4-14,,,, Amtrak On-Time Performance Trends and Hours of Delay by Cause,,,, ,2003,2004,2005,2006 On-time performance,,,, Total (weighted),73.9%,70.7%,69.8%,67.8% Short distance (<400 miles)a,77.7%,75.2%,73.6%,72.8% Long distance (>400 miles) ,50.3%,40.7%,42.1%,29.9% Hours of delay by cause ,,,, Amtrakb,"25,711","28,328","25,549","23,967" Host railroadc,"57,346","61,256","64,097","71,388" Otherd,"5,355","5,577","5,613","6,166" Totale,"88,413","95,162","95,260","101,522" "a Includes all Amtrak Northeast Corridor and Empire Service (New York State) trains. b Includes all delays when operating on Amtrak-owned tracks and delays for equipment or engine failure, passenger handling, holding for connections, train servicing, and mail/baggage handling when on tracks of a host railroad. c Includes all operating delays not attributable to Amtrak when operating on tracks of a host railroad (e.g., track- and signal-related delays, power failures, freight and commuter train interference, routing delays). d Includes delays not attributable to Amtrak or host railroads (e.g., customs and immigration, law enforcement action, weather, or waiting for scheduled departure time). e Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.",,,, Notes: All percentages are based on Amtrak’s fiscal year (Oct. 1–Sept. 30). Host railroad is a freight or commuter railroad over which many Amtrak trains operate for all or part of their trips.,,,, Amtrak trips are considered delayed based on the following chart:,,,, "The ranges of short and long distance operating miles are changed in this report. Short distance equals <=400 miles, and long distance equals > 400 miles",,,, Trip length (miles,Arrival time delay (minutes), 0–250,10, 251–350,15, 351–450,20, 451–550,25, > 551,30, "Source: Amtrak, personal communication, November 2006.",,