Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 4-3


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Mode 1970 1980 1990 2000 2004
Air carrier 2,068 2,523 3,963 5,664 6,552
General aviation 3,207 5,204 4,548 aN aN
Passenger cars 916,700 1,111,596 1,408,266 1,600,287 1,704,982
Other 2-axle, 4-tire vehiclesb 123,286 290,935 574,571 923,059 1,014,342
Motorcycles 2,979 10,214 9,557 10,469 10,048
Busesc 4,544 6,059 5,726 7,590 6,637
Single-unit 27,081 39,813 51,901 70,500 81,107
Combination 35,134 68,678 94,341 135,020 145,398
Transite 441 403 561 648 P710
Commuter N 179 213 271 P295
Intercity/Amtrakf 690 235 301 368 308
Class 1 freight 29,890 29,277 26,159 34,590 37,071
Other transitg N 15 324 833 P986

a The Federal Aviation Administration has estimated vehicle-miles for general aviation aircraft through 1997, relying in part on hours-flown survey data. Vehicle-miles estimates for subsequent years are not yet available.

b Includes vans, pickup trucks, sport utility vehicles, and other 2-axle, 4-tire motor vehicles that are not passenger cars.

c Includes municipally owned transit and commercial, federal, and school buses.

d Car-miles.

e Includes light and heavy rail only.

f Fiscal year data. Amtrak began operations in 1971.

g Includes demand response, ferryboat, and other transit not specified; 1980 data include "other transit" only.

Key: N = data are nonexistent; P = preliminary.

Sources: Except as noted, various sources, as cited in U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, National Transportation Statistics, table 1-32, available at http://www.bts.gov, as of October 2006.

2004 transit, commuter, and other transit: American Public Transportation Association, 2006 Public Transportation Fact Book, table 12 and 15, available at http://www.apta.com/research/stats/, as of October 2006.