United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

VA Healthcare System of Ohio

Veterans Industries

Compensated Work Therapy Logo including Veterans Working

Direct Employment

Transitional Employment

Sheltered Workshops

Veteran Enrollment


Stakeholder Reports

Useful Links


Veterans Industries of Chillicothe, Ohio provides a comprehensive vocational program that will provide businesses with a variety of services to meet their specific needs. Through our compensated work therapy program, we serve as an outsourcing agency for community businesses. We negotiate contracts from various industries to provide work in our sheltered workshops. We also negotiate contracts with local business to provide labor services for semi-skilled and unskilled positions in information technology, office management, clerical, retail, manufacturing and production, warehousing, grounds maintenance, golf course maintenance, manual labor, food services, etc.

Direct Employment

Transitional Employment

Sheltered Workshops


We understand that every business is different and we have skilled Vocational Specialists on staff to help meet your individual requirements. Depending on your company's needs, Veterans Industries may be an efficient and effective option for hourly work or tasks completed on a piece rate or job rate basis. Please E-Mail us if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions for the program.

Direct Employment

Businesses wanting to hire from a prescreened dedicated labor pool can contact our Vocational Counselors at (740) 773-1141 Ext. 7479, or Ext. 7659.

Related Links:
Center for Veterans Enterprise
Veterans Industries

Transitional Employment

Our program can provide employers with temporary staffing to meet their changing needs. The Veterans Industries "temp to hire" transitional work program allows a company to pre-screen veterans, observing them in action before making a decision regarding competitive employment. Our professional staff will make site visits to provide assistance to the employer and to insure that their needs are being met. Lower your business costs while meeting your production/labor needs.

Veteran Enrollment 

Veterans seeking assistance with career counseling, education and training, preparing a resume, searching job listings, assistance finding a job, or interested in developing/renewing work hardening skills in our sheltered workshops or transitional work.  Please e-mail us or contact us at 740-773-1141 ext. 7231, or toll free at 1-800-358-8262, ext. 7231 for enrollment procedures.  By clicking on this link you will be leaving the VA Website.

Commission on Accreditation
of Rehabilitation Facilities

Sheltered Workshops

Veterans can enhance their quality of life with opportunities to improve work skills and earn needed income as they prepare to return to the competitive job market. Work performed can range from simple packaging to more complex fabrication and assembly using various machines. Contracted industries get fast, cost effective production. All work is done with strict VA staff supervision. We ensure excellent quality control. Services have proven to be beneficial for both veterans and the community.

  • Competitively priced quality work, completed on a timely basis.

  • Packaging, sorting, grading, recycling, reclaiming, and assembling.

  • Professional staff focused on quality work.

  • Secure work and storage space for your company's products.

  • Woodworking and metalworking capabilities to meet specific contract needs.

Cost Savings for businesses

  • Prescreened, skilled and non-skilled labor

  • Reduced overhead; FICA, worker compensation, and employee benefits

  • Reduction in employee turnover

  • Decreased cost of hiring and training

  • No payroll to process

For more information on Veterans Industries call (740) 773-1141 Ext. 7231 or E-mail.