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Abbreviations used in this Finding Aid:

    DR   =   disc recordings of various types
    AT   =   audio tape
    ATC   =   audio cassette tape

Title/Event: "Hang in There"
File/ID No.: 00000001 Format: DR
Topic/Subject: Advice to Nixon during Watergate Scandal: "hang tough" set to popular song.
Time: 03:03
Remarks: From 45 rpm disc

Title/Event: "Production Music-The U.S. Air Force"
File/ID No.: 00000002 Format: AT
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: OPPA

Title/Event: "Air Force Production Music"
File/ID No.: 00000003 Format: AT
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: OPPA
Remarks: Sides 1&2

Title/Event: "Hang in There, Mr. President" and "They Bicycle Song"
File/ID No.: 00000004 Format: DR
Time: 05:00
Remarks: From 45 rpm disc

Title/Event: "U.S. Army Band-The Army Blues"
File/ID No.: 00000005 Format: AT
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: OPPA

Title/Event: "The U.S. Army Band: 1775 & 1975"
File/ID No.: 00000006 Format: AT
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: OPPA
Time: 40:00

Title/Event: "200 Years of Readiness"
File/ID No.: 00000007 Format: AT

Title/Event: "U.S. Army Chamber Orchestra"
File/ID No.: 00000008 Format: AT
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: OPPA

Title/Event: "The U.S. Army Band: The Army Blues"
File/ID No.: 00000009 Format: AT
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: OPPA
Time: 34:00

Title/Event: "Pershing's own: Featuring 'Don Juan'"
File/ID No.: 00000010 Format: AT
Topic/Subject: Music Recording
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: OPPA

Title/Event: "The U.S. Army Chorus"
File/ID No.: 00000011 Format: AT
Topic/Subject: Military Mass, except Side 2, Spot 5
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: OPPA

Title/Event: "U.S. Army Band-'Your Army'"
File/ID No.: 00000012 Format: AT
Topic/Subject: Music Recording
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: OPPA
Remarks: Sides 1 & 2

Title/Event: "Go-Go-Go Republican"
File/ID No.: 00000013 Format: AT
Topic/Subject: music recording
Time: 05:00

Title/Event: "We need Nixon"
File/ID No.: 00000014 Format: AT
Participants: Lional Hampton
Topic/Subject: "More Than Ever"; Band 2: Lionel Hampton-"We Need Nixon"

Title/Event: A compilation of Presidential Oaths of Office
File/ID No.: 00000015 Format: ATC
Topic/Subject: (1) F DR. (2) LBJ (3) JFK (4) Richard Nixon (1969), (5) Gerald R. Ford (1974) and (6) Jimmy Carter
Time: 03:23

Title/Event: "Music for Campaign"
File/ID No.: 00000016 Format: AT
Topic/Subject: Various campaign songs from the 1952 and '56 elections and Sousa marches
Remarks: 7 1/2 ips full track recording on one mil mylar stock.

Title/Event: The U.S. Army Band: 'Pershings Own'-"The 1812 Overture"
File/ID No.: 00000017 Format: AT
Topic/Subject: "The 1812 Overture(15:40); Band two: "Five by the Beatles"(10:59); Band Three: "The First Time I Saw Your Face"(4:54); Band Four: "Tico-Tico"(2:32)
Restrictions: Band 1:Public Domain Bands 2-4:Under Copyright
Provenance: Office of Presidential Papers and Archives
Time: 32:00
Remarks: Recorded at 3 3/4 ips on one mil mylar stock

Title/Event: Unidentified Recording
File/ID No.: 00000018 Format: ATC
Topic/Subject: An unidentified male dictating his thoughts on Senate bill S-905. Transcription: "I think it wise to implement those recommendations administratively until Congress has decided about the merits of S-905 as a model. The Senate Governmental Affairs Committee may harden up and report this bill before adjourning."
Restrictions: Public Doman
Time: 00:30
Remarks: The audio is buried under an insistent power line hum.

Title/Event: "Vice President Nixon's Speech at Calvin College"
File/ID No.: 5600001 Format: AT
Participants: Richard M. Nixon
Approx. Date: 1956
Topic/Subject: Topics discussed are racial equality, relations with China and the universality of mankind.
Provenance: Donated Materials of Gordon Vander Till
Time: 20:00
Remarks: The original is 1/4" reel-to-reel.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech at the 'Poor Richard's Club's' Benjamin Franklin Dinner"
File/ID No.: 560117 Format: DR
Exact Date: 01/17/1956
Topic/Subject: RN recounts his and Mrs. Nixon's experiences on their Latin American and Far East trips.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #45
Time: 45:00
Remarks: The original recording is on three "Edison Voicewriter" dictation discs.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech at 'Salute to Eisenhower' dinner"
File/ID No.: 560120 Format: DR
Exact Date: 01/20/1956
Topic/Subject: reviews conditions in the country prior to Eisenhower and compares to conditions after 3 1/2 years of the Republican Administration.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #46
Time: 25:00
Remarks: The original recording is on two "Edison Voicewriter" dictation discs.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech at the Brand Names Day Dinner"
File/ID No.: 560418 Format: DR
Exact Date: 04/18/1956
Topic/Subject: Economic policy in the Eisenhower Administration
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #51
Time: 42:00
Remarks: The original recording is on three "Edison Voicewriter" dictation discs.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech at Lafayette College"
File/ID No.: 560607 Format: DR
Exact Date: 06/07/1956
Topic/Subject: Rivalry between communism and "the free world".
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #53
Time: 45:00
Remarks: The original is on three "Edison Voicewriter" dictation discs.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech at Montreat N.C."
File/ID No.: 560805 Format: DR
Exact Date: 08/05/1956
Topic/Subject: Communism a threat to religious values, the role of religion in American government.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #56
Time: 30:00
Remarks: The original recording is on two "Edison Voicewriter" dictation discs.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech to the American Legion"
File/ID No.: 560906 Format: DR
Exact Date: 09/06/1956
Topic/Subject: The Administration's plans for veteran's benefits, the threat of international communism, atomic weapons testing, U.S. refusal to recognize China.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #58
Time: 40:00
Remarks: The original recording is on four "Edison Voicewriter" dictation discs.

Title/Event: "Eisenhower/Nixon Campaign Rally at Grand Rapids, MI"
File/ID No.: 561001 Format: AT
Participants: Vice President Nixon, Congressman Gerald R. Ford
Exact Date: 10/01/1956
Restrictions: None
Provenance: Donated Papers of Gordon Vander Till
Remarks: The original is a 1/4" reel-to-reel tape.

Title/Event: "RN Draft Report on African Trip"
File/ID No.: 570405 Format: DR
Exact Date: 04/05/1957
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Pre-Presidential Deeded Materials: Series 351, Box #1 of 2
Time: 40:00
Remarks: The original recording is on two "Edison Voicewriter" dictation discs.

Title/Event: Side one: "America is Marching On"; Side Two: "What Is A Square?"
File/ID No.: 00000019 Format: DR
Topic/Subject: Music Recording
Restrictions: Copyright
Provenance: WHCF: Subject Files: FG 10-1 Cabinet Meetings, Box #2
Time: 05:11
Remarks: The original is a 45 rpm disc recording.

Title/Event: "Hungarian Rhapsody #2 by Franz Liszt"
File/ID No.: 00000020 Format: DR
Participants: R. Harvey, Pianist
Topic/Subject: Demonstration disc inscribed " To our beloved President in appreciation for your sincere interest in America and its future artists"
Restrictions: Unknown
Provenance: WHCF: SMOF: Garment, CFOA #902
Remarks: The original is a 33 1/3 rpm disc recording

Title/Event: "Public Service Jingles"
File/ID No.: 00000021 Format: DR
Participants: Ray Conniff and His Orchestra and Chorus
Topic/Subject: "Give, Register and Vote" campaign
Restrictions: Unknown
Time: 01:50
Remarks: The original is a 45 rpm disc recording

Title/Event: "David Frost Appearance on NPR program 'All Things Considered'"
File/ID No.: 00000022 Format: DR
Participants: David Frost, Cokie Roberts (interviewer)
Topic/Subject: A discussion of Frost's book on the Nixon-Frost interviews, "I Gave Them A Sword".
Restrictions: Copyright
Provenance: The Nixon Presidential Materials Staff
Remarks: Original tape is distorted due to over-recording.

Title/Event: "Excerpts from Gen. Douglas MacArthur's Farwell Address to Joint Session of Congress, April 19, 1951 [First Seg.]; 1952 Eisenhower campaign song "We Love the Sunshine of Your Smile"[Sec. seg] and1952 Nixon campaign song "We'll Ride with Nixon"[Third seg]
File/ID No.: 5100001 Format: AT
Participants: General Douglas MacArthur; The Pied Pipers Singers and the Mark Carter Orchestra
Exact Date: 04/19/1951
Approx. Date: 1952
Location: The Capitol Building; Wash. D.C.
Restrictions: Segment 1: Public Domain; Segment 2&3: copyright
Provenance: SMOF: OPPA
Time: 10:48

Title/Event: "1952 Campaign Speech by Senator Nixon at a Republican Political Rally in Saco, Maine"
File/ID No.: 5209001 Format: AT
Participants: Sen. Richard Nixon and Mrs. Pat Nixon
Approx. Date: 09-1972
Topic/Subject: Nixon sees a new economic boom under an Eisenhower Administration.
Location: Saco, Maine
Restrictions: Withrdrawn Item, Restriction code "G"
Provenance: SMOF: OPPA
Time: 26:00

Title/Event: "Republican Political Rally at Westbrook, Maine"
File/ID No.: 5209002 Format: AT
Participants: Governor of Maine, Sen. Richard Nixon
Approx. Date: 09-1952
Topic/Subject: Vice Presidential candidate Nixon delivers two minutes of remarks exhorting listeners to vote for Eisenhower; Nixon then "works the crowd". The tape ends with a speech by the Governor.
Location: Westbrook, Maine
Restrictions: Withdrawn Item, Restriction Code "G"
Provenance: SMOF: OPPA
Time: 56:00
Remarks: dual track orginal recording

Title/Event: "Nixon Speech at a Political Rally in Sanford, ME"
File/ID No.: 5209003 Format: AT
Participants: Senator Richard Nixon
Approx. Date: 09-1952
Topic/Subject: Richard Nixon charges the Truman Administration with "losing" China to communism and suggests that Truman State Department policies also caused the Korean War.
Location: Sanford, Maine
Restrictions: Withdrawn Item, Restriction Code "G"
Provenance: Office of Presidential Papers & Archives, NARS
Time: 45:00
Remarks: dual track original recording

Title/Event: "1952 Campaign Speech by Sen. Richard Nixon at a Republican Rally at the Town Hall in Portland, Maine"
File/ID No.: 520905 Format: AT
Participants: Senator Richard Nixon
Exact Date: 09/05/1952
Topic/Subject: Vice Presidential candidate Richard Nixon urges the audience to vote the Republican ticket for prosperity.
Location: Town Hall, Portland, Maine
Restrictions: Withdrawn Item, Restriction Code "G"
Provenance: Office of Presidential Papers and Archives, NARS
Time: 16:00

Title/Event: "Nixon Campaign Speech at Political Rally in Augusta Maine broadcast on radio & television", Reels 1 & 2 of 2
File/ID No.: 520906 Format: AT
Participants: Senator Richard Nixon, Rep. Charles Nelson, Pat Nixon, and gubernatorial candidate Burton Cross.
Exact Date: 09/06/1952
Topic/Subject: Candidate Nixon accuses the Truman Administration of corruption and inefficiency. He cites alleged communist infiltration of the government, discussing the House Un-American Activities Committee's Hiss-Chambers investigation at length. He promises an effective domestic loyalty program under an Eisenhower-Nixon Administration.
Location: Augusta, ME
Restrictions: Withdrawn Item, Restriction Code "G"
Provenance: Office of Presidential Papers and Archives
Time: 40:00
Remarks: Original tape is a 1.5 mil accetate half track recorded at 7.5 ips.

Title/Event: "1952 Nixon Campaign Rally at Bangor, Maine"
File/ID No.: 521102 Format:
Participants: Rep. Cliff McIntyre(R-ME), Senator Richard Nixon(R-CA)
Approx. Date: November 1952
Topic/Subject: McIntyre introduces Vice Presidential candidate Senator Nixon, who delivers a campaign speech calling for new leadership in Washington. RN criticizes the Truman Administration's record and calls Democratic Presidential nominee Adlai E. Stevenson "soft" on communism.
Location: Bangor, Maine
Restrictions: Withdrawn Item, Restriction code "G"
Provenance: Office of Presidential Papers & Archives, NARS
Time: 25:00

Title/Event: "President Eisenhower's and Vice President Nixon's Oaths of Office" AND "Pres. Eisenhower's Inaugural Address"
File/ID No.: 5301201 Format: DR
Exact Date: 01/20/1953
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 320, Box #237
Time: 50:00
Remarks: From original "Audograph" dictation disc.

Title/Event: "Inaugural Ceremonies for President Eisenhower in Washington, D.C."
File/ID No.: 5301202 Format: DR
Exact Date: 01/20/1953
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 320, Box #237
Time: 30:00
Remarks: From original "Audograph" dictation discs.

Title/Event: "The Inauguration of Dwight D. Eisenhower and Richard Nixon: 1953", Pt. 1
File/ID No.: 5301203 Format: AT
Exact Date: 01/20/1953
Topic/Subject: The 1953 Inaugural proceedings
Location: Washington, D.C.
Time: 18:50
Remarks: The tape appears to be from a disc recording. Recorded full track at 7.5 ips on 1.5 mil mylar stock.

Title/Event: "The Inauguration of Dwight D. Eisenhower and Richard Nixon: 1953", Pt. 2
File/ID No.: 5301204 Format: AT
Exact Date: 01/20/1953
Topic/Subject: The 1953 Inaugural proceedings
Location: Washington, D.C.
Time: 18:50
Remarks: This tape appears to be from a disc recording. Recorded full track at 7.5 ips on 1.5 mil mylar stock

Title/Event: "John Foster Dulles' First Speech as Secretary of State"
File/ID No.: 530127 Format: DR
Exact Date: 01/27/1953
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Pre-Presidential Deeded Materials: Series 320, Box #229
Time: 30:00
Remarks: The original is an "Audograph" dictation disc. No preservation or reference copies.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech Before The American Society of Newspaper Editors"
File/ID No.: 530423 Format: DR
Exact Date: 04/23/1953
Topic/Subject: Nixon contrasts the approaches of the Truman and Eisenhower Administrations to the problems facing the nation.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #10
Time: 45:00
Remarks: Originals are "Edison Voicewriter" dictation discs.

Title/Event: "Excerpts From Draft of RN Address At Independence Hall: Philadelphia, PA"
File/ID No.: 530704 Format: DR
Exact Date: 07/04/1953
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #11
Time: 10:00
Remarks: Vice President Nixon rehearses a Fourth of July speech. From original "Edison Voicewriter" dictation discs.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech Before VFW Convention"
File/ID No.: 530805 Format: DR
Exact Date: 08/05/1953
Topic/Subject: The speech is rehearsed twice. Nixon appeals for bipartisanship on national security issues. He relates defense spending and foreign aid funding to the differing fiscal policies of the Truman and Eisenhower Administrations.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #13
Time: 20:00
Remarks: Two original "Edison Voicewriter" dictation discs.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech Before the American Legion Convention in St. Louis"
File/ID No.: 530831 Format: DR
Exact Date: 08/31/1953
Topic/Subject: President Nixon outlines his thoughts about the Korean War, communism, the national defense and the role of the Air Force. He contrasts the fiscal, foreign aid and internal security policies of the Truman and Eisenhower Administrations.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #13
Time: 42:00
Remarks: From original "Edison Voicewriter" dictatio Discs

Title/Event: "Draft of RN speech on the Far East Trip"
File/ID No.: 531223 Format: DR
Exact Date: 12/23/1953
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #15
Time: 08:00
Remarks: From original "Edison Voicewriter" dictation disc

Title/Event: "Draft of Lincoln Day Speech"
File/ID No.: 540211 Format: DR
Exact Date: 02/11/1954
Topic/Subject: Nixon comments on Republican prospects in the 1954 and 1956 elections. He contrasts the Truman and Eisenhower Administrations' records on domestic policy, the economy, foreign policy, and national defense.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #17
Time: 15:00
Remarks: From original "Edison Voicewriter" dictation disc.

Title/Event: "Arthur Godfrey Tribute To RN"
File/ID No.: 540315 Format: DR
Exact Date: 03/15/1954
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 320, Box #291
Time: 15:00
Remarks: From one original "Edison Voicewriter" dictation disc.

Title/Event: "RN Draft Remarks at Testimonial Dinner for Senator Ferguson"
File/ID No.: 540403 Format: DR
Exact Date: 04/03/1954
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials
Time: 15:00

Title/Event: "Senator Joseph McCarthy-Reply to Edward R. Murrow on the TV program 'See It Now'"
File/ID No.: 540406 Format: DR
Exact Date: 04/06/1954
Restrictions: Copyright
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 320, Box #490
Time: 30:00
Remarks: Original is an "Audograph" dictation disc. No preservation or reference copies have been made.

Title/Event: RN Draft Address at the University of Cincinnati Day Banquet
File/ID No.: 540420 Format: DR
Exact Date: 04/20/1954
Topic/Subject: Prospects for the Eisenhower domestic legislative agenda; U.S. foreign and military policy with respect to Indochina, China, and Korea; the Administration's response to the internal subversion question.
Location: Whittier, CA
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #20
Time: 25:00
Remarks: Originals are two "Edison Voicewriter" dictation discs.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Commencement Address at Whittier College"
File/ID No.: 5406121 Format: DR
Exact Date: 06/12/1954
Topic/Subject: Education, the Eisenhower Administration's domestic policies, communism.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #22
Time: 12:00
Remarks: The original is one side of an "Edison Voicewriter" dictation disc.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Commencement Address at Whittier College"
File/ID No.: 5406122 Format: DR
Exact Date: 06/12/1954
Topic/Subject: Education, the Eisenhower Administration's domestic policies, communism.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #22
Time: 20:00
Remarks: The original is one side of an "Edison Voicewriter" dictation disc.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN remarks to the Freedom Festival"
File/ID No.: 540706 Format: DR
Exact Date: 07/06/1954
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #24
Time: 08:00
Remarks: On one "Edison Voicewriter" dictation disc; reference and preservation copies exist on reel-to-reel.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech to the National Convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars"
File/ID No.: 540802 Format: DR
Exact Date: 08/02/1954
Topic/Subject: Communism, Vietnam and Guatemala; U.S. competition with the U.S.S.R. for the "hearts and minds" of the world population.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #25
Remarks: The original recording is one "Edison Voicewriter" dictation disc.

Title/Event: "Oral Draft of Speech"
File/ID No.: 540927 Format: DR
Exact Date: 09/27/1954
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 320, Box #226
Remarks: The original recording is one "Edison Voicewriter" dictation disc.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech to the Opening Session of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce"
File/ID No.: 570429 Format: DR
Exact Date: 04/29/1957
Topic/Subject: foreign aid, education budgets; RN's philosophy of the role of the government in the economy; an overview of the current and projected state of the economy.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #63
Time: 30:00
Remarks: The original recording is on two "Edison Voicewriter" dictation discs.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech to the Business and Industry Day Luncheon"
File/ID No.: 570511 Format: DR
Exact Date: 05/11/1957
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #64
Time: 12:00
Remarks: The original is an "Edison Voicewriter" dictation disc.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Address to the American Iron and Steel Institute Dinner Meeting"
File/ID No.: 5705231 Format: DR
Exact Date: 05/23/1957
Topic/Subject: The Eisenhower Administration's ficscal policy.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #64
Time: 53:00
Remarks: The originals are five "Edison Voicewriter" dictation discs. Tape is part one of two.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Address to the American Iron and Steel Institute Dinner Meeting"
File/ID No.: 5705232 Format: DR
Exact Date: 05/23/1957
Topic/Subject: The Eisenhower Administration's fiscal policy.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #64
Time: 53:00
Remarks: The originals are five "Edison Voicewriter" dictation discs. Tape is part two of two.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech to the Federation of Womens' Clubs in Asheville, N.C."
File/ID No.: 570605 Format: DR
Exact Date: 06/05/1957
Topic/Subject: foreign aid and defense budgets, disarmament talks with the Soviet Union, race relations in the U.S.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #65
Time: 33:00
Remarks: The original recording is on three "Edison Voicewriter" dictation discs.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Commencement Address to Michigan State University Graduating Class"
File/ID No.: 570609 Format: DR
Exact Date: 06/09/1957
Topic/Subject: McClellan Committee's investigation of labor racketeering, U.S. policy toward Poland, foreign aid budget cuts.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #65
Time: 40:00
Remarks: The original recording is on three "Edison Voicewriter" dictation discs.

Title/Event: "We Speak For Democracy"
File/ID No.: 570813 Format: DR
Participants: Ted Cooper, Deborah Allen, Pat Boone, [unintelligible], Vice Presidente Nixon, and Bud Wilkinson
Exact Date: 08/13/1957
Topic/Subject: The speakers summarize "what democracy means to me" and invite high school students to enter the Voice of America essay contest.
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #68.
Time: 10:00
Remarks: The original is a 33 1/3 rpm disc recording.

Title/Event: "RN Draft Remarks to the National Association of Manufacturers' Congress of American Industry Banquet"
File/ID No.: 571206 Format: DR
Exact Date: 12/06/1957
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #73
Remarks: The original recording is on two "Edison Voicewriter" dictation discs.

Title/Event: "American Newspaper Publishers Association-N.Y.C"
File/ID No.: 580424 Format: DR
Exact Date: 04/24/1958
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials
Remarks: The original is recorded on three "Edison Voicewriter" dictation discs.

Title/Event: "Notes for the Vice President's Remarks to the Republican National Committee"
File/ID No.: 580606 Format: DR
Exact Date: 06/06/1958
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 320, Box #309
Time: 20:00

Title/Event: "Hail to the Chief"
File/ID No.: 6000001 Format: AT
Topic/Subject: Fast version (0:37); Slow version (1:14)
Time: 02:00

Title/Event: "Vote for Nixon, 1960"
File/ID No.: 6000002 Format: AT
Approx. Date: 1960
Topic/Subject: Nixon for President campaign song, sung by male chorus.
Time: 02:00

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Address to the South East Asian Treaty Organization Minister's Meeting"
File/ID No.: 600531 Format: DR
Exact Date: 05/31/1960
Topic/Subject: SEATO's first six years, communist China and Krushchev, the Paris Conference.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #135
Time: 07:00
Remarks: The original was recorded on one "Edison Voicewriter" dictation disc.

Title/Event: 'Eisenhower Press Conference"
File/ID No.: 600824 Format:
Exact Date: 08/24/1960
Topic/Subject: Eisenhower on the role of religion in the 1960 campaign, Nixon's role in the White House decision-making process.
Restrictions: Public Domain

Title/Event: "The Second Nixon-Kennedy Debate Televised in Washington, D.C. on October 7, 1960"
File/ID No.: 6010071 Format: AT
Participants: Vice President Richard M. Nixon, Senator John F. Kennedy
Exact Date: 10/07/1960
Topic/Subject: The second of a series of televised Presidential debates from the 1960 Presidential Election campaign.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Copyright
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Presidential Papers and Archives
Time: 30:00
Remarks: Master copy (original not in NLNP's possession) recorded full track at 7.5 ips

Title/Event: "The Second Nixon-Kennedy Debate Televised in Washington, D.C. on October 7, 1960"
File/ID No.: 6010072 Format: AT
Participants: Vice President Richard M. Nixon, Senator John F. Kennedy
Exact Date: 10/07/1960
Topic/Subject: Tape two of the second of a series of televised Presidential debates from the 1960 Presidential Election campaign.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Copyright
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Presidential Papers and Archives
Time: 12:00
Remarks: Master copy (original not in NLNP's possession) recorded full track at 7.5 ips.

Title/Event: "Richard Nixon's Interview with Dick Strout"
File/ID No.: 6200001 Format: AT
Approx. Date: 1962
Topic/Subject: RN discusses foreign policy, foreign anti-American sentiment, the defense budget, Kennedy's opposition to a steel price hike, tourism in the U.S. and Europe, relations with Canada, the United Nations, Krushchev, Nixon's book "My Six Crisis", his motivations for entering politics, his decision to run for Governor of California.
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Restrictions: Copyright
Time: 30:00

Title/Event: "Richard Nixon's Campaign Speech During 'A Win With Nixon Special' Train Stop At Santa Maria, CA During the 1962 California Gubernatorial Campaign."
File/ID No.: 6210181 Format: AT
Exact Date: 10/18/1962
Topic/Subject: Nixon emphasizes his program for California and defines the issues concerning Californians.
Location: Santa Maria, CA
Time: 16:00

Title/Event: "RN Campaign Speech at Santa Barbara during the 1962 California Gubernatorial Campaign"
File/ID No.: 6210182 Format: AT
Exact Date: 10/18/1962
Topic/Subject: RN's observations on the campaign. Issues: Law enforcement and crime prevention, fiscal policy, social services and private sector investments in California. RN criticizes Governor Edmund Brown for his remarks during the campaign, supports Pres. Kennedy's moves during Cuban Missile Crisis.
Location: Santa Barbara, CA
Time: 32:00

Title/Event: "Richard Nixon's Campaign Speech During a 'Win With Nixon Special' Train Stop at Santa Ana, CA, during the 1962 Gubernatorial Campaign"
File/ID No.: 6210191 Format: AT
Exact Date: 10/19/1962
Topic/Subject: RN reminisces about his youth in Yorba Linda. Seeks Democratic votes, articulates the issues for Californians.
Time: 19:00

Title/Event: "Richard Nixon's Campaign Speech During a 'Win With Nixon Special' Train Stop at Anaheim, CA during the 1962 Gubernatorial Campaign"
File/ID No.: 6210192 Format: AT
Exact Date: 10/19/1962
Topic/Subject: RN's youth in California. Campaign issues: education, law enforcement and crime, taxes and government spending, communism at home and abroad.
Location: Anaheim, CA
Time: 19:00

Title/Event: "Richard Nixon's Campaign Speech at Orange, CA During the 1962 California Gubernatorial Campaign."
File/ID No.: 6210193 Format: AT
Exact Date: 10/19/1962
Topic/Subject: RN's theme: "new leadership" to deal with law enforcement, cost of government, new business investment, suppression of domestic communism.
Time: 03:00

Title/Event: "Richard Nixon's Campaign Speech at San Diego, CA During the 1962 Gubernatorial Campaign"
File/ID No.: 6210194 Format: AT
Exact Date: 10/19/1962
Topic/Subject: RN on the campaign, proposals on law enforcement, unemployment and business investment.
Time: 16:00

Title/Event: "RN Campaign Speech at Landis Auditorium in Riverside, CA During the 1962 California Gubernatorial Campaign."
File/ID No.: 6210195 Format: AT
Exact Date: 10/19/1962
Location: Riverside, CA
Time: 42:00

Title/Event: "Richard Nixon's remarks to a political rally during a 'Win With Nixon Special' train stop at San Juan Capistrano, CA during the 1962 California Gubernatorial Campaign"
File/ID No.: 6210196 Format: AT
Exact Date: 10/19/1962
Location: San Juan Capistrano, CA
Time: 03:00
Remarks: Original is 1.5 mil. Polyester Full Track AT 7.5 ips.

Title/Event: "Richard Nixon's campaign speech during a 'Win With Nixon Special' train stop at Del Mar, CA during the 1962 California Gubernatorial campaign."
File/ID No.: 6210197 Format: AT
Exact Date: 10/19/1962
Location: Del Mar, CA
Time: 13:00
Remarks: Original is 1.5 mil polyester Full Track recording at 7.5 ips.

Title/Event: "Richard Nixon's speech at Pico Rivera, CA, during the 1962 California Gubernatorial campaign"
File/ID No.: 6210198 Format: AT
Exact Date: 10/19/1962
Location: Pico Rivera, CA
Time: 16:40
Remarks: Original is 1.5 mil acetate Full Track at 7.5 ips.

Title/Event: "Richard Nixon's campaign speech during a 'Win with Nixon Special' train stop at Fullerton, CA during the 1962 California Gubernatorial campaign."
File/ID No.: 6210199 Format: AT
Exact Date: 10/19/1962
Location: Fullerton, CA
Time: 21:00
Remarks: Original is 1.5 mil accetate base Full Track at 7.5 ips.

Title/Event: Nixon Campaign Telethon in San Franscisco, CA during the 1962 CA Gubernatorial Campaign (Reel one of three)
File/ID No.: 6210221 Format: AT
Participants: Rex May(moderator), Richard Nixon; questioners George Chistopher (Mayor of San Francisco and candidate for Lt. Governor), Mrs. Nixon, Dwight Eisenhower, Judge Thomas Cokely(candidate for Atty. General), John Busterun(candidate for State Treasurer), Gordon Soltog(ex-San Francisco Forty-Niner), and State Senator Jack McCarthy(campaign manager).
Exact Date: 10/22/1962
Topic/Subject: Nixon fields questions on local and national politics, as well as foreign policy during the Cuban missile crisis.
Location: San Francisco, CA
Time: 26:00

Title/Event: Nixon Campaign Telethon in San Francisco, CA during the 1962 CA Gubernatorial Campaign(Reel two of three)
File/ID No.: 6210222 Format: AT
Participants: Rex May(moderator), Richard Nixon; questioners George Chistopher (Mayor of San Francisco and candidate for Lt. Governor), Mrs. Nixon, Dwight Eisenhower, Judge Thomas Cokely(candidate for Atty. General), John Busterun(candidate for State Treasurer), Gordon Soltog(ex-San Francisco Forty-Niner), and State Senator Jack McCarthy(campaign manager).
Exact Date: 10/22/1962
Topic/Subject: Nixon fields questions on local and national politics, as well as foreign policy during the Cuban missile crisis.
Location: San Francisco, CA
Time: 26:00

Title/Event: Nixon Campaign Telethon in San Francisco, CA during the 1962 CA Gubernatorial Campaign(Reel three of three)
File/ID No.: 6210223 Format: AT
Participants: Rex May(moderator), Richard Nixon; questioners George Chistopher (Mayor of San Francisco and candidate for Lt. Governor), Mrs. Nixon, Dwight Eisenhower, Judge Thomas Cokely(candidate for Atty. General), John Busterun(candidate for State Treasurer), Gordon Soltog(ex-San Francisco Forty-Niner), and State Senator Jack McCarthy(campaign manager).
Exact Date: 10/22/1962
Topic/Subject: Nixon fields questions on local and national politics, as well as foreign policy during the Cuban missile crisis.
Location: San Francisco, CA
Time: 26:00

Title/Event: "Nixon Campaign Rally During the 1962 California Gubernatorial Race"
File/ID No.: 6210261 Format: AT
Exact Date: 10/26/1962
Topic/Subject: RN on the Cuban missle crisis, California state government.
Location: San Leandro Library
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Presidential Papers and Archives
Time: 22:00
Remarks: The original tape is 1/4" full track recorded at 7.5 ips.

Title/Event: "RN Campaign speech at Vallejo, CA during the 1962 California Gubernatorial Campaign"
File/ID No.: 6210262 Format: AT
Exact Date: 10/26/1962
Topic/Subject: Cuban Missile Crisis and international communism. RN's objectives for California government.
Location: Vallejo, CA

Title/Event: "Richard Nixon's Remarks to a GOP Political Rally at the Lucky Shopping center in Fremont, CA during the 1962 California Gubernatorial Campaign."
File/ID No.: 6210263 Format: AT
Exact Date: 10/26/1962
Location: Freemont, CA
Time: 15:00

Title/Event: "Twelve Goals for a Greater California": Nixon Radio Broadcast
File/ID No.: 621027 Format: AT
Exact Date: 10/27/1962
Time: 15:00
Remarks: Original is a full track recording at 7.5 ips on 1.5 mil acetate stock.

Title/Event: "RN Speech at a Political Rally in Hollister, CA"
File/ID No.: 621029 Format: AT
Exact Date: 10/29/1962
Topic/Subject: The Nixon's on the Campaign trail. Campaign issues: crime, highway safety, transportation.
Location: Pico Rivera, CA
Time: 16:40

Title/Event: "The Great Campaigners: 1928-1960-A Living History of Presidential Elections"
File/ID No.: 6400001 Format: DR
Participants: Commentary by Dave Garroway
Approx. Date: 1964
Restrictions: Unknown
Remarks: The original is a 33 1/3 rpm disc recording.

Title/Event: "Lincoln Day Dinner"
File/ID No.: 650201 Format: AT
Participants: Bob Redding, Mirek Dabrowski
Exact Date: 02/01/1965
Topic/Subject: A biographical narrative of Lincoln's life interspersed with Lincoln quotes and accompanied by orchestral background music.
Location: Montgomery County, MD
Time: 10:00

Title/Event: "Agnew for Governor- Civil Rights #1, #2"
File/ID No.: 6600001 Format: AT
Participants: Spiro Agnew
Approx. Date: 1966
Time: 03:00

Title/Event: "Seven Spiro Agnew Commericals from the 1966 Maryland Gubernatorial Election"
File/ID No.: 6600002 Format: AT
Approx. Date: 1966
Topic/Subject: Spots one and two are man on the street responses: three and four feature Agnew; five, six, and seven have a chorus singing the Agnew jingle "My kind of Man, Ted Agnew is…"

Title/Event: "Five Political Commercials Featuring Singers Promoting the Gubernatorial Candidacies of (?) Perterson(#1), Jim Gardner(#2), Louis Nunn(#3), and Ted Agnew (#4 and #5)"
File/ID No.: 6600003 Format: AT
Approx. Date: 1966
Time: 07:00

Title/Event: "Ray Page Christmas Party"
File/ID No.: 671212 Format: AT
Participants: Ray Page(state of Illinois Superintendant of Public Instruction), RN
Exact Date: 12/12/1967
Topic/Subject: "Peace in the world and peace at home." Topics Addressed: Soviet and Chinese communist threat to world peace should be countered by domestic economic strength and social order, maintaining superior miitary forces, and halting aggression in Vietnam.
Location: Springfield, IL

Title/Event: Senator Joseph McCarthy's Appearance on "Meet the Press"
File/ID No.: 541003 Format: DR
Exact Date: 10/03/1954
Topic/Subject: Prior to his censure by the U.S. Senate, Senator McCarthy fields questions from a panel of journalists on the reports of the Watkins and Gillette committees.
Restrictions: Copyright
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 490, Box #490
Time: 30:00
Remarks: The original is one side of an "Audograph Voicewriter" dictation disc. No reference or preservation copies.

Title/Event: "RN Draft of Speech to the World Affairs Council"
File/ID No.: 550314 Format: DRZ
Exact Date: 03/14/1955
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #27
Remarks: Original recording is on two "Edison Voicewriter" dictation discs.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech to the Republican Women's Spring Convention"
File/ID No.: 550510 Format: DR
Exact Date: 05/10/1955
Topic/Subject: Republican prospects in te 1956 election.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #29
Time: 17:00
Remarks: The original recording was on two "Edison" discs.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech to the Rotary International Convention"
File/ID No.: 550602 Format: DR
Exact Date: 06/02/1955
Topic/Subject: Fiscal policy and social security.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Copyright
Time: 15:00
Remarks: Original is an "Edison Voicewriter" dictation disc.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech to the Texas Press Association"
File/ID No.: 550611 Format: DR
Exact Date: 06/11/1955
Topic/Subject: Eisenhower's popularity, the Administration's domestic policy, comparison of U.S. and Soviet foreign policies since 1945.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #32
Time: 35:00
Remarks: Original recording is on five "Edison Voicewriter" dictation discs.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Commencement Address at Temple University"
File/ID No.: 550616 Format: DR
Exact Date: 06/16/1955
Topic/Subject: Soviet foreign policy since WW II and communisty expansionism, the Geneva Conference, world peace.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #32
Time: 33:00
Remarks: The original is on three "Edison Voicewriter" dicatation discs.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech to the Young Republicans National Convention"
File/ID No.: 550617 Format: DR
Exact Date: 06/17/1955
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #33
Time: 25:00
Remarks: The original is recorded on three "Edison Voicewriter" dictation discs.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech at the Global News Syndicate Press Awards Ceremony"
File/ID No.: 550624 Format: DR
Exact Date: 06/24/1955
Topic/Subject: "The Negro's Second fight for Freedom" (the evening's theme): the progress of integration and civil rights
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #33
Time: 20:00
Remarks: The original is on two "Edison Voicewriter" dictation discs.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Remarks at the NAACP Convention"
File/ID No.: 550626 Format: DR
Exact Date: 06/26/1955
Topic/Subject: Progress in integration and race relations
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #34
Time: 05:00
Remarks: Original recording is one "Edison Voicewriter" dictation disc.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech to the American Bar Association"
File/ID No.: 550825 Format: DR
Exact Date: 08/25/1955
Topic/Subject: World communism, the Geneva Conference, the domestic "Communist Conspiracy", prospects for reducing international tensions.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #35
Time: 45:00
Remarks: The original was recorded on three "Edison Voicewriter" dictation discs.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech to the National VFW Convention"
File/ID No.: 550829 Format: DR
Exact Date: 08/29/1955
Topic/Subject: Prospects for world peace, the Geneva Conference, U.S. policy to Communist China, portrayal of the U.S. in Soviet propaganda.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #35
Time: 40:00
Remarks: The original is on two "Edison Voicewriter" dictation discs.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech at the Indianapolis Fundraising Dinner"
File/ID No.: 550915 Format: DR
Exact Date: 09/15/1955
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #37
Time: 04:00
Remarks: The original is an "Edison Voicewriter" dictation disc.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech at the National Plowing Contest"
File/ID No.: 550917 Format: DR
Exact Date: 09/17/1955
Topic/Subject: Farmers and the economy, the Eisenhower Administration's farm policy.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #37
Time: 40:00
Remarks: The original is on two "Edison Voicewriter" dictation discs.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech at Meeting of the International Association of Fire Chiefs"
File/ID No.: 550920 Format: DR
Exact Date: 09/20/1955
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #37
Time: 12:00
Remarks: Original recording is an "Edison" disc.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech to the International Air Transport Association"
File/ID No.: 5510171 Format: DR
Exact Date: 10/17/1955
Topic/Subject: Geneva Conference arms control proposals, effort to free U.S. prisoners of the Chinese communists.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #39
Time: 25:00
Remarks: Original is two "Edison" discs.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech at the N.Y. Herald-Tribune Forum"
File/ID No.: 5510172 Format: DR
Exact Date: 10/17/1955
Topic/Subject: prospects for world peace, foreign aid to India
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #39
Time: 40:00
Remarks: The original is on two "Edison Voicewriter" discs.

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Speech to the Investment Bankers' Association"
File/ID No.: 551019 Format: DR
Exact Date: 10/19/1955
Topic/Subject: Domestic and foreign economic policy
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #39
Time: 40:00
Remarks: The original recording is four "Edison" dictation discs

Title/Event: "Draft of RN Remarks at the Inter-American Press Association Convention"
File/ID No.: 551101 Format: DR
Exact Date: 11/01/1955
Topic/Subject: The role of the government in promoting economic growth.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Deeded Pre-Presidential Materials: Series 207, Box #41
Time: 10:00
Remarks: The original recording is an "Edison Voicewriter" dictation disc.

Title/Event: "Agnew Campaign Rally at the Chicago Furniture Mart (Dirksen party)
File/ID No.: 68000001 Format: ATC
Participants: Senate Majority Leader Everett Dirkson and Governor Agnew
Approx. Date: 1968
Topic/Subject: American Youth, the Nixon candidacy
Location: Chicago, IL
Provenance: White House Staff Member and Office File: Herb Klein
Time: 17:00

Title/Event: "Courtroom Testimony in Erie, PA involving Drinking and Driving or Disorderly Conduct"
File/ID No.: 68000002 Format: ATC
Approx. Date: 1968
Provenance: SMOF: Herb Klein
Time: 39:00
Remarks: Poor audio quality makes comprehension difficult.

Title/Event: "RN Campaign Rally in Buffalo, NY"
File/ID No.: 68000003 Format: ATC
Participants: Richard M. Nixon
Approx. Date: 1968
Topic/Subject: Vietnam, decline of American military power, loss of American prestige abroad, space and scientific research slows, lawlessness at home all problems due to the previous Administration. A Nixon Administration would end the war, rebuild military power and restore domestic order.
Location: Buffalo, NY
Provenance: SMOF: Herb Klein
Time: 31:00
Remarks: Tape "wows" due to original cassette recording.

Title/Event: "Agnew Campaign Rally in Portland, Oregon"
File/ID No.: 68000004 Format: ATC
Participants: Governor Tom McCall, and Spiro T. Agnew
Approx. Date: 1968
Topic/Subject: youth, "the limits of dissent", planned communities seen as a solution to inner city problems.
Location: Portland, OR
Provenance: SMOF: Herb Klein
Time: 26:00

Title/Event: "RN Campaign Rally in Greensboro, NC"
File/ID No.: 68000005 Format: ATC
Approx. Date: 1968
Topic/Subject: RN tries to refute George Wallace's (American Independent Party candidate for President) contention that there is "not a dime's worth of difference between the candidates." He contrasts his views with the Democratic record on the domestic policy agenda.
Location: Greensboro, NC
Provenance: SMOF: Herb Klein
Time: 28:00

Title/Event: "105-Democrats for Nixon; 60 sec. Michigan Band"
File/ID No.: 68000006 Format: AT
Participants: Robert Norsworthy: 54; Mrs. Pat McCosker: 58; Joseph Gassen: 58; Mrs. Michael Fuaro: 56; Lee Sturn: 59; Miss Margie Sloan: 55; John Brandle: 58; Helen M. Collins: 58; Jack Pines: 57; and Dale Illiach: 57
Approx. Date: 1968
Topic/Subject: Prominent Democrats endorse Nixon for President.
Provenance: The Donated Papers of Gordon Van Der Till
Time: 01:00

Title/Event: Untitled Radio Spots
File/ID No.: 68000007 Format: AT
Approx. Date: 1968
Topic/Subject: Two radio spots focusing on (1) social security benefits and (2) medical care for the elderly.
Time: 03:00
Remarks: The original tape is 5" reel recorded full-track at 7.5 ips.

Title/Event: "Nixon-Listening Post-Spots"
File/ID No.: 68000008 Format: AT
Approx. Date: 1968
Topic/Subject: "1. Rich Country; 2. 40 years; 3. Law Enforcement." Radio spots. One spot urges voters to leave a recorded message for Nixon at a special phone number, hence, the Nixon "listening post".
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: The Donated Papers of Gordon Vander Till
Time: 03:00
Remarks: Tape was recorded full-track at 7.5 ips on one mil mylar stock.

Title/Event: "Agriculture Speech"
File/ID No.: 68000009 Format: AT
Approx. Date: 1968
Topic/Subject: RN addresses the "forgotten Americans"; hits the Johnson Administration and candidate Humphrey for crime and inflation; and calls for decreases in spending while "government does all it should do".
Location: Des Moines, Iowa(?)
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: The Donated Papers of Gordon Vander Till
Time: 11:40
Remarks: Full track, 7.5 ips one mil mylar.

Title/Event: "Richard Nixon at the Airport in Minneapolis and on WWTC Radio in Minneapolis"
File/ID No.: 680419 Format: ATC
Exact Date: 04/19/1968
Topic/Subject: RN predicts victory in November, comments on his meeting with Governor Romney(former Republican presidential candidate), and other governors
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Time: 12:00

Title/Event: "'A New Alignment for American Unity': A RICHARD M. NIXON NETWORK RADIO SPEECH"
File/ID No.: 680516 Format: AT
Exact Date: 05/16/1968
Topic/Subject: Nixon suggests the emergence of a New Majority composed of traditional Republicans, "New Liberals", the New South, "black militants" and the "Silent Center".
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: The Donated Papers of Gordon Vander Till
Time: 13:20
Remarks: Recorded at 7.5 ips on one mil mylar stock.

Title/Event: "'Nixon Is The One' Kickoff/Kingsley Inn Luncheon"
File/ID No.: 680729 Format: AT
Participants: Rockwell Guss(?), Raymond Murer(?), Don Carleigh(singer), Donald Preston(arranger, pianist)
Exact Date: 07/29/1968
Topic/Subject: GOP rally in Detroit introducing an entry in the Nixon For President campaign song competition
Location: Detroit, Michigan
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: The Donated Papers of Gordon Vander Till
Remarks: Original and Duplicate original are recorded full track at 7.5 ips on one mil acetate stock.

Title/Event: "Press Conference of Evelle J. Younger, Chairman of the Nixon Advisory Council on Crime and Law Enforcement"
File/ID No.: 680815 Format: ATC
Participants: Herbert Klein, Evelle J. Younger
Exact Date: 08/15/1968
Time: 27:00
Remarks: Poor audio quality makes comprehension difficult.

Title/Event: "Swearing-in Ceremony of Dr. Robert G. Marston as Director of NIH"
File/ID No.: 6808291 Format: AT
Participants: Wilber Cohen(Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare), Dr. Robert G. Marston(Director-Designate of the National Institutes of Health), and Dr. Philip Lee(Assistant Secretary of HEW for Health and Scientific Affairs)
Exact Date: 08/29/1968
Provenance: The Donated Papers of Dr. Robert G. Marston
Time: 33:00

Title/Event: "CBS Network Commentary at the Conclusion of the 1968 Democratic Convention"
File/ID No.: 6808292 Format: ATC
Participants: Walter Cronkite, Mike Wallace and Eric Sevareid
Exact Date: 08/29/1968
Location: Chicago, IL
Restrictions: Copyright
Time: 08:00
Remarks: Recording ends abruptly.

Title/Event: "Address By Director Marston to the NIH Senior Scientific Staff"
File/ID No.: 6809031 Format: AT
Exact Date: 09/03/1968
Topic/Subject: The federal role in health and scientific research.
Location: Bethesda, MD
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: The Donated papers of Dr. Robert Q.Marston
Time: 21:00

Title/Event: "Dr. Robert G. Marston, Director of NIH: Sept. 3, 1968 Address to the Senior Scientific Staff and Sept. 5, 1968 Address to the Extramural and Administrative Staff"
File/ID No.: 6809032 Format: AT
Exact Date: 09/03/1968
Location: Bethesda, MD
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: The Donated Papers of Dr. Robert Q. Marston

Title/Event: "An Address by Dr. Robert G Marston to the NIH Administrative and Extramural Staff"
File/ID No.: 680905 Format: AT
Exact Date: 09/05/1968
Location: Bethesda, MD
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: The Donated Papers of Dr. Robert Q. Marston
Time: 22:00

Title/Event: "Senators Brook and Morton Press Conference in Houston, TX"
File/ID No.: 680906 Format: ATC
Participants: Senators Edward Brook(R-MA), Thurston Morton(R-KY), and press aide.
Exact Date: 09/06/1968
Topic/Subject: The Senators comment on joint campaign tour with Nixon, respond to questions.
Location: Houston, TX
Time: 15:00

Title/Event: "Campaign Rally by the Citizens for Nixon at the Atkinson Hotel, Indianpolis, IN
File/ID No.: 6809121 Format: ATC
Exact Date: 09/12/1968
Topic/Subject: RN promises an open Administration, will listen to the young and to non-Republicans.
Time: 22:00

Title/Event: "Democrats for Nixon" Austin, TX Interviews
File/ID No.: 680926 Format: AT
Participants: Bob Haymes, announcer and interviewees Ben Carpenter, Byron Fullerton, and Mrs. Dick Brown
Exact Date: 09/26/1968
Time: 04:00
Remarks: "Campaign Rally at Memorial Auditorium in Chattanooga, TN"

Title/Event: "Campaign Rally at Memorial Auditorium in Chattanooga, TN"
File/ID No.: 680927 Format: ATC
Exact Date: 09/27/1968
Topic/Subject: the welfare system, law and order, U.S. policy toward the Soviet Untion after the invasion of Czechoslovakia, RN's rejection of an invitation to debate by Humphrey.
Restrictions: ?
Provenance: SMOF: Klein
Time: 24:00
Remarks: The tape begins with RN's speech in progress. Later, excerpts from the speech are repeated with gaps, interruptions and descriptive commentary by an announcer.

Title/Event: "Spiro T. Agnew Campaign Speech at the Banker's Convention in Chicago"
File/ID No.: 681001 Format: ATC
Exact Date: 10/01/1968
Topic/Subject: The speech is joined in progress: themes include the Johnson Administration's conduct of the Vietnam War, its economic policy, the role of the business man in society and business's role vis-à-vis the federal government.
Time: 14:00

File/ID No.: 681002 Format: AT
Participants: E.M. Skinner(interviewer) and Russell York, Edith Wade, Vernon Cooper, and George Daniel(subjects)
Exact Date: 10/02/1968
Topic/Subject: Four "men in the street" explain why they will vote for Nixon.
Time: 08:25
Remarks: The original was recorded at 7.5 ips on one mil 1/4" tape.

Title/Event: "'The Nixon Answer', A Live Campaign Q&A Telecast from Atlanta"
File/ID No.: 681003 Format: ATC
Participants: Bud Wilkinson, Reg Murphy(editor of the Atlanta Constitution), Adrian Hardin(farmer), John Knepp, Jr.(businessman), Rev. Roland Smith(minister), Sylvia Cato(textile worker), Morgan Stanford(lawyer), Charles Kinsman(grocer), and Fran Tarkenton(football player, celebrity endorsement)
Exact Date: 10/03/1968
Topic/Subject: nuclear options in Vietnam, poverty and entitlement programs, tax exemption for religious organizations, law and order, a debate with Humphrey, assistance for minority businesses, farm programs, the Senate's rejection of Abe Fortas's nomination to the Supreme Court, youth, obscenity laws, open housing, U.S. "moral leadership" in the world, George Wallace's third party Presidential candidacy.
Location: Atlanta, GA
Time: 45:00

Title/Event: "Agnew Campaign Rally in Cape Girardeau, MO"
File/ID No.: 681003 Format: ATC
Participants: Governor Agnew
Exact Date: 10/03/1968
Topic/Subject: Law and Order, wasteful federal spending, the third party ticket
Time: 19:00

Title/Event: "Agnew Campaign Speech at a Political Rally in Anchorage, Alaska"
File/ID No.: 681004 Format: ATC
Exact Date: 10/04/1968
Topic/Subject: the nation's young people, Indian land claims, fishing rights, transportation, shipbuilding, government spending, international balance of payments, agricultural price supports, the war in Vietnam.
Time: 25:00

Title/Event: "Six Nixon For President Endorsements by John Wayne"
File/ID No.: 681004 Format: AT
Exact Date: 10/04/1968
Location: Hollywood, CA
Restrictions: ?
Provenance: SMOF: White House Theatre
Remarks: The original recording is a 10 1/2 reel of 1/4" tape.

Title/Event: "Agnew Campaign Rally in Raleigh, NC"
File/ID No.: 6810071 Format: ATC
Exact Date: 10/07/1968
Topic/Subject: government spending, civil disobedience, crime, youth, George Wallace's third party presidential candidacy.
Location: Raleigh, N.C.
Time: 19:00

Title/Event: "Agnew Campaign Rally in Jacksonville, Florida"
File/ID No.: 6810072 Format: ATC
Participants: Claude Kirk, Governor of Florida; Governor Agnew.
Exact Date: 10/07/1968
Topic/Subject: Agnew discusses the new metropolitan government of greater Jacksonville and contrasts the Johnson Administration's policy toward local governments in its "War on Poverty" with the policy of a Nixon-Agnew Administration.
Location: Jacksonville, Florida
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: WHSF: SMOF: Klein
Time: 33:00

Title/Event: "Agnew Campaign Rally at Roanoke College in Salem, VA"
File/ID No.: 681008 Format: ATC
Participants: Professor Ray Garland(introduces Agnew), Governor Agnew, student body president McMillan Johnson.
Exact Date: 10/08/1968
Topic/Subject: Agnew emphasizes the definition of the "limits of dissent" as the key different between the Nixon-Agnew and Humphrey-Muskie tickets, commends young people, and makes recommendations for involving them in the political process.
Location: Salem, VA
Time: 31:00

Title/Event: "Campaign Rally in Knoxville, TN"
File/ID No.: 681015 Format: ATC
Participants: Richard M. Nixon
Exact Date: 10/15/1968
Topic/Subject: "Peace in the world, peace at home, and progress without inflation." Republican domestic policy priorities.
Location: Knoxville, TN
Restrictions: ?
Provenance: SMOF: Herb Klein
Time: 29:00
Remarks: Side two of one cassette featuring #68000005 on Side One.

Title/Event: "Nixon Campaign Speech at a Political Rally at the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Airport"
File/ID No.: 681024 Format: ATC
Exact Date: 10/24/1968
Topic/Subject: Nixon emphasizes the need for "new leadership".
Location: Wilkes-Barre/Scranton, PA
Time: 18:00

Title/Event: "Agnew Campaign Rally in Rochester, NY"
File/ID No.: 6809122 Format: ATC
Exact Date: 09/12/1968
Topic/Subject: "Law and Order", equal opportunity for minorities, poverty and urban decay, Vietnam, Chinese aggression.
Time: 30:00

Title/Event: "RN Campaign Rally at Monument Circle: Indianapolis, IN
File/ID No.: 6809123 Format: ATC
Exact Date: 09/12/1968
Topic/Subject: RN pledges "new leadership", an end to the Vietnam War, a new foreign economic policy and a new Secretary of Agriculture.
Provenance: SMOF: Klein
Time: 25:00

Title/Event: "Agnew Press Conference in Rochester, NY on Sept. 12, 1968"
File/ID No.: 6809124 Format: ATC
Exact Date: 09/12/1968
Topic/Subject: Humphrey accused of "being soft on communism". Humphrey peace plan hit.
Restrictions: ?
Provenance: SMOF: Klein
Time: 15:00

Title/Event: "Agnew Press Conference in Rochester, NY"
File/ID No.: 6809131 Format: ATC
Exact Date: 09/13/1968
Topic/Subject: The Fortas nomination, Nixon-Agnew attempts to solicit the black vote, Senator Edward Brook's efforts on behalf of the campaign, job training programs, the Wallace ticket, the Chicago Democratic Convention riots, press coverage of the campaign, disagreements within the GOP.
Time: 24:00
Remarks: The reporter's questions are sometimes difficult to hear.

Title/Event: "Campaign Rally for Spiro Agnew in Erie, PA"
File/ID No.: 6809132 Format: ATC
Exact Date: 09/13/1968
Topic/Subject: "Law and Order", civil rights, war in Vietnam.
Time: 22:00
Remarks: The original tape is side two of the cassette also containing 6800002.

Title/Event: "Campaign Rally in Cleveland, Ohio"
File/ID No.: 6809133 Format: ATC
Participants: Richard Nixon
Exact Date: 09/13/1968
Topic/Subject: "New Leadership" for the country will end war in Vietnam, restore respect for the U.S. abroad, end lawlessness at home.
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Provenance: SMOF: Klein
Time: 27:00

Title/Event: "Agnew Campaign Speech in Las Vegas, Nevada"
File/ID No.: 680918 Format: ATC
Exact Date: 09/18/1968
Topic/Subject: the shortcomings of the Johnson Administration and Democratic presidential nominee Humphrey
Time: 33:00

Title/Event: "Agnew Campaign Speech at a Political Rally in Billings, Montana"
File/ID No.: 680918 Format: ATC
Exact Date: 09/18/1968
Topic/Subject: equality of opportunity, Vietnam War
Time: 18:00
Remarks: The first nine minutes are indecipherable due to low audio.

Title/Event: "Spiro Agnew Interview on KOOK-TV, Billings, MT"
File/ID No.: 680918 Format: ATC
Participants: Governor Agnew, unidentified interviewer
Exact Date: 09/18/1968
Topic/Subject: Gun control, peace in Vietnam, federal aid to cities, impoundment of highway trust funds, the Mideast.
Restrictions: Copyright
Time: 22:00

File/ID No.: 680923 Format: ATC
Participants: State Senator Jerris Leonard(R-WI) with introduction, followed by Agnew's speech.
Exact Date: 09/23/1968
Topic/Subject: Agnew criticizes Humphrey, points out a "decline in the moral climate" in the country.
Location: Milwaukee, WI
Time: 20:00
Remarks: Sound is muffled.

Title/Event: "Agnew Campaign Speech at the Honolulu, Hawaii Auditorium"
File/ID No.: 680923 Format: ATC
Exact Date: 09/23/1968
Topic/Subject: Vietnam, the U.S. economy
Time: 18:00

Title/Event: "Press Conference of Secretary-Designate of HUD George Romney, Dec. 1968"
File/ID No.: 681200 Format: AT
Approx. Date: 12-1968
Topic/Subject: Romney opens with remarks on the transition and his mandate from RN to solve the problems of the cities. Questions and answers relate to the Nixon Administration's Urban Council and HUD programs and priorities in the new Administration.
Time: 54:00
Remarks: Some questions are barely intelligible. The recording ends before the press conference does.

Title/Event: "News Conference of Secretary of Defense-designate Melvin Laird"
File/ID No.: 681213 Format: AT
Participants: Melvin R. Laird and members of the press.
Exact Date: 12/13/1968
Topic/Subject: Laird comments on his meeting with Clark Clifford, current Secretary of Defense and fields questions from the press on relations with the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, personnel matters, news "leaks" from DOD, possible conflicts of interests, defense spending as a stimulus to the economy, his lack of administrative experience, the appointment of blue ribbon commission to evaluate the nation's defense and his reccommendation of Senator Jackson for Secretary of Defense.
Location: The Pentagon: Arlington, VA
Restrictions: ?
Provenance: SMOF: Herb Klein
Remarks: The original recording is 1/4" reel recorded at 3.75 ips. Attached note: "This was put out at Defense the day Mr. Laird's conference there"

Title/Event: "Eighth Constitutional Convention of the AFL-CIO"
File/ID No.: 691003 Format: AT
Participants: George Meany(President of the AFL-CIO), J. Curtis Counts(Director of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service)"
Exact Date: 10/03/1969
Topic/Subject: Role of the FMCS in arbitration of labor-management disputes during 1969
Location: Atlantic City, NJ
Provenance: Donated Papers of J. Curtis Counts
Time: 10:00
Remarks: The original tape was recorded full-track on 1/4" at 3.75 ips.

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol.3, No.4"
File/ID No.: 691008 Format: AT
Participants: Ambassador John Burns(Director General of the Foreign Service); Colonel William Anders(ex-Apollo 8 and 11 astronaut and Executive Secretary of the National Aeronautic and Space Council); Frank Sieverts(Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of State); Dr. Carl Thomas(Director of the African Center at Lincoln University).
Exact Date: 10/08/1969
Topic/Subject: The Foreign Service corps; international space exploration efforts; American POWs in North Vietnam; Africa.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 20:00
Remarks: The original tape was recorded full track on 1.5 mil acetate base 1/4" tape at 7.5 ips.

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 3, No.5"
File/ID No.: 691100 Format: AT
Participants: John Flynn(announcer), Ambassador William H. Sullivan(Deputy Assistant Secretary For East Asian Affairs), Jomes Bostain(linguist), Ralph Smith(Arms Control and Disarmament Agency), Philip Farly(Deputy Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency)
Approx. Date: 11/1969
Topic/Subject: The Paris Peace talks, Vietnamization, foreign language instruction for diplomats, arms control negotiation, the Seabed Treaty.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 45:00

Title/Event: "Press Conference by Dr. Frank Stanton(in New York)"
File/ID No.: 691125 Format: AT
Exact Date: 11/25/1969
Location: New York City, New York
Restrictions: Copyright
Provenance: SMOF: OPPA
Remarks: The original tape was recorded full track at 7.5 ips.

Title/Event: "Telephone Conversation Between Charles W. Colson, Special Counsel to the President, and Paul Bridston, Banker and ex-government official."
File/ID No.: 700000001 Format: AT
Participants: Charles W. Colson(Special Counsel to the President),Paul Joseph Bridston(banker and ex-government official)
Approx. Date: 1970
Topic/Subject: Colson asks Bridston about some government overseas construction contracts with a company he was affliated with. He asks whether Maryland Senator Joe Tydings may have helped the company win the contracts.
Location: The Executive Office Building, Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: WHSF: SMOF: Charles Colson
Time: 06:30
Remarks: Full track 1/4" tape recorded at 3.75 ips.

Title/Event: Tom Haggai, Values for Living: "60 Second Spots for the State Advisory Committee on Public Education"
File/ID No.: 700000002 Format: AT
Participants: Pastor Tom Haggai, an inspirational radio speaker
Approx. Date: Autumn, 1970
Topic/Subject: Paster Haggai urges Southern compliance with federal court ordered busing. Spots as follows: 1) "Tradition of Responsibility"; 2) "The Second Most Important Gift"; 3) "We need Skilled Citizens"; 4) "How To Bring A Renewed Respect For Authority"; 5) Spot five, take 12"; 6) "Industry Checks Schools Before Moving In"; 7) "Good Schooling Is Good Business"; 8) Spot 8, Take 17; 9) Spot 9, Take 19; 10) "First Day of School"
Location: ?
Restrictions: ?
Provenance: ?
Time: 11:00
Remarks: Recorded at 7 1/2 ips on 1.5 mil mylar stock

Title/Event: "Stand Up for America"
File/ID No.: 700000003 Format: AT
Participants: Words and Music by Richard C. Peet and Samuel R. Loboda; U.S. Army Band & Chorus conducted by Samuel R. Lobada.
Approx. Date: 1970
Topic/Subject: Choral recording of patriotic music.
Location: ?
Restrictions: Copyright 1970: Richard C. Peet
Provenance: Office of Presidental Papers and Archives
Time: 02:40

Title/Event: Side One: "Busin' Them Younguns'"; Side Two: "Common as a Shoe"
File/ID No.: 700000004 Format: DR
Participants: Ben Smathers, Singer
Approx. Date: 1970
Topic/Subject: Music Recordings
Restrictions: Copyright
Provenance: WHSF: SMOF: Boe, Box 10
Remarks: The original is a 45 rpm disc recording.

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 3, No.8"
File/ID No.: 700130 Format: AT
Participants: C. Robert Moore(Deputy Assistant Secretary For African Affairs), Alfred Atherton(Country Director for Arab and Israeli Affairs), David Mark(Deputy Director for Research), James Nelson (Office of German Affairs)
Exact Date: 01/30/1970
Topic/Subject: U.S. Relief efforts in Nigeria, U.S. Policy on the Mideast, the role of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research in the State Department, the significance of Social Democratic gains in the West German elections.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 18:30

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 3, No.9"
File/ID No.: 700225 Format: AT
Participants: J. Carter Brown(Director of the National Gallery of Art), Arthur Wortzel(Director of Soviet and Eastern European Exchanges Staff), Ambassador Abbot Washburn(Chairman of the U.S. Delegation to the INTELSAT Conference), Abraham Katz(Director of Office on the European Community)
Exact Date: 02/25/1970
Topic/Subject: The National Gallery's African Sculpture Exhibition, U.S. U.S.S.R Exchange Agreements, the European Common Market.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: The Office of Public Papes and Archives
Time: 20:00
Remarks: The original tape is a one mil polyester base full-track recorded at 7.5 ips.

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 3, No. 11"
File/ID No.: 700424 Format: AT
Participants: Secretary of State and Mrs. William Rogers, President Nixon, Jomo Kenyatta(President of Kenya), Barbara Watson(Administrator of the Bureau of Security and Consular Affairs), Dr. James Blume (The Agency for International Development), Thomas Lyons(AID Office of Population)
Exact Date: 04/24/1970
Topic/Subject: The Rogers' African Tour, U.S. consular policy on the use of drugs by American tourists abroad, the "Green Revolution", population growth in underdeveloped countries.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 20:00
Remarks: The original tape was recorded full track on one mil polyester base at 7.5 ips.

Title/Event: "RN Speech Announcing Cambodian Incursion"
File/ID No.: 700429 Format: AT
Exact Date: 04/29/1970
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Time: 29:00

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 3, No. 12"
File/ID No.: 700522 Format: AT
Participants: Elliot Richardson, Philip Habib, Philip Farley, William Brisk(University of New Mexico), and Roger Eldridge(Denver University)
Exact Date: 05/22/1970
Topic/Subject: The background of and the legal justification for the Cambodian invasion, profile of Philip Habib, the SALT Talks, Inter-American affiars seminar.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 18:00
Remarks: The original tape was recorded full-track on one mil polyester base at 7.5 ips.

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 3, No.13"
File/ID No.: 700600 Format: AT
Participants: Stephen Tripp(head of AID Relief Office), and Allen Flanigan(Peruvian Desk Office), Frank Loy(Assistant Secretary of Transportation and Telecommunication), Emory C. Swank(Deputy Assistant Secretary for European Affairs), Christian Herter, Jr., (Special Assistant For Environmental Affairs)
Approx. Date: 06/1970
Topic/Subject: U.S. relief efforts toward Peruvian earthquake victims, hijacking of commercial aircraft, U.S. relations with eastern Europe, environmental pollution and diplomacy.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 20:00

Title/Event: "Duke Ellington: 1969 All-Star White House Tribute"
File/ID No.: 20020001 Format:
Participants: Duke Ellington, Louie Bellson, Bill Berry, Dave Brubeck, Paul Desmond, Urbie Greene, Jim Hall, Earl Hines, Milt Hinton, J.J. Johnson, Hank Jones, Mary Mayo, Gerry Mulligan, Billy Taylor, Clark Terry, Joe Williams
Approx. Date: 1969
Topic/Subject: Commercial release of the Duke Ellington concert on the evening of April 29, 1969 on the occasion of Ellington's birthday. Ellington was given the Presidential Medal of Freedom on the same night. This recording was mastered from the WHCA recording J-100.
Restrictions: Copyright
Provenance: Promotional copy given to the Nixon Pres. Mat. Staff by Capitol Records
Time: 14:00
Remarks: ISBN 7243 5 35249 2 0

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 4, No. 2"
File/ID No.: 700800 Format: AT
Participants: John Flynn(announcer), Secretary of State Rogers, Paul Kreisburg(Deputy Secretary of State), Alfred Jenkins (Director of Asian Communist Affairs), Leslie Squires(USIA officer and ex-American Consul General in Dacca, East Pakistan), Warren Bruce Kinsey(Foreign Service Officer with Pacification Advisory Team in South Vietnam)
Approx. Date: 08/1970
Topic/Subject: "Inside Communist China", "The U.S. and Communist China Today", "The Consul-General's Role in the 1968/69 Pakistani Political Disorders", "The Pacification Program in Vietnam".
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 18:53
Remarks: The original tape was recorded full track on one mil polyester base at 7.5 ips.

Title/Event: "Mrs. Nixon's Remarks at the Denver Inter-Faith Center"
File/ID No.: 700803 Format: AT
Exact Date: 08/03/1970
Topic/Subject: The presentation of a certificate of appreciation to Mrs. Nixon in honor of her efforts in promoting volunteerism.
Location: Denver, CO
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Office of Presidential Papers and Archives
Time: 03:06
Remarks: Recorded at 7 1/2 ips.

Title/Event: "Charles Colson's Remarks Off the IBM Belt"
File/ID No.: 700804 Format: DB
Exact Date: 08/04/1970
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: WHSF: SMOF: Charles Colson
Remarks: Very low audio level. The original recording is an office "dictabelt".

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 4, No. 3"
File/ID No.: 700900 Format: AT
Participants: Dennis Owens(announcer), Ambler Moss(country officer for Spanish affairs), Thomas Boyatt(former U.S. embassy officer in Cyprus), Karen Jenkins(foreign service officer), John Stimple(staff assistant to the Under Secretary of State)
Approx. Date: 09/1970
Topic/Subject: Five-year bilateral agreement with Spain, communal relations between Greek and Turkish Cypriots, foregin service careers.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 20:00

Title/Event: "Working Hard"(50 sec), "As a Southerner"(60 Sec), "Pride in the South"(30 sec), "From the South"(15 Sec), "Quality Education" (25 sec)
File/ID No.: 700906 Format: AT
Exact Date: 09/06/1970
Topic/Subject: Five radio spots by the Reverend Billy Graham in which he advocates peaceful integration of schools and compliance with federal busing orders. Interview with Rev. Graham.
Remarks: The radio spots are excerpted from the interview.

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol.4, No. 4"
File/ID No.: 701000 Format: AT
Participants: John Flynn(announcer), Allen Harris(Special Assistant to the Legal Advisor to the Secretary of State), Samuel De Palma(Assistant Secretary of State For International Organizations), Judith Cooper(student participant at the White House Conference on Children and Youth)
Approx. Date: 10/1970
Topic/Subject: "Col. Frank Borman's Report to Congress on American POWs in North Vietnam", pollution of the world's oceans, the United Nations' Twenty-Fifth Anniversary, the Report of the White House Conference on Children and Youth
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 4, No. 5"
File/ID No.: 701100 Format: AT
Participants: Daniel P. Moynihan(Assistant to the President), Allen Berlind(Office of NATO and Atlantic Political-Military Affairs), Manlio Brosio(Secretary-General of NATO), Albert Folkas, Burt Tolifson, Jr.,(Assistant Administrator of AID'S Office of Legislative and Public Affairs), Raggner Arnison.
Approx. Date: 11/1970
Topic/Subject: environmental pollution, foreign aid, Nicaragua
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 18:00

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 4, No. 6"
File/ID No.: 701200 Format: AT
Participants: Maurice Williams(Deputy Administrator of AID), Robert Munn(Political-Military Officer for Israel and Arab-Israeli Affairs), John Ingersoll(Director of the Bureau of Narcotic and Dangerous Drugs), Jim Slack, Vernon Johnson(former AID Deputy Director)
Approx. Date: 12/1970
Topic/Subject: relief efforts in Pakistan, Peace in the Mideast, U.S. Policy toward international drug-trafficking, Nigeria
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Time: 18:00

Title/Event: "Press Conference of Donald E. Johnson, Veterans Administration Administrator, Summarizing Progress During 1969-70"
File/ID No.: 701228 Format: AT
Exact Date: 12/28/1970
Topic/Subject: GI insurance dividends, veterens' outreach program, expansion of the GI Bill
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: The Donated Papers of Donald E. Johnson
Time: 23:00
Remarks: The original tape is five inch reel recorded at 3.75 ips.

Title/Event: "Radio Broadcast of a Panel Discussion of the Palestine Refugee Issue"
File/ID No.: 681214 Format: AT
Participants: Bishop S. McDowell Shelton, Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith(moderator), the Ass't General Mgr. of the Arab Bank, panel members: The Jordanian Minister of Transportation, a Jordanian senator, and the legal advisor to the prime minister of Jordan.
Exact Date: 12/14/1968
Location: Amman, Jordan
Restrictions: ?
Provenance: White House Special Files: Presiden'ts Personal
Time: 35:00
Remarks: The original tape was recorded on one 2400' reel of half mil 1/4" audio tape.

Title/Event: "Press Conference: Melvin R. Laird(Defense Secretary-Designate) and David Packard(Deputy Defense Secretary-Designate)
File/ID No.: 681230 Format: AT
Participants: Laird; Packard, and Herb Klein, White House Director of Communications
Exact Date: 12/30/1968
Restrictions: ?
Time: 45:00

Title/Event: "Interview with Charles Meyer, Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs"
File/ID No.: 6900001 Format: AT
Participants: Charles Meyer and interviewer, Mauricio Walchiem
Approx. Date: 1969
Restrictions: For foreign dissemination only.
Provenance: The Donated Papers of Charles A. Meyer
Time: 30:00
Remarks: The interview is conducted in Spanish.

Title/Event: "Announcement of and Subsequent Press Conference with Mrs. Lucy Winchester as the Social Secretary to Mrs. Nixon"
File/ID No.: 690114 Format: AT
Participants: Mrs. Gerry Vander Heuvel, Mrs. Nixon's Press Secretary, and Mrs. Lucy Winchester
Exact Date: 01/14/1969
Time: 20:00

Title/Event: "Woodrow Wilson Biography (side one) and Charles DeGaulle Biography (side two)
File/ID No.: 690200 Format: AT
Approx. Date: 02/1969

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 2, No.3"
File/ID No.: 690300 Format: AT
Participants: George Clift (Office of Cuban Affairs) and Frank E. Lloyd (Assistant Secretary For Transportation and Telecommunications); Isabella Henry(foreign service secretary); Doyle V. Martin (country officer for Poland); Everette Baumgarder(USIA Vietnam working group).
Approx. Date: 03/1969
Topic/Subject: airline hijacking, Poland, the history of the Vietcong
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 20:00

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol.2, No.4"
File/ID No.: 690400 Format: AT
Participants: Everette Baumgardner(USIA working group on Vietnam); Harlan Cleveland (U.S. Ambassador to NATO); Chistopher Van Holland(country officer for India)
Approx. Date: 04/1969
Topic/Subject: "Who are the Vietcong?", Nato, India
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 20:00

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 3, No.3"
File/ID No.: 690910 Format: AT
Participants: Thomas O. Enders(Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Monetary Affairs); Jan Zehner(country desk officer for Rumania for USIA); Ambler Moss(country desk officer for Spain); Dr. Norton Ginzburg(Associate Dean of the Department of Social Services, The University of Chicago)
Exact Date: 09/10/1969
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 18:00
Remarks: The original tape was recorded full track on single roll of one mil 1/4" tape at 7.5 ips.

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 4, No.1"
File/ID No.: 700700 Format: AT
Participants: Elliot Richardson(Under Secretary of State), Edward Blakely(Special Assistant for Youth Affairs), William Stearman(Bureau of Intelligence and Research)
Approx. Date: 07/1970
Topic/Subject: Richardson's farewell remarks as Under Secretary, student participation in the formulation of U.S. foreign policy, North Vietnam.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 18:00
Remarks: The original tape was recorded full track on one mil polyester base at 7.5 ips.

Title/Event: "Proudly They Came… …To Honor America"
File/ID No.: 700704 Format: DR
Participants: Pat Boone, Kate Smith, Jeanne C. Riley, Dinah Shore, Fred Waring, Teresa Graves, Glen Campbell, The Centurymen, The New Christy Minstrels, Les Brown and his Band, Esther Philips, Dorothy Lamour, The Young Americans, James Stewart, the Rev. Billy Graham, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, Rabbi Marc H. Tannenbaum, Bob Hope, Jack Benny, Red Skelton.
Exact Date: 07/04/1970
Topic/Subject: "Honor America Day" entertainment
Location: The Mall: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Copyright
Remarks: The original recording is on two stereo 33 1/3 long playing discs.

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 4, No.12"
File/ID No.: 710500 Format: AT
Participants: Secretary of State Wiliam P. Rogers, Eugene Lawson(Staff Assistant to the Assistant Secretary For East Asian Affairs), Dr. John Hannah(Administrator of AID) Peter G. Peterson(Assistant to President Nixon for International Economic Policy), John Upston(Executive Director of the Secretary's Committee to Facilitate Travel), Mark Feldman(Assistant Legal Advisor for Inter-American Affairs).
Approx. Date: May 1971
Topic/Subject: U.S.-China relations, President Nixon's proposed re-organization of foreign aid, "A New Passport Service For the American Traveler", the U.S.-Mexican Treaty on Archeological Objects.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 20:00
Remarks: The original was recorded full track at 7.5 ips on one mil polyester base tape.

Title/Event: "Problems in the Formation of U.S. National Security Policy"
File/ID No.: 710520 Format: AT
Participants: Brigadier General Alexander Haig, lecturer; M.G. Davis, introductory remarks; Colonel Waldman, moderator
Exact Date: 05/20/1971
Topic/Subject: Lecture given by Brigadier General Haig to the U.S. Army War College.
Location: Carlisle Barracks, PA
Restrictions: "B" withdrawn-restricted due to national security
Provenance: WHSF: SMOF: Haig, Box #47
Time: 40:00
Remarks: Army War College Tape #1848

Title/Event: "The Appearance of Dr. Robert Q. Marston before the Assembly of Scientists at the National Institutes of Health"
File/ID No.: 710514 Format: AT
Participants: Bob Adelstein(introduction), Dr. Robert Q. Marston(Director of NIH), delegates to "The Assembly of Scientists"
Exact Date: 05/14/1971
Topic/Subject: personnel changes, the budget, federal funding of medical training, legislation for cancer research, President Nixon's interest in such research.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: The Donated Papers of Dr. Robert Q. Marston
Remarks: The questions during the question and answer session are largely unintelligible.

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 4, No. 13"
File/ID No.: 710600 Format: AT
Participants: Armand Meyer(U.S. Ambassador to Japan)
Approx. Date: 06/1971
Topic/Subject: The reversion of Okinawa to Japanese sovereignty, a discussion of encroachments by foreign powers on the New England fishing grounds, the NATO Foreign Minister's Meeting (May 1971, Lison) relating to Mutual European Forests Reduction, commentary by two American students on travel in Europe, and the Mid-East under a Department of State Youth and Social Committee Program.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 18:00

Title/Event: "U.S Department of State Report, Vol. 5, No.1"
File/ID No.: 710700 Format: AT
Participants: John Flynn(announcer), Robert Pugh(Acting Director for Turkish Affairs), Allen Berlind(Office of NATO Affairs), Jim Slack(announcer), Bertram W. Rein(Assistant Secretary of State for Transportation), Robert Maxim(ex-president of the Junior Foreign Service Officer's club)
Approx. Date: 07/1971
Topic/Subject: The Turkish government's ban on the growing of opium poppies, a report on the May 1971 International Conference on Earthquakes, airplane hijacking, the Foreign Service as a career.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 20:00

Title/Event: "Remarks of the President of the United States at the Opening of the Bicentennial Commission at the National Archives on July 3, 1971"
File/ID No.: 710703 Format: AT
Exact Date: 07/03/1971
Location: Washington, D.C.
Time: 14:00

Title/Event: "Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) Review Meeting"- Tape I
File/ID No.: 7107121 Format: ATC
Participants: William E. Dunn (Executive Director of AGC); Eugene E. Halmos (Washington correspondent of Construction Industry Publications, moderator); George C. Guenther(Assistant Secretary of Labor for the Occupational Health and Safety Act[OSHA]); Benjamin W. Mintz(Associate Solicitor of OSHA); Vernie G. Lindstrom Jr.(Chmn. AGC Safety Committee); Allan Martin(Acting Chief, Division of Construction Standards, OSHA); James Van Namee(Commissioner of OSHA).
Exact Date: 07/12/1971
Location: The Washington D.C. Hilton Hotel
Time: 48:00

Title/Event: "Associated General Contractors of America(AGC) Review Meeting"- Tape II
File/ID No.: 7107122 Format: ATC
Participants: William E. Dunn(Executive Director of AGC); Eugene E. Halmos(Washington correspondent of Construction Industry Publications, moderator); George C. Guenther(Assistant Secretary of Labor for the Occupational Health and Safety Act[OSHA]); Benjamin W. Mintz(Associate Solicitor of OSHA); Vernie G. Lindstrom Jr.(Chmn. AGC Safety Committee); Allan Martin(Acting Chief, Division of Construction Standards, OSHA); James Van Namee(Commissioner of OSHA).
Exact Date: 07/12/1971
Location: The Washington, D.C. Hilton Hotel

Title/Event: "Associated General Contractors of America(AGC) Review Meeting"- Tape III
File/ID No.: 7107123 Format: ATC
Participants: William E. Dunn(Executive Director of AGC); Eugene E. Halmos(Washington correspondent of Construction Industry Publications, moderator); George C. Guenther(Assistant Secretary of Labor for the Occupational Health and Safety Act[OSHA]); Benjamin W. Mintz(Associate Solicitor of OSHA); Vernie G. Lindstrom Jr.(Chmn. AGC Safety Committee); Allan Martin(Acting Chief, Division of Construction Standards, OSHA); James Van Namee(Commissioner of OSHA).
Exact Date: 07/12/1971
Location: The Washington, D.C., Hilton Hotel
Time: 37:00

Title/Event: "Press Conference of VA Administrator Donald E. Johnson"
File/ID No.: 7107211 Format: AT
Participants: Administrator Johnson, various VA officials, members of the press
Exact Date: 07/21/1971
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Remarks: Part one of two.

Title/Event: "Press Conference of VA Administrator Donald E. Johnson"
File/ID No.: 7107212 Format: AT
Participants: Administrator Johnson, various VA officials, members of the press
Exact Date: 07/21/1971
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Remarks: Part two of two.

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 5, No.2"
File/ID No.: 710800 Format: AT
Participants: Frank Kellogg, Donald Ranard, William Macomber, John Davison
Approx. Date: August 1971
Topic/Subject: Conditions in the refugee camps for East Pakistanis in India, political progress in South Korea since the armistice, reform of the State Department administration, the Nigerian amnesty program for Biafran rebels.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 18:00

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 5, No.3"
File/ID No.: 710900 Format: AT
Participants: John Flynn(announcer), Abbot Washburn(Chairman of the Intellsat Negotiating Conference), William P. Rogers(Secretary of State), the Italian ambassador, Theresa Healey(economist), Marshall Green(Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs), Donald Graves(Soviet affairs analyst)
Approx. Date: September 1971
Topic/Subject: The implications of the Intelsat Permanent Agreements, trade with European Economic Community, U.S. relations with Japan, the function of the USA Institute in Moscow.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 20:00

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 5, No.4"
File/ID No.: 711000 Format: AT
Participants: George Bush(Ambassador to the United Nations), Michael Newlin(Political Advisor to the U.S. Mission to the UN), Wallace Irwin(Advisor on Economic and Social Affairs to the U.S. Mission to the UN), Arthur Stillman(Advisor on Economic and Social Affairs to the U.S. Mission to the UN)
Approx. Date: October 1971
Topic/Subject: Communist Chinese representation in the United Nations, UN conference on pollution in Stockholm scheduled for June 1972, a report on UN efforts against international drug trafficking
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 20:00

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 5, No.5"
File/ID No.: 711100 Format: AT
Participants: Phillip Farley(Deputy Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency), Donald Trice(Yugoslav Desk Officer), Sidney Weintraub(Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Finance and Development), James Blake(Director of North African Affairs), John Flynn(narrator)
Approx. Date: 11/1971
Topic/Subject: The SALT talks, U.S. Yugoslavian relations, the balance of trade, U.S.-North African relations
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 18:00

Title/Event: "Remarks of President Nixon in a Taped Interview with 'Reader's Digest'"
File/ID No.: 711130 Format: AT
Participants: President Nixon, Hobart Lewis(Publisher of "Reader's Digest") and David Reed(Editor of "Reader's Digest")
Exact Date: 11/30/1971
Topic/Subject: The war in Vietnam, U.S. policy toward mainland China, the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, areas of potential conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, the summit with Brezhnev, the distributions of world economic power.
Provenance: WHSF: WHCF: Subject
Time: 57:00

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 5, No. 6"
File/ID No.: 711200 Format: AT
Participants: Dr. John Hannah(Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development), George Trail(Liberian Desk Officer), Nicholas Veliatas(Special Assistant to the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs), William Johnson(director for Canadian Affairs)
Approx. Date: 12/1971
Topic/Subject: Foreign assistance, U.S.-Liberian relations and the inauguration of William Tolbert as the new President of Liberia, summit diplomacy, U.S.-Canadian relations.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 18:00

Title/Event: "Press Conference of VA Administrator Donald E. Johnson"
File/ID No.: 711217 Format: AT
Participants: Administrator Johnson, members of the press
Exact Date: 12/17/1971
Topic/Subject: HR 11651, for cost of living adjustment of non-service related death and disability pensions, and HR 11652, for a 10% increase in dependency and indemnity compensation payments, are discussed.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: The Donated Papers of Donald E. Johnson
Time: 23:00
Remarks: The original tape is five inch reel recorded at 3.75 ips.

Title/Event: "Press Conference of VA Administrator Donald E. Johnson"
File/ID No.: 711231 Format: AT
Exact Date: 12/23/1971
Topic/Subject: Government life insurance, G.I.loans, the G.I. Bill for education and training, disability and death compensation, pensions, VA medical care, pending legislation.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: The Donated Papers of Donald E. Johnson
Remarks: 7 inch reel, 7.5 ips

Title/Event: "Nixon the Man", Production Sound Rolls #37 and #38"
File/ID No.: 7200001 Format: AT
Participants: Unidentified announcer interviewing President Richard Nixon.
Approx. Date: 1972
Topic/Subject: RN's thoughts on the office of the Presidency, the influence of his family life and teachers on his conduct as President, the style of decision-making in his Administration, his disappointments during his first term, his goals for his second term, his desired legacies to the nation.
Location: San Clemente, CA
Restrictions: Copyright
Provenance: SMOF: Alvin Snyder
Time: 46:50
Remarks: The original is a transcription copy with pilot sync tone reproduced on full-track mono at 3.75 ips from four production reels. Background noise between roll 1 and 2; interview interrupted by John Erlichman on roll 3. Original and duplicate Original.

Title/Event: Nixon Campaign Songs 1)"More Than Ever" 2) "Nixon Now"
File/ID No.: 7200002 Format: AT
Participants: unidentified singers and musicians
Approx. Date: 1972
Topic/Subject: 1972 Nixon campaign jingles
Provenance: WHSF: SMOF: Halderman
Time: 05:00

Title/Event: "1972 Nixon Campaign Songs"
File/ID No.: 7200003 Format: AT
Approx. Date: 1972
Topic/Subject: 1) "Nixon Now Song"(2:35); 2) "More Than Ever"(2:00); 3) (mono and 4) (stereo): Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Mitchell and Dean sing "The Creep"(2:43)
Time: 10:00

Title/Event: "1972 Nixon Campaign Songs: 'Nixon Now' and "More Than Ever'"
File/ID No.: 7200004 Format: ATC
Participants: The Mike Curb Congregation
Approx. Date: 1972
Topic/Subject: 1972 Nixon Re-election Campaign music
Location: ?
Restrictions: Possible Copyright
Time: 04:30

Title/Event: "1972 Nixon Re-election Campaign Songs: 1) 'More Than Ever Theme' (Ken Sutherland); 2) 'Nixon Now Rally Song' (Jerry Jerome)"
File/ID No.: 7200005 Format: ATC
Participants: unidentified performers
Approx. Date: 1972
Topic/Subject: Nixon campaign music
Location: ?
Restrictions: possible Copyright
Provenance: ?
Time: 05:00

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 5, No.7"
File/ID No.: 720100 Format: AT
Participants: Nelson Ledsky(State Department Officer for West Berlin Affairs), Haywood Stackhouse(State Department Director for Israeli Affairs), Michael Sterner(Director of Egytian Affairs), Gillander Claxton(Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Population Matters), Richard Murphy(U.S. Ambassador to Mauritania)
Approx. Date: 01/1970
Topic/Subject: A discussion of the Inter-German Agreement on Berlin, obstacles to peace in the Mideast, the All-African Conference on Population, the growing role of Mauritania in international diplomacy.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 18:00

Title/Event: "Remarks by Donald E. Johnson, Veterans' Administration Administrator, concerning a survey by Louis Harris and Associates to Assess Problems of Returning Vietnam War Veterans in Adjusting to Civilian Life"
File/ID No.: 7201051 Format: AT
Exact Date: 01/05/1972
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: The Donated Papers of Donald E. Johnson
Time: 30:00
Remarks: Original tape one of two.

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 3, No. 7"
File/ID No.: 691231 Format: AT
Participants: John Flynn (announcer), Edward Streator (Deputy Director of the Office of NATO Affairs), Eileen Donovan (Ambassador to Barbados), Herbert Salzman (AID Office for Private Resources).
Exact Date: 12/31/1969
Topic/Subject: NATO ministerial conference in Brussels, The committee on the Challenges of Modern Society, women in the State Department, economic development in the Caribbean, assistance to U.S. private investment abroad.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 45:00

Title/Event: "Excerpts from Radio Broadcasts of Al Capp"
File/ID No.: 71000001 Format: AT
Participants: Al Capp
Approx. Date: early 1971
Topic/Subject: Capp evaluates the major Democratic Presidential candidates.
Provenance: WHSF: SMOF: Charles Colson
Remarks: Original tape was recorded full-track at 7.5 ips on 1.5 mil acetate base.

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol.4, No.9"
File/ID No.: 710200 Format: AT
Participants: Richard Davies(Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs), William P. Rogers(Secretary of State), President Nixon, Lord Cromer(Ambassador to the United States from Great Britain), James Sunderland(country director for German affairs), Manilio Brosio(Secretary General of NATO)
Approx. Date: February, 1971
Topic/Subject: Jewish Defense League activity in the U.S., Jewish emigration from the U.S.S.R., the Seabed Treaty, Willy Brandt(Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany) and "Ostopolitik", NATO in the 1970's.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 19:00
Remarks: Original tape was recorded full track at 7.5 ips on one mil polyester base.

Title/Event: "Chapin Call-Walker and Chapin"
File/ID No.: 7102041 Format: ATC
Participants: Dwight Chapin and Ronald Walker, Presidential advance men
Exact Date: 02/04/1971
Topic/Subject: A telephone conversation via military signals channels relating to preparations for the upcoming Presidential visit to the People's Republic of China.
Location: Washington, D.C., Beijing, China
Restrictions: Withdrawn, category "A"
Provenance: ?
Remarks: Identical to WHCA Audio recording #T-1.

Title/Event: "Walker-Chapin Phone Call"
File/ID No.: 7102042 Format: ATC
Participants: Ronald Walker and Dwight Chapin, Presidential advance men.
Exact Date: 02/04/1971
Topic/Subject: A telephone conversation via military signals channels relating to preparations for the upcoming Presidential visit to the People's Republic of China.
Location: Washington,D.C., and Beijing, China
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: ?
Time: 18:23
Remarks: Identical to WHCA Audio recording #T-2.

Title/Event: "Staff Supper"
File/ID No.: 7103081 Format: AT
Participants: H.R. Haldeman, John Connally(Secretary of the Treasury), Robert Finch(Counsellor to the President), Donald Rumsfeld, Harry Dent, George P. Schultz, other unidentified staff members.
Exact Date: 03/08/1971
Location: Blair House: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: WHSF: SMOF: Haldeman
Time: 55:00
Remarks: Reel 1 of 2. Original tape recorded at 3.75 ips.

Title/Event: "Staff Supper"
File/ID No.: 7103082 Format: AT
Participants: H.R. Haldeman, John Connally(Secretary of the Treasury), Robert Finch(Counsellor to the President), Dr. Henry Kissinger(National Security Advisor to the President), Donald Rumsfeld, Harry Dent, George P. Schultz, other unidentified staff members.
Exact Date: 03/08/1971
Location: Blair House: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: WHSF: SMOF: Haldeman
Time: 55:00
Remarks: Reel 2 of 2. Original tape recorded at 3.75 ips.

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 4, No. 11"
File/ID No.: 710400 Format: AT
Participants: John Flynn(announcer), Robert Packard(Dir. Of Space, Atmospherica, and Marine Science Affairs), Allen Reich(Deputy Assistant Secretary for Educations and Cultural Affairs), Doyle Martin(country desk officer for Poland)
Approx. Date: April, 1971
Topic/Subject: U.S.-Soviet cooperation in space, seizure of American fishing vessels by Ecuadorian navy, the role of exchanges in foreign relations, workers riots in Poland.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 20:00

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 4, No.10"
File/ID No.: 710300 Format: AT
Participants: John Flynn (announcer), Richard Pedersen (White House Counsellor), Donald Westmore (Japan analyst), Dr. Seymour Wolfbein (Dean of the School of Business Administration at Temple University)
Approx. Date: March 1971
Topic/Subject: The White House Conference on Youth, Japan's post-war economic recovery, the role of education in economic development of third world countries.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 20:00

Title/Event: "Remarks by Donald E. Johnson, Veterans' Administration Administrator, concerning a survey by Louis Harris and Associates to Assess Problems of Returning Vietnam War Veterans in Adjusting to Civilian Life"
File/ID No.: 7201052 Format: AT
Exact Date: 01/05/1972
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: The Donated Papers of Donald E. Johnson
Time: 30:00
Remarks: Original tape two of two

Title/Event: "Georgetown University radio forum "Latin American: The Challenge from the Left"
File/ID No.: 720118 Format: AT
Participants: Wallace Fanning (Moderator); Charles Meyer (Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs); Benjamin Welles (national security affairs reporter for the New York Times); Dr. John M. Cates, Jr. (President, Center for Inter-American Relations in New York); and James Faverge (Director of Latin American Studies, Center for Strategic and International Studies)
Exact Date: 01/18/1972
Provenance: The Donated Papers of Charles A. Meyer
Time: 30:00

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 5, No.11"
File/ID No.: 720400 Format: AT
Participants: Peter Constable (Political Officer for Bangladesh), Ambassador James Leonard (Chief Negotiator and head of the Bureau of International Affairs and Arms Control and disarmament Agency), Herbert Okum (Alternate Director, Officer of Soviet Affairs), Christian Herter, Jr. ( Advisor on Environmental Affairs)
Approx. Date: April 1972
Topic/Subject: The new nation of Bangladesh, the Biological Weapons Treaty, U.S.-Soviet relations, the proposed UN Conference on the Human Environment.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 18:00

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 5, No.12"
File/ID No.: 720500 Format: AT
Participants: Curtis Tarr (Undersecretary of State for Security Assistance), Richard Erickson (Director For Japanese Affairs), Henry Loomis (Deputy Director of the United States Information Agency)
Approx. Date: 05/1972
Topic/Subject: An explanation of the role of security assistance in U.S. foreign policy, an analysis of U.S.-Japanese relations in the wake of the conversion of Okinawa to Japanese sovereignty, a discuss of the meeting of the UN Commission on Trade and Development, a report on the activities of the USIA.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 18:00

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 5, No.13"
File/ID No.: 720600 Format: AT
Participants: Doyle Martin (Liason Officer to Radio Free Europe), Philip Vandever (East Asian Regional Affairs Officer), Leo Moses (Director,Office of China affairs)
Approx. Date: June 1972
Topic/Subject: A discussion of the changing missions of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, the Golden Triangle of heroin production in Southeast Asia, U.S.-Taiwan relations in the wake of improving U.S. relations with mainland China.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 18:00

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 6, No.1"
File/ID No.: 720700 Format: AT
Participants: Robert Stevenson (Director of the Office of Mexican Affairs), Ambassador John Moore (U.S. Ambassador to Ireland)
Approx. Date: July 1972
Topic/Subject: The 1972 U.S.-Soviet Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and the interim agreement on offensive weapons, U.S.-Mexican relations, black college exchange programs, U.S.-Irish relations, and the "troubles" in Ireland.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 17:00

Title/Event: "Press briefing by Ron Ziegler and Myles Ambrose"
File/ID No.: 720724 Format: ATC
Participants: Ronald Ziegler (Presidential Press Secretary) and Myles Ambrose (Special Consultant to the President on Drug Abuse and Director of the Justice Department's Office of Drug Abuse Law Enforcement)"
Exact Date: 07/24/1972
Topic/Subject: A press briefing on the Nixon Administration's latest efforts in drug law enforcement.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: The Nixon Presidential Materials Staff
Time: 40:00
Remarks: This is an audio cassette duplicate of WHCA Audio #H-625

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 6, No.2"
File/ID No.: 720800 Format: AT
Participants: Richard Johnson (Deputy Director, Office of Eastern European Affairs), Herbert Spiro (member of the planning Co-ordination staff), Jean Wilkowski (U.S. Ambassador to Zambia), Lewis Girdler (Chilean Desk Officer)
Approx. Date: August, 1972
Topic/Subject: A report on improving U.S. relations with Hungary, Romania, and Yugoslavia; "World Power in the 1980's"; U.S.-Zambia relations; U.S.-Chilean relations after the election of socialist Salvador Allende as President of Chile.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 18:00

Title/Event: "Speech given by Gregg Petersmeyer"
File/ID No.: 720815 Format: AT
Participants: Gregg Petersmeyer(White House Summer Intern)
Exact Date: 08/15/1972
Topic/Subject: Petersmeyer recounts his impressions of the Nixon White House based on three years as a summer intern.
Location: ?
Restrictions: ?
Provenance: WHSF: SMOF: Haldeman
Time: 19:30
Remarks: The original is on one mil polyester tape recorded at 3.75 ips.

Title/Event: "Earl Mazo Speaking to Summer Interns"
File/ID No.: 720816 Format: AT
Exact Date: 08/16/1972
Topic/Subject: Nixon biographer Earl Mazo speaks to the White House summer interns about his background as a journalist and his biography of Richard Nixon.
Location: The Old Executive Office Bldg, Rm.144, Wash. D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 15:45
Remarks: Recorded on one mil stock at 3 3/4 ips.

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 6, No.3"
File/ID No.: 720900 Format: AT
Participants: Russell McClure (Disaster Relief Coordinator for the Agency for International Development), Shirley Hench (Coordinator of International Women's Programs), Joseph Norbury (Foreign Service Officer), Samuel De Palma (Assisant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs)
Approx. Date: September 1972
Topic/Subject: "Philippine Flood relief", "The United Nations Seminar on Women and Family Planning", "Castro and Cuba Today", "U.S. UN Assessments"
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 18:00

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 6, No. 4"
File/ID No.: 721000 Format: AT
Participants: Richard Erickson (Foreign Service Officer), Secretary of State Rogers, Charles Brower (Deputy Legal Advisor to the Secretary of State), Nelson Gross (Senior Advisor to the Secretary of State and Coordinator for International Narcotics Matters), Horacio Rivero (U.S. Ambassador to Spain)
Approx. Date: October, 1972
Topic/Subject: "U.S.-Japan Issues", "Air Piracy", "International Drug Control", "Spain"
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 18:00

Title/Event: "PRESUS remarks on arrival at Regency Hyatt House: Atlanta, Georgia"
File/ID No.: 721012 Format: AT
Participants: President Nixon, reporters
Exact Date: 10/12/1972
Location: Atlanta, GA
Provenance: WHSF: SMOF: Haldeman
Time: 03:00

Title/Event: "Veteran's Administration administrator Donald E. Johnson's remarks on Veterans' Day at Arlington National Cemetary"
File/ID No.: 721023 Format: AT
Exact Date: 10/23/1972
Location: Arlington National Cemetary: Arlington,VA
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: The Donated Papers of Donald E. Johnson

Title/Event: "Nixon Network", a report of the Nixon Campaign
File/ID No.: 7210301 Format: AT
Participants: Mark Evans (announcer), John Ehrlichman (Presidential assistant for Domestic Affairs), Carol Anderson (Nixon campaign volunteer), Charlton Heston (actor), President Richard M. Nixon
Exact Date: 10/30/1972
Topic/Subject: paid political radio spot
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Copyright
Provenance: WHSF: SMOF: Haldeman
Time: 10:00
Remarks: Original tape recorded full-track at 7.5 ips.

Title/Event: Compilation Audio Tape of the Seven Daily "Nixon Network" Campaign News Roundups
File/ID No.: 7210302 Format: AT
Participants: Mark Evans (announcer)
Exact Date: 10/30/1972
Topic/Subject: Paid political "news roundups"
Restrictions: Copyright
Time: 07:40

Title/Event: Broadcast #1 of the CRP "Nixon Network"
File/ID No.: 7210303 Format: AT
Participants: Mark Evans(announcer)
Exact Date: 10/30/1972
Restrictions: Copyright
Time: 10:00

Title/Event: "Eighteen Nixon Campaign Radio Commericals"
File/ID No.: 7210304 Format: AT
Exact Date: 10/30/1972
Topic/Subject: 1) "McGovern Welfare"; 2) "McGovern Defense"; 3) "McGovern Turnaround on the War in Vietnam, Marijuana, Welfare, Amnesty for Draft Dodgers and Busing for School Integration"; 4) "Charlton Heston Endorsement"; 5) McGovern Turnaround #1 on War in Vietnam, and Amnesty for Draft Dodgers"; 6) "McGovern Turnaround #3 Re Space Program, Federal Minority Hiring, and Welfare"; 7) "McGovern on Vietnam"; 8) McGovern Springfield, MA re Proposed Defense Cuts"; 9)"McGovern Michigan re Proposed Defense cuts"; 10) "McGovern Rhode Island re Proposed Defense Cuts"; 11) "McGovern New York re Proposed Defense Cuts"; 12) "McGovern Wisconsin re Proposed Defense Cuts"; 13) McGovern San Francisco re Proposed Defense Cuts"; 14) "McGovern Sacramento re Proposed Defense Cuts"; 15) "McGovern Boston re Proposed Defense Cuts"; 16) "McGovern Economics"; 17) "McGovern Pittsfield, MA re Proposed Defense Cuts"; 18) "McGovern New Bedford, MA re Proposed Defense Cuts".
Restrictions: Copyright
Provenance: WHSF: SMOF: Haldeman
Time: 22:00

Title/Event: Broadcast #2 of the CRP "Nixon Network"
File/ID No.: 721031 Format:
Exact Date: 10/31/1972
Approx. Date: AT
Restrictions: Copyright
Time: 10:00

Title/Event: Broadcast #3 of the "Nixon Network"
File/ID No.: 721101 Format: AT
Exact Date: 11/01/1972
Restrictions: Copyright
Time: 10:00

Title/Event: Broadcast #4 of the "Nixon Network"
File/ID No.: 721102 Format: AT
Participants: Mark Evans (announcer)
Exact Date: 11/02/1972
Restrictions: Copyright
Time: 09:50

Title/Event: Broadcast #5 of the "Nixon Network"
File/ID No.: 721103 Format: AT
Exact Date: 11/03/1972
Restrictions: Copyright
Time: 10:00

Title/Event: Broadcast #6 of the "Nixon Network"
File/ID No.: 721104 Format: AT
Participants: Mark Evans (announcer)
Exact Date: 11/04/1972
Topic/Subject: A paid political "news roundup"
Restrictions: Copyright
Time: 09:40

Title/Event: Broadcast #7of the "Nixon Network"
File/ID No.: 721106 Format: AT
Participants: Mark Evans (announcer)
Exact Date: 11/06/1972
Topic/Subject: A paid political "news roundup"
Restrictions: Copyright
Time: 09:10

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 6, No. 5"
File/ID No.: 721100 Format: AT
Participants: Joan Murray (television personality), Allen Furman (AID Officer), Allen Reich (Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs)
Approx. Date: 11/1972
Topic/Subject: "African Cultural Exchange", "The Andean Pact", "Foreign Aid Today", "Sister City Partnerships"
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 18:00

Title/Event: "Secretary George Romney's resignation press conference"
File/ID No.: 721127 Format: AT
Exact Date: 11/27/1972
Topic/Subject: Departing Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Romney discusses the circumstances of his resignation and his future plans.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Time: 28:00
Remarks: Recorded half-track monaural at 3 3/4 ips on one mil mylar tape stock.

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 6, No. 6"
File/ID No.: 7212001 Format: AT
Participants: Ambassador Armand Meyer (Chairman of the Working Group on International Terrorism), James Atkins (Director of the Office of Fuels and Energy), Willis Armstrong (Assistant Secretary for Economic and Business Affairs), James Sunderland (Country Director for Germany).
Approx. Date: December 1972
Topic/Subject: "International Terrorism", "The Energy Crisis", "Soviet Lend-Lease Settlement", "East/West German Accord"
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 18:00

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 6, No. 7"
File/ID No.: 7212002 Format: AT
Participants: Bruce Laingen (Country Director for Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh), Donald Rainard (Country Director for Korea), Temple Cole (Refugee and Migration Affairs), Arva Floyd (Office of NATO and Atlantic Affairs)
Approx. Date: December 1972
Topic/Subject: "India/Pakistan/Bangladesh", "Korea Talks", "Ugandan Asians", "European Security Conference"
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 18:00

Title/Event: "Vocal record of the dedication ceremony of the Elmer Holmes Bobst Library at New York University"
File/ID No.: 7212161 Format: AT
Participants: His Eminence Terrence Cardinal Cooke, Mayor John Lindsay
Exact Date: 12/16/1972
Topic/Subject: Ceremonies surrounding the dedication of a new university library at New York University.
Location: New York City, NY
Remarks: Tape one of Three.

Title/Event: "Vocal Record of the Dedication Ceremony of the Elmer Holmes Bobst Library at New York University"
File/ID No.: 7212162 Format: AT
Participants: His Eminence Terrence Cardinal Cooke, Mayor John Lindsay
Exact Date: 12/16/1972
Topic/Subject: Ceremonies surrounding the dedication of a new university library at New Your University.
Location: New York City, NY
Remarks: Tape Two of Three.

Title/Event: "Vocal Record of the Dedication Ceremony of the Elmer Holmes Bobst Library at New York University"
File/ID No.: 7212163 Format: AT
Participants: His Eminence Terrence Cardinal Cooke, Mayor John Lindsay
Exact Date: 12/16/1972
Topic/Subject: Ceremonies surrounding the dedication of a new university library at New York University.
Location: New York, NY
Remarks: Tape Three of Three

Title/Event: "Tape given to the President 9/6/73 by im Lee Carter"
File/ID No.: 7300001 Format: ATC
Approx. Date: 1973
Provenance: WHSF: SMOF: President's Personal Files Box #6

Title/Event: "The Nixon-Ryan Family Reunion at the White House"
File/ID No.: 730121 Format: AT
Participants: President Nixon(introductory remarks)
Exact Date: 01/21/1973
Topic/Subject: The President greets his guest in the receiving room in the state dining room.
Location: The State Dining Room, the White House, Wash. D.C.
Restrictions: Withdrawn Item, Restriction code "G"
Provenance: SMOF: White House Communications Agency
Time: 15:00
Remarks: Note attched "For Rosemary Woods". Indentical to WHCA Audio recording #P-730114

Title/Event: "VIII Conferencia Del "Cies" Closing Remarks-Final Plenary"
File/ID No.: 730209 Format: AT
Participants: Charles Meyer (Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs)
Exact Date: 02/09/1973
Location: Bogota, Columbia
Restrictions: For Foreign Dissemination Only.
Provenance: Donated Papers of Charles A. Meyer
Time: 23:00

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 6, No. 8"
File/ID No.: 730100 Format: AT
Participants: Ben Zook (political analyst), Maurice Williams (Deputy Director, U.S. Agency for International Development), Michael Sterner (Country Director for Egypt and the Middle East), William Salmon (Environmental Affairs Officer)
Approx. Date: January, 1973
Topic/Subject: "Sino-Soviet Rivalry", "Nicaraguan Earthquake", "Inside Egypt", "Ocean Dumping"
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: The Office of Public Papers and Archives

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 6, No. 9"
File/ID No.: 730200 Format: AT
Participants: William P. Rogers (Secretary of State), Donald Rumsfeld (U.S. Permanent Representative to the NATO Council), Roger Sullivan (Deputy Director for Asian Communist Affairs)
Approx. Date: 02/1973
Topic/Subject: "Vietnam Cease-Fire", "NATO Alliance", "U.S. and China"
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: The Office of Public Papers and Archives

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 6, No.10"
File/ID No.: 730300 Format: AT
Approx. Date: 03/1973
Topic/Subject: "Cuban Hijacking Accord", "Diplomatic Terrorism", "Panama Canal Negotiations", "U.S. & Canada"
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: The Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 18:45

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 6, No.11"
File/ID No.: 730400 Format: AT
Participants: Barbara Watson, Alfred Jenkins, Ambassador Carol Laise, Moorehead Kennedy (Director, Office of Overseas Investment)
Approx. Date: 04/1973
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: The Office of Public Papers and Archives

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol.7, No.3"
File/ID No.: 7309 Format: AT
Participants: Frank Tenny, Charles Sylvester, Donald Rumsfeld (U.S. Ambassador to NATO), Francois Dickman (Country Director for Saudi Arabia)
Approx. Date: September 1973
Topic/Subject: "Philadelphia Orchestra to China", "U.N. General Assembly Opening", "The Atlantic Alliance", "Saudi Arabian Oil"
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: The Office of Public Papers and Archives

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol.7, No.4"
File/ID No.: 7310 Format: AT
Participants: William Sullivan, Jr.; Ambassador Lewis Hoffacker; Thomas McAndrew; Jonathan Dean
Approx. Date: October 1973
Topic/Subject: "Atlantic Fisheries Crisis", "Combatting Terrorism"
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: The Office of Public Papers and Archives

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 7, No.5"
File/ID No.: 7311 Format: AT
Participants: Secretary of State Kissinger
Approx. Date: November 1973
Topic/Subject: The Secretary's Press Conference of 10/25/73, U.S. food policy, Arab oil embargo, arms control negotiations
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: The Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 18:00

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 7, No. 6"
File/ID No.: 7312 Format: AT
Participants: Alfred Atherton (Deputy Assistant Secretary of State), Alan Romberg, Dr. Jarold Kieffer (AID Official), Julius Katz (Deputy Assistant Secretary)
Approx. Date: December 1973
Topic/Subject: "Egypt-Israeli Truce", "Kissinger's China Visit", "Development Aid", "World Energy Crisis"
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: The Office Of Public Papers and Archives

Title/Event: "Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's year-end press conference"
File/ID No.: 731227 Format: AT
Exact Date: 12/27/1973
Topic/Subject: A review of U.S. foreign policy in 1973
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: The Office of Public Papers and Archives
Time: 29:30
Remarks: A transcript of Kissinger's remarks is included.

Title/Event: "The President's remarks on live TV re the end of the Vietnam War"
File/ID No.: 730123 Format: AT
Exact Date: 01/23/1973
Location: Washington, D.C.
Time: 08:00

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report: Vol. 7, No.6"
File/ID No.: 7401001 Format: AT
Participants: Anne Blair, announcer; Secretary of State Henry Kissinger; NATO Director Edward Streator; Special Assistant Ruth Gold; Soviet Specialist Ken Yalowitz
Approx. Date: January 1974
Topic/Subject: Mideast Conference; NATO Issues; U.S. Trade Turnaround; Perspective on Détente
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: OPPA
Time: 20:00
Remarks: Recorded at 7 1/2 ips, full track

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report: Vol. 7, No.7"
File/ID No.: 7401002 Format: AT
Participants: Anne Blair, announcer; Secretary of State Henry Kissinger; Political Officer Wat Cluverius; Peace Corps Director C. Nicholas Craw; Oscar Armstrong, Country Director for China.
Approx. Date: January 1974
Topic/Subject: Washington Energy Conference, Israel and the Mideast, the Peace Corps in the '70's, U.S.-China relations
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: OPPA
Time: 20:00
Remarks: Recorded full track at 7 1/2 ips.

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report: Vol.7, No.10"
File/ID No.: 740400 Format: AT
Participants: Anne Blair, announcer; Elkin Taylor, U.S. Delegate to the Organization of American States; Barbara Watson; Michael Sterner, Country Director for Egypt; John Norton Moore, counselor.
Exact Date: 04/01/1974
Approx. Date: April 1974
Topic/Subject: O.A.S. Meeting- Atlanta, Drug Arrests Abroad, Renewed Ties with Egypt, Law of the Sea Conference
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: OPPA
Time: 20:00
Remarks: Recorded full track at 7 1/2 ips

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report: Vol.7, No.10"
File/ID No.: 740500 Format: AT
Participants: Anne Blair, announcer; Secretary of State Henry Kissinger; Robert Munn, Narcotics Officer; Herman Pollack, Director of the Bureau of Science and Technology.
Approx. Date: May 1974
Topic/Subject: The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (S.A.L.T.), control of inter-nation narcotics trafficking, international cooperation and science and technology.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: OPPA
Time: 20:00
Remarks: Recorded at 7 1/2 ips full track.

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report: Vol.7, No.13"
File/ID No.: 740600 Format: AT
Participants: Anne Blair, announcer; Secretary of State Henry Kissinger; Ambassador John R. Stevenson; Jack Matlock; Ambassador U. Alexis Johnson.
Approx. Date: June 1974
Topic/Subject: Syrian-Israeli Disengagement, Law of the Sea; Moscow Summit II; Interdependence
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: OPPA
Time: 20:00
Remarks: Recorded full track at 7 1/2 ips

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report: Vol. 8, No.1"
File/ID No.: 740700 Format: AT
Participants: Anne Blair, announcer; Ambassador Edwin Martin; Ambassador Donald Easum; Ambassador Nathaniel Davis; Alan Lukens
Approx. Date: July 1974
Topic/Subject: World Food Problem, U.S.-African Interdependence, Foreign Service 50th Anniversary, U.S.-Spanish Agreement.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: OPPA
Time: 20:00
Remarks: Recorded full track at 7 1/2 ips.

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report: Vol. 8, No.2"
File/ID No.: 740800 Format: AT
Participants: Anne Blair, announcer; Daniel Parker, Administrator of the Agency for International Development; Philander Claxton; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Sidney Weintraub.
Approx. Date: 08/1974
Topic/Subject: Interdependence and U.S. A.I.D., the World Population Conference; International Investment
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: OPPA
Time: 20:00
Remarks: Recorded full track at 7 1/2 ips

Title/Event: "Nixon Resignation Speech"
File/ID No.: 740808 Format: AT
Exact Date: 08/08/1974
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Time: 16:00

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report: Vol.8, No.3"
File/ID No.: 740900 Format: AT
Participants: Anne Blair, announcer; Secretary of State Henry Kissenger; Ambassador Donald Easum, Assistant Secretary of State; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State William Blair.
Approx. Date: September 1974
Topic/Subject: Constancy and Strength in U.S. Foreign Policy; Disaster Relief for Sahel Africa; the Freedom of Information Act.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: OPPA
Time: 20:00
Remarks: Recorded full track at 7 1/2 ips.

Title/Event: "Dick Tuck of 'The Committee to Free the White House Tapes' Release Nixon Watergate Tapes"
File/ID No.: 8010211 Format: AT
Participants: Mr. Dick Tuck, member of the press
Exact Date: 10/21/1980
Topic/Subject: Political "prankster" Dick Tuck releases copies of the Nixon Watergate tapes played in Judge Sirica's court. Tuck claims he got the tapes from other sources than the National Archives, which is subject to a court order permitting them to play the tapes but prohibiting the dissemination of copies.
Location: The East Lounge of the Nat. Press Club: Wash D.C.
Restrictions: Withdrawn, Restriction code "A".
Provenance: The Nixon Presidential Materials Staff: Administrative Audiovisual Mat.
Time: 30:00
Remarks: Reel 1 of 3 original reel to reel tapes recorded in half track mon at 7.5 ips

Title/Event: "Dick Tuck of 'The Committee to Free the White House Tapes' Release Nixon Watergate Tapes"
File/ID No.: 8010212 Format: AT
Participants: "Dick Tuck of 'The Committee to Free the White House Tapes' Release Nixon Watergate Tapes"
Exact Date: 10/21/1980
Topic/Subject: Political "prankster" Dick Tuck releases copies of the Nixon Watergate tapes played in Judge Sirica's court. Tuck claims he got the tapes from other sources than the National Archives, which is subject to a court order permitting them to play the tapes but prohibiting the dissemination of copies.
Location: The East Lounge of the Nat. Press Club: Wash D.C.
Restrictions: Withdrawn, Restriction code "A".
Provenance: The Nixon Presidential Materials Staff: Administrative Audiovisual Mat.
Time: 30:00
Remarks: Reel 2 of 3 original reel to reel tapes recorded in half track mon at 7.5 ips

Title/Event: "Dick Tuck of 'The Committee to Free the White House Tapes' Release Nixon Watergate Tapes"
File/ID No.: 8010213 Format: AT
Participants: "Dick Tuck of 'The Committee to Free the White House Tapes' Release Nixon Watergate Tapes"
Exact Date: 10/21/1980
Topic/Subject: Political "prankster" Dick Tuck releases copies of the Nixon Watergate tapes played in Judge Sirica's court. Tuck claims he got the tapes from other sources than the National Archives, which is subject to a court order permitting them to play the tapes but prohibiting the dissemination of copies.
Location: The East Lounge of the Nat. Press Club: Wash D.C.
Restrictions: Withdrawn, Restriction code "A".
Provenance: The Nixon Presidential Materials Staff: Administrative Audiovisual Mat.
Time: 30:00
Remarks: Reel 3 of 3 original reel to reel tapes recorded in half track mon at 7.5 ips

Title/Event: "Jeb Magruder and Attorneys"
File/ID No.: 7304141 Format: ATC
Participants: Jeb Stuart Magruder, John Ehrlichman and Magruder's attorneys
Exact Date: 04/14/1973
Topic/Subject: Ehrlichman stresses to Magruder and his attorneys that the White House has no interest in any of the Watergate defendants refusing to testify from a desire to protect the President. He outlines his understanding of the Watergate affair as he claims he related it to the President in a report.
Location: The Old Executive Office Building: Washington D.C
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: WHSF: SMOF: Ehrlichman, Box 34
Time: 45:00
Remarks: Side "A" of a 120 minute audiocassette. Poor quality due to low recording level.

Title/Event: "John Mitchell and John Ehrlichman"
File/ID No.: 7304142 Format: ATC
Participants: John Ehrlichman and John Mitchell
Exact Date: 04/14/1973
Topic/Subject: Ehrlichman discusses the upcoming testimony of the Watergate defendants. He again stresses to Mitchell that the White House has no desire for anyone to withhold testimony thinking they were protecting the president, outlines his report to the President on the Watergate affair and speculates on the upcoming testimony of implicated former White House and Committee to Re-Elect staff members.
Location: The Old Executive Office Building: Washington D.C
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: WHSF: SMOF: Ehrlichman, Box 34
Time: 43:00
Remarks: Side "B" of a 120 minutes audio cassette. This is a noisy recording due to low audio levels.

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 6, No.12"
File/ID No.: 730500 Format: AT
Participants: Ambassador John Crimmins (Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs), Joseph O'Mahony, Philip Stoddard
Approx. Date: May 1973
Topic/Subject: "Latin American Report", "Expanding Common Market", "Mid-East Developments"
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: The Office of Public Papers and Archives

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 6, No.13"
File/ID No.: 7306 Format: AT
Participants: John Armitage (Deputy Assistant Secretary of State), John Norton Moore, Arthur Breisky (Foreign Service Officer), John Renner (Deputy Assistant Secretary of State)
Approx. Date: June 1973
Topic/Subject: "Brezhnev Visit", "Law of the Sea", "European Security Conference", "International Trade Talks"
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: The Office of Public Papers and Archives

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 7, No.1"
File/ID No.: 7307 Format: AT
Participants: Douglas Cochran (Political Officer), Fermino Spencer, George Bennsky, Richard Ericson
Approx. Date: July 1973
Topic/Subject: "Pakistan", "West African Drought", "Fuel and Foreign Policy", "Japan: The Tanaka Visit"
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: The Office of Public Papers and Archives

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report, Vol. 7, No.2"
File/ID No.: 7308 Format: AT
Participants: Martha Mautner, David Long, John Burke
Approx. Date: August 1973
Topic/Subject: "U.S.-Soviet Détente", "Arab-Israeli Impasse", "The Suez Canal", "Caribbean Nationalism"
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: SMOF: The Office of Public Papers and Archives

Title/Event: Interview on WTTG's "Panorama" concerning the 18 minute gap in the tape of June 20th conversation between RN and H.R. Haldeman
File/ID No.: 740122 Format: AT
Participants: Allan Bell, Jr. (President of a private counter-intelligence and security agency), two unidentified interviewers, and Ron Gofarb (a Washington lawyer)
Exact Date: 01/22/1974
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Copyright
Provenance: SMOF: Rosemary Woods
Time: 23:00

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report: Vol. 7, No.8"
File/ID No.: 740200 Format: AT
Participants: Anne Blair, announcer; Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker; Fuels and Energy Director George Bennsky; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Alan Reich; David Long, political analyst.
Approx. Date: February 1974
Topic/Subject: The Panama Canal Agreement; Oil and Energy; Foreign Students in the U.S.; Outlook in the Mideast.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: OPPA
Time: 20:00
Remarks: Recorded full track at 7 1/2 ips.

Title/Event: "U.S. Department of State Report: Vol. 7, No.9"
File/ID No.: 740300 Format: AT
Participants: Anne Blair, announcer; Secretary of State Henry Kissenger; Harry Blaney, Staff Aide; Jack Matlock, Office Director; Assistant Secretary of State Jack Kubisch; Assistant Secretary of State Arthur Hartman.
Approx. Date: March 1974
Topic/Subject: Oil Embargo Lifted, Kissinger's Mosco visit, Inter-American Summit, NATO: 25th Anniversary.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Restrictions: Public Domain
Provenance: OPPA
Time: 20:00
Remarks: Recorded full track at 7 1/2 ips.

Title/Event: "Dick Tuck Tapes"
File/ID No.: 8010214 Format: AT
Participants: Richard Nixon, John Ehrlichman, H.R. Haldeman, John Dean
Exact Date: 10/21/1980
Topic/Subject: Excerpts from the Nixon White House Tapes surreptitiously recorded from reference tapes played at the National Archives by the Nixon Presidential Staff by political "prankster" Dick Tuck.
Restrictions: Withdrawn, Restriction code "A".
Provenance: The Nixon Presidential Materials Staff: Administrative Audiovisual Material
Time: 12:00
Remarks: Recorded in half-track mono at 7.5 ips per second. SMPTE time code recorded on Track 2.

Title/Event: "'Weekend Edition' feature story on the Nixon Presidential Materials Staff and the release of the Nixon White House Special Files"
File/ID No.: 861200 Format: ATC
Participants: James J. Hastings, Acting Director of the Nixon Presidential Materials Staff; Stanely Mortenson, Attorney to former President Nixon; Steve Greene, Archives Technician; Hugh Graham, Professor of History at the University of Maryland at Baltimore.
Approx. Date: 12/1986
Topic/Subject: Feature story on the holding of the Nixon Presidential Materials Staff and the release of the White House Special Files.
Restrictions: Copyright
Provenance: The Nixon Presidential Materials Staff:Administrative Audiovisual Materials
Time: 15:00

Title/Event: "Panel: The Ford Image"
File/ID No.: 890400 Format: ATC
Approx. Date: April 1989
Topic/Subject: A panel discussion at the Hofstra University conference on the Presidency of Gerald R. Ford
Location: Hofstra University

Title/Event: "In the Arena: A Memoir of Victory, Defeat, and Renewal"
File/ID No.: 9000001 Format: ATC
Participants: Richard M. Nixon(reader)
Approx. Date: 1990
Topic/Subject: This is Tape One of the condensed audio cassette version of former President Nixon's book of the same title.
Restrictions: Copyright
Provenance: The Nixon Presidential Materials Staff
Time: 30:00
Remarks: Tape One of Two. The original recording is an audio cassette encoded with "Dolby B" noise reduction.

Title/Event: "In the Arena: A Memoir of Victory, Defeat, and Renewal"
File/ID No.: 9000002 Format: ATC
Participants: Richard M. Nixon(reader)
Approx. Date: 1990
Topic/Subject: This is Tape Two of the condensed audio cassette version of former President Nixon's book of the same title.
Restrictions: Copyright
Provenance: The Nixon Presidential Materials Staff
Time: 30:00
Remarks: Tape Two of Two. The original recording is an audio cassette encoded with "Dolby B" noise reduction.

Title/Event: "Thank You Mr. President"
File/ID No.: 731214 Format: CD
Participants: Charlie McCoy, Bill Anderson, Frankie Miller, Tex Ritter, Loretta Lynn, Stonewall Jackson, Henson Cargill, Johnny Cash, Johnny Horton, Billy Mize, Merle Haggard, Jerry Reed, Charley Pride, Glen Campbell, Red Foley
Exact Date: 12/14/1973
Topic/Subject: CD audio copy of an LP presented to President Nixon by the Country Music Association
Restrictions: COPYRIGHT, various performance rights
Provenance: The Country Music Hall of Fame
Remarks: no reproduction without the prior written permission of the Country Music Association



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