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Materials Restrictions

About the Materials

Materials' History

How We Process the Materials

Mandatory Review Requests


Materials Restrictions

Archival Processing of the Textual Materials

How the Textual Materials are Withdrawn

About Nixon Presidential Materials Releases

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The Nixon Presidential Materials Staff processes records in its holdings under specific regulations outlined in the Presidential Materials and Recordings Preservation Act of 1974 (as amended).

Restriction Codes

The following eight restriction classifications are criteria under which the National Archives will withdraw material from public availability.

A   –   Release would violate a Federal statute or agency policy

B   –   National security classified information

C   –   Pending or approved claim that release would violate an individual's rights

D   –   Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of privacy or a libel of a living person

E   –   Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information

F   –   Release would disclose investigatory information compiled for law enforcement purposes

G   –   Withdrawn and returned private and personal material

H   –   Withdrawn non-historical material

Other Restrictions  [See Also:  Declassification]

Most of the documents closed under the restrictions of the PRA and the FOIA relate to national security information, confidential advice between the President and his advisors or between such advisors, or information regarded as a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Items removed from a collection are listed on withdrawal sheets placed in the open file. These sheets cite PRA and/or FOIA restrictions applied.

How We Process the Materials


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