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Electric - Qualifying Facilities
    Reporting Changes to Your Certified Facility

    Procedures and requirements for reporting changes to your certified facility may be different depending on whether your facility has been certified by the Commission or through self-certification.

    If your Commission-certified facility has undergone any alterations such that the data submitted with the previous Commission certification or recertification of QF status are no longer accurate, you must either:

    1. Submit a self-recertification or an application for Commission recertification of QF status, or

    2. Report insubstantial changes to your Commission-certified facility via a pre-authorized Commission recertification of QF status, as described below.

    Such filings must be made prior to or concurrent with the changes to the facility.

    If your self-certified facility has undergone any alteration such that the data submitted with the previous self-certification or recertification are no longer accurate, you must either submit a self-recertification or an application for Commission recertification of your facility containing the updated data prior to or concurrent with the changes to the facility.

    When submitting a self-recertification or an application for Commission recertification, an applicant must submit all of the required items for the respective certification type (self-certification or Commission certification), including an updated Form No. 556. The cover letter should summarize the changes that have occurred or will occur, and indicate which required attachments are enclosed (Form No. 556; filing fee, as applicable; draft Federal Register notice, as applicable). For the items in the updated Form No. 556 that have not changed from the previously submitted Form No. 556, an applicant may, instead of repeating data, refer back (by date) to the previous Form No. 556 that contained the unchanged data. Such incorporation of previous data by reference to past filings should make clear in which filings the data for each unchanged item can be found. Alternatively, applicants may simply repeat their previously submitted data, if preferred; however, the filing should make clear which data have changed.

    Certain changes to a Commission-certified facility can be reported via a Pre-authorized Commission Recertification pursuant to 18 C.F.R. 292.207(a)(2), instead of an application for Commission recertification pursuant to 18 C.F.R. 292.207(b). 18 C.F.R. 292.207(a)(2) contains a list of insubstantial alterations which are eligible for reporting via the pre-authorized Commission recertification. There is no fee for a pre-authorized Commission recertification, and a facility which has properly reported its insubstantial alterations to the Commission via a pre-authorized Commission recertification in accordance with 18 C.F.R. 292.207(a)(2) retains its status as a "Commission-certified" QF.

    Applicants submitting a self-recertification, Commission recertification or pre-authorized Commission recertification must provide copies of the filing to the utilities with which the facility transacts business, as well as to the Public Utility Commissions External Link of the states in which those utilities and the QF reside.

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  Qualifying Facilities



  • » Form No. 556 [DOC] | [RTF]

  Contact Information

Paul Singh
Telephone: 202-502-8576

S.L. Higginbottom
Telephone: 202-502-8561

Updated: June 7, 2006