Figure 5-10,,,,,,, New Passenger Car and Light Truck Sales: Model Years 1985–2006,,,,,,, Millions of vehicles,,,,,,, Year,Cars,Light trucks,,,,, 1985,10.79,3.67,,,,, 1986,11.02,4.35,,,,, 1987,10.73,4.13,,,,, 1988,10.74,4.56,,,,, 1989,10.02,4.44,,,,, 1990,8.81,3.80,,,,, 1991,8.52,4.05,,,,, 1992,8.11,4.06,,,,, 1993,8.46,4.75,,,,, 1994,8.41,5.71,,,,, 1995,9.40,5.75,,,,, 1996,7.89,5.25,,,,, 1997,8.34,6.12,,,,, 1998,7.97,6.49,,,,, 1999,8.38,6.84,,,,, 2000,9.13,7.45,,,,, 2001,8.41,7.20,,,,, 2002,8.31,7.82,,,,, 2003,7.95,7.82,,,,, 2004,R7.54,R8.17,,,,, 2005,R7.98,R7.99,,,,, 2006,P8.27,P8.41,,,,, R = revised; P = preliminary.,,,,,,, "Notes: Data are based on Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) definitions of light trucks (gross vehicle weight of 8,500 pounds or less).",,,,,,, "Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Light-Duty Automotive Technology and Fuel Economy Trends: 1975 Through 2006, Table 1, available at, as of July 2006.",,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,