
Presidential Talkers - July 23, 1973 - Sept. 31, 1973 [1 of 5]
Presidential Talkers - July 23, 1973 - Sept. 31, 1973 [2 of 5]
Presidential Talkers - July 23, 1973 - Sept. 31, 1973 [3 of 5]
Presidential Talkers - July 23, 1973 - Sept. 31, 1973 [4 of 5]
Presidential Talkers - July 23, 1973 - Sept. 31, 1973 [5 of 5]
Talkers - Oct. 1973 [1 of 2]

Box 47

Talkers - Oct. 1973 [2 of 2]
Talkers - Nov . 1973
Talkers - Dec. 1973


[Press Office News Summaries and Announcements, May - Sept. 1973] [1 of 19]
[Press Office News Summaries and Announcements, May - Sept. 1973] [2 of 19]
[Press Office News Summaries and Announcements, May - Sept. 1973] [3 of 19]

Box 48

[Press Office News Summaries and Announcements, May - Sept. 1973] [4 of 19]
[Press Office News Summaries and Announcements, May - Sept. 1973] [5 of 19]
[Press Office News Summaries and Announcements, May - Sept. 1973] [6 of 19]
[Press Office News Summaries and Announcements, May - Sept. 1973] [7 of 19]
[Press Office News Summaries and Announcements, May - Sept. 1973] [8 of 19]
[Press Office News Summaries and Announcements, May - Sept. 1973] [9 of 19]
[Press Office News Summaries and Announcements, May - Sept. 1973] [10 of 19]
[Press Office News Summaries and Announcements, May - Sept. 1973] [11 of 19]
[Press Office News Summaries and Announcements, May - Sept. 1973] [12 of 19]

Box 49

[Press Office News Summaries and Announcements, May - Sept. 1973] [13 of 19]
[Press Office News Summaries and Announcements, May - Sept. 1973] [14 of 19]
[Press Office News Summaries and Announcements, May - Sept. 1973] [15 of 19]
[Press Office News Summaries and Announcements, May - Sept. 1973] [16 of 19]
[Press Office News Summaries and Announcements, May - Sept. 1973] [17 of 19]
[Press Office News Summaries and Announcements, May - Sept. 1973] [18 of 19]
[Press Office News Summaries and Announcements, May - Sept. 1973] [19 of 19]
RZ Special Summaries, 9/19/73 - 10/31/73 [Press Office News Summaries and Announcements] [1 of 5]
RZ Special Summaries, 9/19/73 - 10/31/73 [Press Office News Summaries and Announcements] [2 of 5]

Box 50

RZ Special Summaries, 9/19/73 - l0/3l/73 [Press Office News Summaries and Announcements] [3 of 5]
RZ Special Summaries, 9/19/73 - 10/31/73 [Press Office News Summaries and Announcements] [4 of 5]
RZ Special Summaries, 9/19/73 - 10/31/73 [Press Office News Summaries and Announcements] [5 of 5]
RZ Special Summaries, Nov. 1-Nov. 18, 1973 [Press Office News Summaries and Announcements] [1 of 4]
RZ Special Summaries, Nov. l-Nov. l8, 1973 [Press Office News Summaries and Announcements] [2 of 4]
RZ Special Summaries, Nov. l-Nov. l8, 1973 [Press Office News Summaries and Announcements] [3 of 4]
RZ Special Summaries, Nov. l-Nov. l8, 1973 [Press Office News Summaries and Announcements] [4 of 4]
RZ Special Summaries, Nov. 19,1973 - Dec. 1973 [Press Office News Summaries and Announcements] [1 of 5]

Box 51

RZ Special Summaries, Nov. 19,1973 - Dec. 1973 [Press Office News Summaries and Announcements] [2 of 5]
RZ Special Summaries, Nov. 19,1973 - Dec. 1973 [Press Office News Summaries and Announcements] [3 of 5]
RZ Special Summaries, Nov. 19,1973 - Dec. 1973 [Press Office News Summaries and Announcements] [4 of 5]
RZ Special Summaries, Nov. 19,1973 - Dec. 1973 [Press Office News Summaries and Announcements] [5 of 5} [Drafts of Energy Speech, Nov. 1973]



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