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J. Bruce Whelihan

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The Presidential historical materials of J. Bruce Whelihan, Staff Assistant, White House Press Office, are in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of Title I of the Presidential Recording and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-526, 88 Stat. 1695) and implementing regulations. In accordance with the act and regulations, archivists reviewed the file group to identify personal and private materials and nonhistorical items. These items have been returned to Whelihan.

Materials covered by the act have been archivally processed and are described in this register. Items which are security classified or otherwise restricted under the act and regulations have been removed and placed in a closed file. A Document Withdrawal Record (GSA Form 7279) with a description of each restricted document has been inserted at the beginning of each folder from which materials have been removed. A Document Control Record marks the original position of the withdrawn item.

Employees of the National Archives will review periodically the unclassified portions of closed materials for the purpose of opening those which no longer require restriction. Certain classified documents may be declassified under the Executive Order 12958 in response to a Mandatory Review Request (NA Form 14020) submitted by the researcher.

  • Linear feet of materials:   4.5
  • Approximate number of pages:   8,400

Biographical Note

1942 October 3 Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

1964 B.A., Washington and Lee University

1966 M.B.A., Wharton School of Commerce and Finance, University of Pennsylvania

1966-1968 Credit Analyst, Irving Trust Co., NYC

1968 Republican National Committee, Nixon Campaign

1968-1969 Presidential Transition Committee

1969-1971 Staff Assistant, White House Press Office

1971-1972 Special Assistant to the Director, Office of Office of Emergency Preparedness

1972-1974 Staff Assistant, White House Press Office

Scope and Content Note

J. Bruce Whelihan created these materials during the years 1969-74. During this time he served as a Staff Assistant in the White House Press Office. His principal duties consisted of providing accreditation for journalists who sought access to White House news conferences, supervising the physical arrangements of news conferences in the White House and throughout the country, providing the press with photographs from the White House Photo Office, and monitoring the performance of Public Information Officers in government departments and agencies.

The Whelihan materials reflect the White House Press Office's monitoring of controversial issues that appeared in the news media during the Nixon administration. The newspaper clippings, teletype stories, and press releases cover such issues as misuse of Government agencies, Watergate, and impeachment. Many of the newsclippings and press releases relate to campaign finance issues such as ITT and milk support prices. Also included are financial reports, tax forms, and press releases concerning the President's personal finances, particularly his property holdings in Key Biscayne and San Clemente. Other printed material in the files relate to family members Donald and Edward C. Nixon, and Nixon associates Robert H. Abplanalp, C.G. "Bebe" Rebozo, and C. Arnolt Smith. Also included are materials dealing with press office organization and personnel matters.

The materials are arranged into three series:

  1. Subject Files
  2. Administrative Files
  3. Miscellany

Series Description

Boxes:   1-10
Series:   Subject Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969 - 1974
Misuse of Government Agencies, 1969-74. Copies and some originals of newsclippings, press releases, transcripts of press briefings, and memoranda. Arranged alphabetically by agency.

Watergate, 1972-74. Copies and some originals of newsclippings and printed materials. Unarranged.

Impeachment, 1973-74. Copies and some originals of newsclippings and printed materials. Arranged alphabetically.

Finances, 1969-74. Copies and some originals of tax forms, financial reports, newsclippings, press releases, and transcripts of press briefings. There are some loose documents, but materials are primarily arranged alphabetically by subject.

Nixon Family/Friends, 1969-74. Copies and some originals of newsclippings, transcripts of press briefings, and summaries. Arranged alphabetically.

Boxes:   10
Series:   Administrative Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   1972 - 1973
Description:   Originals and some copies of memoranda and personnel records. Arranged alphabetically.

Boxes:   11
Series:   Miscellany | Folder Title List
Spans:   1970 - 1974
Description:   Copies and some originals of news chronologies and newsclippings. Copy of Economic Report of the President. Unarranged.

Folder Title List


Box 1

Misuse of Government Agencies
Misuse - General
Misuse - [empty]
Plumbers Chronology
Domestic Violence Chronology
[Plumbers, Domestic Violence]
Newspaper Articles on Watergate and Misuse of Office
Misuse - Natl. Security/Plumbers [1 of 3]
Misuse - Natl. Security/Plumbers [2 of 3]
Misuse - Natl. Security/Plumbers [3 of 3]
Ellsberg/Plumbers--Charles Colson
Ellsberg/Plumbers--David Young
Misuse - Krogh
Spying, Burglary

Box 2

F.B.I. - Chron
FBI and Wiretapping [1 of 2]
FBI and Wiretapping [2 of 2]
Domestic Intelligence - Huston/IEC
J. Edgar Hoover
IRS and IRS Misuse Chron - April 3, 1970
I.R.S. - Chron
Justice Department
John Mitchell
SBA - Briefing [empty]
U.S.S.[S.] [Secret Service]
[Newspaper Articles by Jack Anderson; Article on Matthew Case; and Miscellaneous Cables]

Box 3

Chronologies - Theories
Special Prosecutor Staff Listing
Supreme Court Hearings - Nos. 73-1766 & 73-1834 - October Term. 1973 - 2 copies - 48 pp. each
Supreme Court Hearing - Nos. 73-1766 &73-1834 - 149 pp.
Submission of Recorded Presidential Conversations to the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives by President Richard Nixon
FBI - Demonstrations
Hughes - UPI
Impeachment - UPI
Crime - UPI
Dairy - UPI


ACLU - Chron [American Civil Liberties Union]
AFL-CIO -- Chron, Labor

SUBJECT FILES: FINANCES [Campaign], 1969-74

Box 4

Campaign Finances (General)
Campaign Finances [1 of 2]
Campaign Finances-General
Campaign Finances-Hoffa/Teamsters
Campaign Finances-Vesco [1 of 2
Campaign Finances-Vesco [2 of 2]
Campaign Finances [2 of 2]
Campaign Finances (Hoffa)
Campaign Finances (ITT)
Campaign Finances-ITT [1 of 2]
Campaign Finances-ITT [2 of 2]
Campaign Finances (Milk Price Supports)
Campaign Finances-Milk Support Prices
Milk Support Prices
Milk Support Prices-Milk Prices-Briefing
Milk Support Prices-Milk Support Prices
Milk Support Prices-Milk Prices Documents
Clem Stone
Campaign Finances (Vesco)

Box 5

President's Finances Chronology

SUBJECT FILES: FINANCES [Presidential], 1969-74

President's Finances (Taxes)
President's Finances
[President's Taxes]
Loose Documents Relating to "President's Finances" REM April 14, 1975 [1 of 3] [1973]
Loose Documents Relating to "President's Finances" REM April 14, 1975 [2 of 3] [1973]
Loose Documents Relating to "President's Finances" REM April 14, 1975 [3 of 3] [1973]
[President Nixon's and First Lady's Tax and Financial Status, 1969-72]
Tax Returns -- 1969-72 [empty]
[President's and First Lady's Tax Returns - 1969-72]
Joint Comm. - Corres. and Meetings

Box 6

President's Charitable Contributions
Loose Documents Relating to "President's Finances - Copy of Chattle"
DeMarco Deposition Memo
Gift of Papers -- brief, etc.
Property [1 of 2]
Property [2 of 2]
Property Material -- A re-release
Wakefield [1 of 2]
Wakefield [2 of 2]

Box 7

President's Finances (San Clemente)
California Tax Board
San Clemente Appraisals
Butler Letter
Briefings and Clippings, 2 of 2 San Clemente - Briefings
Briefings and Clippings, 2 of 2 San Clemente
Briefings and Clippings, 2 of 2 San Clemente - Documents
Briefings and Clippings, 2 of 2 San Clemente - Assessment - Briefings [empty]
Briefings and Clippings, 2 of 2 San Clemente Assessment
Briefings and Clippings, 2 of 2 San Clemente Assessment-Documents [empty]
President's Finances (Trust Fund)
Tax Briefings [1 of 6]
Tax Briefings [2 of 6]
Tax Briefings [3 of 6]
Tax Briefings [4 of 6]

Box 8

Tax Briefings [5 of 6]
Tax Briefings [6 of 6]
Releases - pre 12/73
Releases - (Sets) 12/8/73 [empty]
[Press Releases (December 1973) [1 of 2]
[Press Releases (December 1973] [2 of 2]
Briefings and Clippings 1 of 2
Briefings and Clippings 1 of 2-V. Pres. [Vice President] Papers - Briefings
Briefings and Clippings 1 of 2-Cape Florida - Briefings
Briefings and Clippings 1 of 2-V. [Vice] Presidential Papers
Briefings and Clippings 1 of 2-Cape Florida - (Tricia)
Briefings and Clippings 1 of 2-Payments
Memos, Notes, Work Sheets, etc.
Memos, Notes, Work Sheets, etc.-Work sheet-JBW
Releases - for working references


Box 9

Don Nixon [1 of 4]
Don Nixon [1 of 4]--Don Nixon--Hughes
Don Nixon [1 of 4]-Don Nixon - Wiretaps
Don Nixon [1 of 4]-Don Nixon - Vesco [empty]
Don Nixon [1 of 4]-Don Nixon - Other
Don Nixon [2 of 4]
Don Nixon [2 of 4]-Don Nixon - Hughes
Don Nixon [2 of 4]--Don Nixon - Other
Don Nixon [2 of 4]--Don Nixon - (Vesco)
Don Nixon [2 of 4]-Wiretaps
Don Nixon [2 of 4]-Don Nixon
Don Nixon [3 of 4]
Don Nixon [3 of 4]-Don Nixon/Hughes - Briefings
Don Nixon [3 of 4]-Don Nixon/Hughes
Don Nixon [3 of 4]-Don Nixon/Hughes - Documents
Don Nixon [3 of 4]-Don Nixon/Wiretaps - Briefings
Don Nixon [3 of 4]-Don Nixon/Wiretaps
Don Nixon [3 of 4]-Don Nixon/Wiretaps - Documents
Don Nixon [4 of 4]
Don Nixon [4 of 4]-Don Nixon/Vesco - Briefings [empty]
Don Nixon [4 of 4]-Don Nixon/Vesco
Don Nixon [4 of 4]-Don Nixon/Vesco - Documents [empty]
Don Nixon [4 of 4]-Don Nixon/Other - Briefings
Don Nixon [4 of 4]-Don Nixon/Other
Don Nixon [4 of 4]-Don Nixon/Other - Documents [empty]
Ed Nixon [1 of 3] [empty]
Ed Nixon [2 of 3]
Ed Nixon [2 of 3]-Ed Nixon
Ed Nixon [3 of 3]
Ed Nixon [3 of 3]-Ed Nixon - Briefings
Ed Nixon [3 of 3]-Ed Nixon
Ed Nixon [3 of 3]-Ed Nixon - Documents [empty]
Robert Abplanalp [1 of 2] [empty]
Robert Abplanalp [2 of 2]
Robert Abplanalp [2 of 2]-Robert Abplanalp
Abplanalp-Abplanalp - Briefings
Abplanalp-Abplanalp - Documents [empty]
Rebozo-Rebozo - Hughes
Rebozo-Rebozo - Stock Loan
Rebozo-Rebozo - Bank Charter
Rebozo-[C.G. Rebozo]
C.G. Rebozo
C.G. Rebozo-C. G. Rebozo - Stock Loan [empty]
C.G. Rebozo-C. G. Rebozo - Hughes
C.G. Rebozo-C. G. Rebozo - Bank Charters
C.G. Rebozo-C. G. Rebozo - Other
C.G. Rebozo-[C. G. Rebozo - Miami Herald interview]
Rebozo [1 of 2]
Rebozo [1 of 2]-Rebozo/Hughes - Briefings
Rebozo [1 of 2]-Don Nixon/Hughes - Documents [titled incorrectly]
Rebozo [1 of 2]-Rebozo/(Stock) Loan - Briefings [empty]
Rebozo [1 of 2]-Rebozo/(Stock) Loan
Rebozo [1 of 2]-Rebozo/(Stock) Loan - Documents

Box 10

Rebozo [2 of 2]
Rebozo [2 of 2]--Rebozo/Bank Charters - Briefings
Rebozo [2 of 2]--Rebozo/Other
Rebozo [2 of 2]--Rebozo-Other Documents [Empty]
Rebozo [2 of 2]--Rebozo/Bank Charters
Rebozo [2 of 2]--Rebozo/Bank Charters-Documents
Rebozo [2 of 2]--Rebozo/Other-Briefings [empty]
C. Arnholt Smith [1 of 2]
C. Arnholt Smith [2 of 2]
C. Arnholt Smith [2 of 2]-C Arnholt Smith
C.A. Smith
C.A. Smith-C.A. Smith-Briefings
C.A. Smith-C.A. Smith
C.A. Smith-Documents [empty]
[Nixon Family and Friends]


[Press Office Organization] [1 of 5]
[Press Office Organization] [2 of 5]
[Press Office Organization] [3 of 5]
[Press Office Organization] [4 of 5]
[Press Office Organization] [5 of 5]


Box 11

Date Project
Jack Anderson
Jack Anderson-Processed
Jack Anderson-Raw
Economic Report of the President, February 1974 [Book]

Box 12

Special Prosecutor Staff Listing [Extra copies]
Hughes-UPI [Extra copies]
Impeachment-UPI [Extra copies]
Crime-UPI [Extra copies]
Dairy-UPI [Extra copies]
ITT-UPI [Extra copies]
[President's and First Lady's Tax Returns-1969-1972] [Extra copies]
[President's and First Lady's Tax Returns-1969-1972] [Extra copies]
Audit/Report [Extra copies]
Deed [Extra copies]
Butler Letter [Extra copies]
[Press Releases (December 1973)] [1 of 2] [Extra copies]



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