5-9,,,, U.S. Trade in Transportation-Related Commodities: 2005,,,, (Millions of current U.S. dollars),,,, Commodity and code,Exports,Imports,Total trade,Balance Motor vehicles and parts (87),"83,161","199,806","282,967","-116,645" "Aircraft, spacecraft, and parts (88)","49,823","16,486","66,309","33,337" "Ships, boats, and floating structures (89)","1,994","1,713","3,707",281 Railway or tramway locomotives and parts (86),"2,236","1,517","3,753",719 "Total, transportation commodities","137,214","219,522","356,736","-82,308" "Total, all commodities","904,380","1,670,940","2,575,320","-766,560" Transportation commodities share of trade,15.2%,13.1%,13.9%,10.7% Notes: The numbers in parentheses are the classification categories from the Harmonized Schedule of Commodity Codes.,,,, "Classification category (87) also includes bicycles, wheelchairs, and baby carriages.",,,, Total trade = exports plus imports. Balance = exports minus imports.,,,, "Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics; based on data from U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. International Trade Commission, Interactive Tariff and Trade DataWeb, available at http://dataweb.usitc.gov, as of September 2006.",,,,