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The largest portion of the Nixon Library's collection is the 46+ million pages of textual Presidential and non-Presidential materials.

Frequently Requested Collections
National Security Files
WH Central Files
WH Special Files

Follow the links below for more detailed finding aids, including folder title lists for the textual materials.

Marje and Phil Acker (10 document boxes, 9 oversize boxes, plus loose materials) | Adobe Acrobat PDFFinding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

This collection contains materials including campaign items and itineraries, Watergate related materials, photographs, scrapbooks, clippings, manuscripts, VHS tapes, books, and other three-dimensional objects ranging from Richard Nixon’s Senatorial Days to his Post-Presidency Period. Marje and Phil Acker are the creators of the collection. They both had enduring political service careers. Mrs. Acker served as an assistant secretary to Rose Mary Woods, the primary secretary to Richard Nixon. Mr. Acker was an advance man in several Nixon campaigns.

Lyndon K. Allin (41 boxes) | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Martin Anderson (51 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Martin P. Anderson was a Special Assistant to the President (1969). During President-Elect Nixon’s transitional period, Anderson was Secretary of the Program-Co-ordination Group and helped to facilitate the development of Nixon’s legislative program. This series reflects the work of the Program Co-ordination Group that led to the establishment of a series of task forces created to develop legislative proposals in 1970. Anderson served as Special Consultant to the President for Systems Analysis from 1970 to 1971.

Anne Armstrong (75 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

The files contained in the Anne L. Armstrong series reflect her responsibilities as Counselor to the President, as the first head of the Office of Women’s Programs, and as a member of the Cost of Living Council (a part of the Economic Stabilization Program) and the Bicentennial Commission. The files, in addition, cover other domestic issues, including minority affairs, youth, the Federal Property Council, and the Domestic Council. Prior to her appointment as Counselor on January 19, 1973, Anne L. Armstrong served as Co-Chair of the Republican National Committee.

Roy Ash (8 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Roy L. Ash served in two positions during the Nixon Administration. He served as the Chairman of the President’s Advisory Council on Executive Organization (PACEO) from 1969 to 1970 and Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) from 1972 to 1974. Roy L. Ash served on several councils within the administration. These councils included the Domestic Council, the Council on International Economic Policy, the Council on Economic Policy, the Federal Property Council, and as a member of the Economic Stabilization Program, he served on the Cost of Living Council, the Cost of Living Council on Health, and the Cost of Living Council Committee on Food. These files are divided into two major series reflecting Ash’s roles within the Nixon Administration. In the first series there are staff papers dated July 17 through 19, 1969. The primary subject covered is civil rights prepared by J. Eugene Maranes and Michael McDonald. There are also summaries of several task forces reports on government organization to improve management. The second series concerns Ash’s role as Director of OMB dating from December 1972 to August 9, 1974. Within this series there are four subseries: Roy Ash Chronological Files; Memos to the President; Presidential Meetings; and Hearings, Statements and Speeches.

Oliver Atkins (26 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Oliver “Ollie” Atkins was President Nixon’s personal photographer and the chief of the White House Photographic staff (official White House photographer). These files are comprehensive of the Nixon White House years, 1969-1974 and detail the primary mission of the White House Photo Office (keeping a photographic record of Nixon’s presidency). These records also reflect the Photo Office’s involvement with book projects, traveling photo exhibitions, and other functions relating to Nixon’s tenure as president. This file series contains textual documents detailing the day-to-day operations of the Photo Office, a complete copy of the President’s daily schedule, miscellaneous photos and photos and biographical information pertaining to White House staff members, political appointees, and politicians.

Michael Balzano (10 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Michael P. Balzano, Jr. was a White House Staff Assistant. He worked in the office of Charles W. Colson on labor and ethnic matters. Balzano served as a liaison between the Nixon Administration and various segments of the population including labor and Eastern European ethnic groups. These files are reflective of Balzano’s monitoring such concerns as ethnic representation in government, busing, crime, patronage, Radio Free Europe, Eastern Europe, Nixon’s visit to the Soviet Union, Vietnam, the Ethnic Studies Heritage Programs Act, and the Higher Education Act.

Desmond J. Barker, Jr. 1971-73 (3 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Desmond Barker was a Special Assistant to the President who functioned as Charles Colson's deputy. His primary responsibility was the preparation of the White House News Planning Calendar. The files reflect the scheduling and planning of the Nixon administration's news activities.

D. J. (Desmond J.) Barker (21 boxes) | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Baures | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Raymond Bell (10 boxes) | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Frederick M. Binder (1 box) | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Nils Boe (47 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Nils A. Boe was Director of the Office of Intergovernmental Relations (OIR) from 1969 through 1971. The Office of Intergovernmental Relations was created as part of the Office of the Vice President by Executive order 11455. The purpose of the office was to strengthen Federal, state, and local relations. The OIR served as a clearinghouse for the prompt handling and solution of Federal-State-local problems brought to the attention of the President or Vice President by executive and legislative officers of state and local governments.

John R. Brown III 1969-71 (3 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

John Brown was a White House staff assistant on the staff of H.R. Haldeman. The documents in these files pertain to White House "action memos" or personnel staffing matters.

Patrick J. Buchanan 1969-72 (24 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Patrick Buchanan's files reflect his duties as a Special Assistant to the President. His responsibilities included the preparation of daily news summaries, background information gathered for Presidential press conferences, and political campaign data.

Andre Buckles (31 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Andre Buckles worked as a staff assistant on the Nixon Administration’s Domestic Council before becoming White House Liaison for District of Columbia Affairs in 1974. This file group reflects White House concern with improving various aspects of the District of Columbia. These include new highways and bridges, housing projects, and plans for the 1976 Bicentennial celebrations. The materials also include information on the District of Columbia City Council, the Office of the Mayor, and Home Rule. Principal correspondents are John Ehrlichman, Egil Krogh, Dana Mead, Sallyanne Payton, D.C. Mayor Walter Washington, and members of the D.C. City Council.

Stephen B. Bull 1969-73 (5 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Stephen Bull served as a Special Assistant to the President and as Appointments Secretary. His files reflect the scheduling and appointments procedures, public relations efforts, and off-year election campaign strategy of the Nixon White House during the 1969-73 period.

Arthur Burns (3 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Arthur F. Burns served as Counselor to the President. He was given broad responsibility in program and policy development for the Nixon Administration. Although his primary role was in development of domestic programs, he did venture into international matters in some economic programs. The subject files described here result from Burns’ activities during the transition and early months of the administration, when he headed a series of task forces which developed program proposals. These reports were sent to executive agencies and departments for review and comment. The subject files are comprised principally of the comments returned to Burns by the agencies and departments.

Alexander P. Butterfield 1969-73 (10 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

During his years in the White House, Alexander Butterfield served on the staff of H.R. Haldeman and had the title of Deputy Assistant to the President. He was the chief administrative officer in the White House, and in this capacity he coordinated or supervised numerous White House operations. Although Butterfield had oversight responsibility for the installation and operation of the White House taping system, the files do not include information pertaining to it. The files do include references to his other administrative duties. (For additional materials see White House Central Files: Staff Member and Office Files: Butterfield.)

Alexander Butterfield (3 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

During his years in the White House, Alexander Butterfield served on the staff of H. R. Haldeman and had the title of Deputy Assistant to the President. Butterfield served as a chief administrative officer, having responsibility for final review of all memoranda, briefing papers, and correspondence going to the President as well as the conduct of the President’s daily, non-public activities. As cabinet coordinator, Butterfield informally assumed the role of Secretary to the Cabinet. He supervised the operation of the Staff Secretary’s Office, the Security Office, the Office of Presidential Papers and Archives, the Office of Special Files, and the work of Presidential Receptionists. He served as liaison for the First Lady’s Staff, the White House Social Secretary, the Office of White House Visitors, and the Military Assistant to the President. Butterfield also had oversight of internal security, acting as liaison with the United States Secret Service’s Presidential Protective Division, Technical Security Division, and the Executive Protective Service. The files in this series contain memoranda, letters, and reports received by Butterfield principally in connection with his responsibilities for planning events in cooperation with the First Lady’s staff, as a contact for those seeking the attention of the President, and as liaison with the Secret Service dealing with personnel and document security. The files describe here were retired to the White House Central Files unit as Confidential Files Oversize Attachment 693.

Earl Butz (4 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Earl L. Butz served as Secretary of Agriculture and Counselor to the President for Natural Resources. This file group includes subjects dealing with timber exports, the Alaskan pipeline, the Clean Air Act, national parkland acquisition, and meetings with governmental and non-governmental groups concerned with natural resources.

J. Fred Buzhardt 1970-73 (5 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Fred Buzhardt replaced John W. Dean on May 10, 1973, as Counsel to the President. The files identified with Buzhardt's name are actually materials that were brought forward for his use. Many of the documents were created or received by John Dean and concerned the various activities of the Counsel to the President.

J. Fred Buzhardt 1970-74 (82 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Fred Buzhardt succeeded John W. Dean as Counsel to the President on May 10, 1973. The materials in this file group reflect all aspects of Buzhardt's White House employment and are arranged in series including the Subject Files and Legal Files of White House Counsel's Office attorneys Richard Hauser and George Williams, General Files, Case Files, Subject Files, Safe Files, Printed Legal Briefs and Books, Legal Papers and Transcripts, Staff Files, and Publications.

Cabinet Committee on Education | Finding Aid
Federal Records
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

The records of the Cabinet Committee on Education (CCE) consist of materials such as correspondence, reports, clippings, and press releases relating to the committee’s efforts to help school districts carry out court orders to desegregate. Topics include desegregation cases in southern school districts, notably the landmark Supreme Court decision on busing, Swann vs. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education (1971), busing legislation (including a proposed constitutional amendment), and the education of Spanish-speaking Americans.

Campaign 1946 Congressional (1 box) | Adobe Acrobat PDFFinding Aid
Pre Presidential Material
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Materials from the 1946 Congressional Campaign, including correspondence with the public, memorandum, campaign memorabilia, and Nixon’s hand written notes.

Campaign 1950 Senate (10 boxes) | Adobe Acrobat PDFFinding Aid
Pre Presidential Material
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Richard M. Nixon’s 1950 Senate Campaign materials, including internal correspondence, financial files, research on Helen Gahagan Douglas, research on campaign issues, volunteer lists, and itineraries. A second series contains post election materials.

Campaign 1952 Vice Presidential (173.5 document boxes + 23 double FRC boxes) | Adobe Acrobat PDFFinding Aid
Pre-Presidential Material
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Senator Richard M. Nixon’s 1952 Vice-Presidential Campaign files including internal and public correspondence, campaign literature, financial files, appearance files, campaign research files, materials pertaining to the Republican vice-presidential nomination, materials pertaining to the “Fund Crisis,” and post-election congratulatory correspondence.

Campaign 1954 (9 boxes) | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Pre-Presidential Material
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Campaign 1956 (35 boxes) | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Pre-Presidential Material
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Campaign 1958 (16 boxes) | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Pre-Presidential Material
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Campaign 1960 | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Pre-Presidential Material
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Campaign 1962 | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Pre-Presidential Material
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Campaign 1968 | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Pre-Presidential Material
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

James Cavanaugh (55 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

James H. Cavanaugh served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health and Science Affairs-Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) and the Associate Director for the Domestic Council. This file group is reflective of Cavanaugh’s responsibilities as a staff member in the office of the Secretary of HEW and more completely his tenure on the Domestic Council. His major area of expertise involved fields related to health and education, including veterans and consumer affairs, vocational education, manpower, and product safety programs.

Dwight L. Chapin 1969-73 (40 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Dwight Chapin was the President's Appointments Secretary. In addition to scheduling, Chapin was responsible for supervising Presidential advance men and acting as liaison between the White House and media consultants. The Chapin files reflect all aspects of Chapin's job.

Elizabeth Cloes | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Charles Clapp (97 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Charles L. Clapp served as Special Assistant to the President. This file group reflects his responsibilities in domestic programs. Charles L. Clapp initially worked under Arthur F. Burns helping to organize the seventeen Presidential Task Forces of citizen participants who studied and provided recommendations about domestic concerns. Clapp later joined the Domestic Council Staff where he continued his Task Force work. The Clapp materials consist of files related to the seventeen Pre-Presidential Task Forces, corrections, Model Cities, and transportation.

Howard A. Cohen (11 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Howard A. Cohen served as a White House Staff Assistant to the President in the office of Charles L. Colson. He functioned primarily as youth affairs liaison. This included involvement with such groups as the White House Interns, young athletes, high school and university groups, Boys Clubs, Junior Achievement, and Young Republicans. Cohen’s duties were to make recommendations on speaking invitations to and from the President, maintaining correspondence with various youth groups, and assisting them while they were in Washington, D.C.

Charles W. Colson 1969-73 (136 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

As Special Counsel to the President, Charles Colson was responsible for political liaison with organized groups whose objectives were compatible with those of the Nixon administration. His work also included lobbying efforts on behalf of the administration as well as political analysis. These materials document the various activities of his office.

Committee for the Re-Election of the President Collection: Jeb Stuart Magruder Papers 1970-72 (29 boxes) | Finding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

The Jeb Stuart Magruder papers from the Committee for the Re-Election of the President Collection consists of correspondence to and from Magruder and John Mitchell, along with materials relating to individual states, voting blocs, political strategies and day to day operations of the committee.

Congressional Papers (10 boxes) | Adobe Acrobat PDFFinding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Representative Richard Nixon’s Congressional papers, including correspondence with constituents and other government officials as well as documents pertaining to the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) and the Hiss-Chambers Case.

Congressional Papers. Work File. House Committee on Un-American Activities | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Aylett B. Cotton | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

James P. Coughlin | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Council of Economic Advisors: Office Files (15 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

The Council of Economic Advisors (CEA) advised the President on economic developments, appraised the economic policies of the Federal Government, made future projections and prepared the annual economic report of the President. As the council became involved in a broader range of subjects, its direct advisory role to the President expanded to include advisory work with many departments, agencies, and offices within the Executive Branch. This finding aid covers only the Council’s staff files and does not include the files of the chairmen and members.

  • Hendrik Houthakker (68 boxes)
    Dr. Hendrik S. Houthakker served two years as a member of the CEA. These files cover the years of 1969-1971 and include his activities as a senior staff economist on the international task forces; he was chairman of several subcommittees and working groups that dealt with such issues as antitrust policy; the pricing and selling of copper; increases in prices of lumber and plywood; housing construction prices; Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) policy; agricultural trade; oil import control system; economic policy; transportation; and steel prices and cost factors in the U. S. steel industry.

  • Sidney Jones (1 box)
    Sidney L. Jones was a senior staff economist with the CEA. He became Special Assistant to the Chairman and served in the capacity until 1971. Jones’ area of competence included: staff work on a new tax reform bill; proposal to grant interest subsidies to state and local governments willing to issue taxable bonds; Cabinet Committee on Construction; small business; minority business programs; working group on economic incentives to industrial location in rural areas; Rural Economic Development Task Force; and housing.

  • Ezra Solomon (27 boxes)
    Ezra Solomon succeeded Hendrick Houthakker as a member of the CEA. Solomon’s areas of responsibility included: domestic economic and financial conditions and outlook; fiscal policy and monetary policy; manpower programs; taxation and social security; as well as energy, defense, housing and national growth policy. He was also chairman of the Technical Research and Development Incentives and Resources Task Force. 33

  • Herbert Stein (211 boxes)
    Herbert Stein’s early assignment as a member of the CEA was to head a post-Vietnam study commission to examine the effects of the Vietnam War on the economy and the problem of re-conversion. As an important economic spokesman for the Nixon Administration, Stein’s responsibilities and areas of interest grew to include anti-inflation measures, monetary and fiscal techniques, manpower programs, direct intervention in collective bargaining, construction workers contracts, and productivity.

  • Marina Whitman (22 boxes)
    Marina von Neumann Whitman became the first female member of the CEA in March 1972. Whitman’s areas of responsibility on the CEA included: analyses on international economic development and policy; price and wage developments; food prices; Economic Stabilization Program; human resources program; industry studies, including agriculture and transportation; environmental programs; international trade, and issues related to regulated industries. She also served as an active member of the Committee of Eight (8) and the Committee of Twenty (20). The Committee of Eight was a working group made up of representatives from the Cost of Living Council (CLC) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Peter H. Dailey | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Daily Diary (55 boxes)
Office of Presidential Papers and Archives
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

The Daily Diary of files represents a consolidated record of the President’s activities. The Daily Diary chronicles the activities of the President, from the time he left the private residence until he retired for the day, including personal and private meetings, events, social and speaking engagements, trips, telephone calls, meals, routine tasks, and recreational pursuits. For any given meeting, telephone call, or event, the Daily Diary usually lists the time, location, persons involved (or a reference to an appendix listing individuals present), and type of event. This series also includes supporting materials used to compile the Daily Diary, such as the President's official weekly schedule, telephone logs, and Presidential movement logs. Files in the series also concern President Richard Nixon's visit in February 1972 to the People's Republic of China.

Edward David, Office of Science and Technology (137 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Edward E. David served in the Nixon Administration as Science Advisor to the President, Director of the Office of Science and Technology, Chairman of the Federal Council for Science and Technology, and Chairman of the President’s Science Advisory Committee. These files reflect David’s responsibilities in assisting in the reorganization of the Federal government’s scientific complex, the initiation of reciprocal research agreements with several countries, the reestablishment of a technological partnership between the government and private industry, increasing the Federal science budget, and the application of esoteric research techniques to such problems as food production, mass transit, and the conservation of natural resources.

Roy Day | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

John W. Dean III 1970-73 (112 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

The files of John Dean, Counsel to the President, pertain to a wide variety of legal and political matters. The files include information on proposed legislation and treaties, Presidential commissions and appointments, pardons, conflict of interest laws, Lt. William Calley, anti-war protest demonstrations, Watergate, and many other topics.

Harry S. Dent 1969-72 (12 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

The Harry Dent file group includes information pertaining to his tenure as Deputy Counsel and as Special Counsel to the President. Dent's responsibilities included liaison with the South and the many Federal agencies. Some topics in the Dent files are busing, the nomination of Clement Haynsworth to the Supreme Court, support of Congressional candidates, and the textile industry.

Dr. David Derge (10 boxes) | Adobe Acrobat PDFFinding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

This collection comprises materials documenting the development and use of polling data by the Republican Party and the Nixon White House between 1967 and 1972. The bulk of the collection consists of surveys commissioned between mid-1968 and mid-1971 by Derge in his capacity as consultant to the Republican Party and from 1970 to the Executive Office of the President. The materials include final and draft reports, executive summaries, computer printouts, survey forms, and, in many cases, work papers, including timelines, fee schedules, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and articles from periodical literature. The collection also includes a number of memoranda and subject files, documenting in particular Derge’s role in the development and implementation by the Republican Party and the Administration of regular polling to continuously monitor and evaluate the attitude of the public to the Administration and its policies (PRIM, or Presidential Ratings studies).

Mrs. Fred Dixon | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Evyln Dorn (15 boxes) | Adobe Acrobat PDFFinding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

The Evlyn Dorn Collection contains correspondence and other documents, articles, audio tapes, and photographs, many from Nixon’s early life and career. Most of the collection is made up of correspondence to, from, or about various members of the Nixon family, in particular Hannah Milhous Nixon. Campaign and inaugural memorabilia, and documents created by authors and local historians for Nixon-related projects are also in the collection.

Martha M. Doss | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Helene and Jack Drown | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Ruth Adams Packard Dukkony | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

John D. Ehrlichman 1969-73 (68 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

John Ehrlichman's files pertain to his many activities as Counsel to the President and as Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs. The files include a full set of Ehrlichman's handwritten notes of meetings with the President. Other materials of interest include records of the Domestic Council, as well as files pertaining to Supreme Court nominations, reorganization of the executive branch, welfare reform, drafts of Presidential speeches, Watergate, and other topics.

  • As of November 14, 2003, the Nixon Presidential Materials Staff released about 204 rolls of "Super 8" and one roll of color silent 16mm motion picture film. These films were found in Ehrlichman's office files after he resigned his post as "Counselor to the President" on April 30, 1973.  [See Also:  Super 8 Motion Picture Film Collection]

Jean Eisenger (10 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

The materials in the Jean Eisinger files consist of two major series. The first is press releases of Nixon speeches, annotated by the Presidential Documents Office to reflect the actual wording used by the President. The annotated press releases cover 1969-1972. The second series of documents in the collection is “White House Notices to the Press.” These “notices” were released to the press regarding appointments, upcoming trips, the 1973 Inauguration, and daily excerpts of meetings and appointments by the President and the First Lady. Also included in this series are “pool reports” or summaries of events, which were written by members of the press corps.

Energy Policy Office (100 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

The Energy Policy Office file group documents the Nixon administration’s energy policies for the early 1970s. The mission of the EPO was to identify major problems in the energy area, review alternatives, make policy recommendations, and assure that Federal agencies developed short and long-range plans for dealing with energy policies in order to achieve independence from foreign energy suppliers by 1980. The EPO assumed most of the energy-related activities of the Department of the Interior as well as programs from the Department of Agriculture, the Army Corps of Engineers, the Commerce Department, and related agencies. This series contain files from the offices’ of the following EPO staff members. The staff members were as follows:

  • John A. Love 1973 Served as Director of the EPO and Department of Natural Resources.
  • Charles J. DiBona 1973 Served as Deputy Director of the EPO and Special Assistant to the President for Energy, National Energy Office.
  • John F. Schaefer 1972-1974 Served as Staff Assistant to the President, Council on International Economic Policy (1972-73); Staff Assistant to the President, Energy Policy Office (1973); and Deputy Assistant Administrator for Operations and Compliance, Federal Energy Office (1973-74).
  • John L. Rafuse 1973 Served as Staff Assistant to the President, Energy Policy Office.
  • Edward M. Miller, Jr. 1970-1974 Served as an Economist, Energy Policy Office 1973 to 1974; Economist, Office of Management and Budget 1974; Economist, Department of the Treasury, Office of Tax Analysis, on detail to the White House 1972 to 1973; and Economist, Department of Transportation 1970 to 1972.

Lewis Engman (6 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Lewis Engman served as a Special Assistant to the President in the Office of Consumer Affairs, Assistant Director of the Domestic Council, and Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission. His principle areas of concern were tax policy, housing, school finance, and trade regulation. The majority of the collection is the Subject File Series which documents Engman’s activities, correspondence, and involvement in policy issues relating to the Administrative Conference of the U.S., banking, consumerism, housing, and Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Exit Interviews | Finding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

During the Nixon administration, the National Archives Office of Presidential Libraries maintained a liaison Office of Presidential Papers and Archives (OPPA). One of the functions of OPPA was to conduct exit interviews with departing staff members.

Michael J. Farrell 1969-74 (2 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Michael Farrell was responsible for arranging White House tours and other visitor-related special events. The files reflect these activities.

Irving Ferman | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Robert Finch (58 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Robert H. Finch served as Secretary of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare from 1969 to 1970. This file group documents responsibilities as Counselor to the President from 1970 to 1972. His primary role was advising the President on domestic issues and assisting in developing domestic policy. Finch’s main area of concern included: health, youth issues, welfare reform, women’s rights, education, economic opportunities for minorities, and voluntary action.

Robert Finch | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Donated Papers
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Peter M. Flanigan 1969-74 (14 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Peter Flanigan's responsibilities as Assistant to the President centered primarily on economic, commercial, and financial areas. He was also named the Executive Director of the Council on International Economic Policy. Flanigan also was involved in the selection process of individuals for non- career diplomatic posts. The Special Files include some documentation of each of Flanigan's responsibilities.

Harry S. Flemming | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Max L. Friedersdorf | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Dr. Milton Friedman | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Leonard Garment (265 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

The office files of Leonard Garment reflect his responsibilities as a Special Consultant to the President concerned with domestic issues in the areas of civil and human rights, Native American affairs, plans for the American Revolution Bicentennial celebration, cultural affairs (including both the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities), and voluntary action. In addition, this file series contains documents related to Garment’s role as Acting Counsel to the President during the Watergate crisis following John W. Dean III’s resignation in April 1973.

David R. Gergen 1969-72 (2 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

David Gergen was a Staff Assistant to the President and reported directly to Ray Price, the Director of the Office of Research and Messages. The Gergen materials in the Special Files consist of Presidential action requests and memoranda to or from Arthur Burns, Counselor of the President.

George W. Gowen | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

George Grassmuck | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Alexander M. Haig, Jr. 1969-74 (49 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Alexander Haig served as the Senior Military Assistant to the President, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, and the White House Chief of Staff. The materials in the Special Files that pertain to his tenure before he became Chief of Staff consist of speech files only. The remainder of the materials relate to his duties as White House Chief of Staff. Topics include foreign policy issues, national defense, Watergate, and selection of White House staff.

H. R. Haldeman 1969-73 (358 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

These files were created or maintained in H.R. Haldeman's office while he was President Nixon's Chief of Staff. His official title was Assistant to the President. The extensive files provide detailed information on planning the President's schedule, instructions to staff members from the President, advice from staff members to the President, and the numerous other areas in which Haldeman was involved.

H. R. Haldeman (44 boxes) | Adobe Acrobat PDFFinding Aid
Donated Papers
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

The H. R. Haldeman collection consists of campaign materials, a minimal amount of material from the White House, papers from the civil trials involving H. R. Haldeman, and transcripts and notes from the case United States of America v. John N. Mitchell, et al.

Haldeman Diaries | Finding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Harry (H. R.) Haldeman, Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff, donated his personal diaries to the National Archives in 1980. The journals consist of a daily record of events and conversations, as well as Haldeman’s thoughts.

Carol Harford | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Edwin L. Harper 1970-73 (1 box) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Dr. Edwin Harper served as a Special Assistant to the President and as Assistant Director of the Domestic Council. The Harper Special Files include information on revenue sharing and Presidential appearances. (For additional materials see White House Central Files: Staff Member and Office Files: Harper.)

Edwin L. Harper (73 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Edwin L. Harper served as a Special Assistant for Domestic Affairs to the President and as Assistant Director of the Domestic Council. Harper assisted in the area of research, planning, and coordination of domestic policy. These policies included: budget issues, the 1972 Election Campaign, and revenue sharing programs. (For additional materials see White House Special Files: Staff Member and Office Files: Harper.)

Bryce N. Harlow 1968-69 (7 Boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Bryce N. Harlow served as Assistant to the President and Counselor to the President. The materials cover the period from November 1968 to January 1969 when Mr. Harlow served as the Assistant to the President with Responsibility for Congressional Relations in the transition office of President-Elect Richard Nixon.

Heidi Helwig | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

S. Bruce Herschensohn (14 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

S. Bruce Herschensohn was a Deputy Special Assistant to the President. He was an expert on propaganda and film-making, serving initially as a consultant on political matters and as a speechwriter. Herschensohn would later act as a liaison with the public on Support the President matters. He arranged for support petitions to be accepted by the White House, the Staff, and in some cases, by the President. He also wrote support articles for newspapers and magazines.

Herter Committee Trip File | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Angeline Holte (2 boxes) | Adobe Acrobat PDFFinding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

The Angeline Holte Collection documents her work with the Women’s Division of the United Citizen for Nixon-Agnew during the 1968 Presidential Campaign. Collection includes correspondence files (Aug.-Nov. 1968), correspondence with Richard Nixon (1952-1994), directories, publications, newspaper clippings, and ephemera, such as postcards, stationery, and campaign literature.

David C. Hoopes (31 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

David Hoopes was a Special Assistant to the President with responsibilities for the preparation of briefings and follow-up materials for the President's meetings and special projects for the Staff Secretary. Many of the documents in the files are briefing papers.

W. Richard Howard 1970-74 (6 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Richard Howard was Staff Assistant to Charles W. Colson. He worked in public relations with a concentration on professional and trade organizations and the "New American Majority." The files reflect Howard's public relations efforts and public opinion polls.

John Hyk | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

John Hyland | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Judy Johnson | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Vicki Keller (31 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Vicki Keller had several titles while serving at the White House. She served as a Staff Assistant to the President, Associate of the Domestic Council, and Staff Director of the Cabinet Committee on National Growth Policy. This file group documents the activities of the Nixon Administration’s Domestic Council in the areas of aging and national growth from 1971 through 1972.

Kenneth L. Khachigian 1970-73 (28 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Ken Khachigian worked for Herbert G. Klein and then Charles W. Colson. His responsibilities mainly concerned public relations and writing speeches or other documents. He spent much of his time working on the 1972 re-election campaign, and the files reflect this.

Gwendolyn King (20 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Gwendolyn B. King served as Director of Correspondence for the First Lady. Her responsibilities included answering all mail received by Mrs. Nixon, Julie and David Eisenhower, and Tricia and Edward Cox. Mail addressed to the President and Mrs. Nixon was also handled by this office. One staff member under King, Cynthia A. (Cindy) Vanden Heuvel, evolved into a sort of personal secretary to the Eisenhowers and the Coxes. Her records were segregated as the “Girl’s Office,” and her records are included in this file group.

Gwendolyn King | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Henry A. Kissinger Office Files | Finding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

The Henry A. Kissinger (HAK) Office Files consist of materials documenting the day to day administration of the NSC, the planning of Kissinger’s trips abroad, negotiations with foreign governments, and Kissinger’s office files. These files are Presidential historical materials as defined by the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act.

Henry A. Kissinger Telephone Conversation Transcripts | Finding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

The Kissinger telephone conversation transcripts consist of approximately 20,000 pages of transcripts of Kissinger’s telephone conversations during his tenure as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (1969-1974) and Secretary of State (1973-1974) during the administration of President Richard Nixon. These telephone calls took place at various locations, including the White House, Department of State, San Clemente, Key Biscayne, Paris, New York, Kissinger’s home, and aboard aircraft.

Herbert G. Klein 1969-73 (8 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Herb Klein was the Director of Communications for the Executive Branch. In this capacity he coordinated the public relations activities of the White House and the Federal agencies. The Special Files contain only a small segment of the overall Klein files in the custody of the Nixon Project. The Special Files segments of Klein materials consist primarily of memoranda to and from the President or H.R. Haldeman.

Thomas C. Korologos 1974 (2 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

The Tom Korologos materials in the Special Files are only a small percentage of the files received or created by him when he was Deputy Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs. These files consist primarily of handwritten notes of contacts with members of Congress, vote tally sheets, and scheduling documents.

Egil ("Bud") Krogh, Jr. 1969-74 (79 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Egil Krogh was the Deputy Counsel to the President and, later, Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs. His responsibilities included drugs, crime, law enforcement, housing, government reorganization, and transportation. The files record each of these responsibilities.

Magazine and Article File | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Frederic V. Malek 1969-73 (4 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Frederick Malek served as Special Assistant for Personnel. In this capacity he recruited and evaluated candidates for Presidential and other high-level appointive positions. The Special Files group of Malek materials pertain primarily to personnel matters.

Harrison McCall | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Paul McCracken (134 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Paul W. McCracken served as Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA). His primary responsibilities were concerned with developing economic policies of restraint to curb inflation without increasing unemployment. This file group is arranged in eight different series that reflect McCracken’s position on the Administration’s “Troika” team, with Secretary of the Treasury David Kennedy and OMB Director Robert Mayo. The series includes: Meeting Files; Memoranda Files; Correspondence Files; Subject Files; Appointment and Telephone Messages; Invitations Declined; Press Statements and Speeches; and Newsclippings and Publications. The Meeting Files are divided into five subseries: Presidential Meetings; Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Economic Policy Committee Meetings; International Monetary Fund (IMF) Meetings; Joint U.S. – Japan Cabinet Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs Meetings; and Paul McCracken Meeting.

William McKenna | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

James W. McLane (11 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

James W. McLane was a Staff Assistant to the President and a member of the Domestic Affairs Council Staff. In this capacity, he headed the youth affairs program which focused on the newly enfranchised eighteen-year-old votes. McLane coordinated administration efforts for general revenue sharing and youth affairs. He also directed the Domestic Council Committee on Aging and served on the Council on Economic Policy (CEP).

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Peter E. Millspaugh 1969-72 (2 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

As a Deputy Special Assistant to the President, Peter Millspaugh worked for Harry Dent and was responsible for coordination of Republican party activities and the White House. The files reflect such matters as assistance in Congressional elections, appointments, and personnel files.

Helen Montgomery | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Edward Morgan | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

National Security Council (763 boxes) | Finding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

The National Security Council Files consist of briefing material for Presidential meetings, records of negotiations with foreign governments, and correspondence. They are Presidential historical materials as defined by the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act. They are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. Instead, researchers may request a Mandatory Review of documents withheld for reasons of national security.

National Security Council Institutional Files (317 boxes) | Finding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Navy Service Files | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Nixon Family Collection (20 boxes) Adobe Acrobat PDFFinding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

The Nixon Family Collection consists of correspondence, school papers, and family history collected by the members of the Nixon Family, including Richard Nixon, parents Frank and Hannah Nixon, and brothers Harold, Donald, Arthur, and Edward.

Patricia Ryan Nixon Papers | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Richard and Patricia Nixon Funeral Collection | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Terrence O'Donnell 1973-74 (2 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Terrence O'Donnell worked as an advance man during the 1972 campaign and in the Advance Office after the re-election of President Nixon. He then served as Staff Assistant to H.R. Haldeman and Deputy Special Assistant to the President, Office of Presidential Appearances and Scheduling. The materials of Terrence O'Connell in the Special Files comprise a single series and date 1973-74. They pertain to the development of the President's daily and weekly schedule.

Bradley Patterson, Jr. (88 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Bradley H. Patterson, Jr., served as an Executive Assistant, Special Consultant to the President in the office of Leonard Garment. The file group reflects Patterson’s responsibilities in civil rights, plans for the American Revolution Bicentennial celebration, oversight of both the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment of the Humanities, U.S.-American Jewish affairs, Native Americans, and cable TV regulation. Patterson also has a three (3) box series entitled “The Late Accretion File.” The files consist of an alpha-subject series that approximately parallels the Alpha-Subject Files in the Patterson papers but was added after the main body of documents had already been processed. The emphasis of the documents in this file is on African Americans.

Herman L. and Hubert C. Perry (19 boxes) | Adobe Acrobat PDFFinding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

This collection contains correspondence related to Richard Nixon’s congressional, senatorial, and presidential life. Initially maintained by Herman L. and later by Hubert C. the collection consists of materials from 1917 to 1991.

Peter G. Peterson 1969-74 (4 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Peter Peterson was Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs and Executive Director of the Council on International Economic Policy (CIEP). These Special Files primarily concern the Nixon administration's efforts to establish import quotas for Far Eastern textile products. Included in the files are materials pertaining to Ambassador-at-Large David M. Kennedy's trip to negotiate a formal textile quota pact with Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.

Pinochet Collection | Finding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

The small Pinochet Files Collection was created in response to federal statutes and/or Executive Orders. The collection consists of copies of selected documents on the subject from the NSC Files.

Susan Porter (51 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Susan A. Porter served as the Assistant Director of Correspondence for Mrs. Nixon (1971-72), Assistant to Appointments Secretary to Mrs. Nixon (197273), and Appointments Secretary to Mrs. Nixon (1973-74). The file group documents the activities of the First Lady’s Appointments Office from 1969 to 1974. These files also contain the records of Coral F. Schmid and Stephanie A. Wilson, who ran the Appointments Office during the first Nixon administration.. Within the collection, the Scheduling and Activities series provides a complete record of the First Family events, calendars, and affiliations while the Subject File series deals with topics and projects of interest to the First Lady.

Post-Presidential Collection | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Post-Presidential Correspondence with George H. W. Bush (1 box) | Adobe Acrobat PDFFinding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

This series contains correspondence relating to and between Richard Nixon and George H. W. Bush ranging in years from 1964 to 1993. Topics include correspondence favoring George Bush for Vice President in 1968; Bush’s appointment as Ambassador to China and later Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); the duties as Vice President; the 1988 Presidential campaign; and foreign and domestic policy during the George H. W. Bush Administration.

Post-Presidential Correspondence with Jimmy Carter (.25 box) | Adobe Acrobat PDFFinding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

This collection contains correspondence relating to Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon between 1976 and 1990. Topics covered include Peoples Republic of China, SALT II, and secret service protection.

Post-Presidential Correspondence with Gerald R. Ford (.25 box) | Adobe Acrobat PDFFinding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

This collection contains correspondence relating to Gerald and Betty Ford and Richard Nixon from 1976 to 1993. The correspondence consists of letters, telegrams, a portion of dictation relating to Richard Nixon’s 1972 trip to China, and invitations. Topics discussed include Presidential Museums and Libraries, a proposed Presidential pension increase, POW/MIA affairs, get well messages, and wedding announcements for the Ford children.

Post-Presidential Correspondence with Rev. Billy Graham (.25 box) | Adobe Acrobat PDFFinding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

This collection consists of correspondence between President Richard Nixon and Rev. Billy Graham. Topics include China, Rev. Graham’s 1982 trip to the U.S.S.R., Real Peace, No More Vietnams, Rev. Graham’s ministry, and assorted biographical endeavors.

Post-Presidential Correspondence with Ronald Reagan(1 box) | Adobe Acrobat PDFFinding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

This series contains correspondence relating to Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan beginning in 1974. The correspondence consists of letters, notes, articles, telegrams, and speeches. Topics include economic issues; the 1976 Republican National Convention; 1980-81 Presidential transition; cabinet appointments; 1981 Inaugural Address; the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan; 1982 Congressional elections; relations with the Soviet Union; birthday greetings; and the 1984 Presidential campaign.

Post-Presidential Correspondence with Senator Robert Dole | Adobe Acrobat PDFFinding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

POW/MIA Collection | Finding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

The small POW/MIA Collection was created in response to federal statutes and/or Executive Orders. The collection consists of copies of selected documents on the subject from the NSC Files.

Pre-Presidential Appointments, Schedules, and Appearances | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Pre-Presidential Papers
Transferred from the National Archives-Pacific Region (Laguna Niguel)
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

The materials available in this collection stem from Richard Nixon’s Congressional, Senatorial, Vice Presidential and personal offices, as well as campaign offices, during the years of 1946 to 1964. The material is divided into seven series, with occasional subseries, including general correspondence, appearances and invitations, foreign trips, pre-Presidential campaign files, correspondence with children, Nikita Khrushchev’s historic visit to the United States in the fall of 1959, and materials relating to Richard Nixon’s 1962 book Six Crisis.

Pre-Presidential Personal Papers | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Pre-Presidential Research Files | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Pre-Presidential Speech File | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Pre-Presidential Task Force Reports | Finding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

The pre-Presidential Task Force Reports were submitted to President-elect Richard M. Nixon prior to his inauguration.

Pre-Presidential Unnumbered Series | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization (Ash Council) (18 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

The President’s Advisory Council on Executive Organization (PACEO) is commonly referred to as the Ash Council. It was established to conduct a review of the organization of the executive branch and to recommend changes which would alleviate problems arising from overlapping jurisdictions and improve the effectiveness of the government departments in carrying out the administration’s domestic programs.

President's Office Files 1969-74 (114 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

The President's Office Files consist of materials that record the President's daily activities or that were seen or annotated by the President. The two series within this group that are most closely associated with the President are the Handwriting File and the Annotated News Summaries. The files also include memoranda prepared by White House staff members who attended certain meetings with the President.

President's Personal Files 1969-74 (193 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

This file is so named because it was maintained by the President's personal secretary, Rose Mary Woods, and includes documents that the President personally considered. It includes: transcripts of memoranda dictated by the President, correspondence with long-time supporters of the President, speech files, and social files.

Press Release Office (101 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Michael Raoul-Duval (35 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Michael Raoul-Duval was a Staff Assistant to the President (scheduling trips and planning President Nixon’s foreign trips); consultant on detail to the Inaugural Committee; Aide to HUD Secretary Lynn in his role as Counselor to the President for Community Development; Staff Assistant, Domestic Council; Associate Director for Natural Resources, Domestic Council; and Director for Energy and Transportation, Domestic Council. The files document only his activities on the Domestic Council staff from 1973 to 1974 and are largely concerned with transportation, energy, and rural and community development.

Gordon Ringer | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Bill Roberts | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Dr. and Mrs. William Rosenberger | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Jan Rus | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

San Clemente Historical Society | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

John A. Scali 1971-73 (8 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

John Scali's responsibilities as Special Assistant to the President included advising on communications policy relating to foreign affairs. The files include documentation of campaigns, foreign policy, and defense advice.

Glenn R. Schleede (56 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Glenn R. Schleede served as a Staff Assistant, Domestic Council to Michael Raoul-Duval. At the Domestic Council, Schleede provided policy formulation and coordination in his areas of responsibility, which included energy, clean air, nuclear energy, science and space, and organization for energy and natural resources activities.

Senatorial Collection (10 boxes) | Adobe Acrobat PDFFinding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Richard M. Nixon’s Senatorial files include correspondence with his constituents and other government officials, legislation, files pertaining to the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (SPSI), extensive correspondence with political associate Bernard Brennan, and correspondence resulting from renewed public interest in the Hiss-Chambers Case.

Geoffrey C. Shepard 1969-73 (2 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Geoffrey Shepard was an Associate Director on the Domestic Council Staff. The files reflect his responsibilities in the areas of the problems of drug abuse and crime.

Herb Simpkins | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Hugh W. Sloan, Jr. 1969-70 (2 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Hugh Sloan served as a Staff Assistant to the President and was in charge of appointments and scheduling. He worked for Dwight Chapin. The files provide information on scheduling the President's participation in events.

Small Deeded Collections | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Dana Smith | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Franklin Smith | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Special Staff Files 1969-74 (6 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

These files were collected from various staff members who do not have a larger file group in the Special Files. This file group consists of selected materials from 19 staff members and concerns diverse topics and includes 2 boxes of George Bush material relating to his appointment as ambassador to the United Nations.

Herbert Spencer | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Staff Secretary 1969-74 (209 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

The Office of the Staff Secretary was the main point of contact and coordination for all communications to the President's Office. The files reflect all of the responsibilities of the staff which included ensuring a smooth flow of information to and from the President, communicating Presidential decisions and requests, and allocating funds and office space.

Gordon C. Strachan 1969-71 (16 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

These files were created during Gordon Strachan's term as Staff Assistant to Herbert Klein and document activities such as his work with public information officers in the executive agencies, preparing "game plans" for certain events, and public relations.

J. Parnell Thomas | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Darrell Trent (10 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Darrell Trent served as Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy to Peter Flanigan. He was primarily associated with the Office of Emergency Planning, the Civil Aeronautics Board, the Interstate Commerce Commission, and the Small Business Administration. These files reflect a wide variety of topics: ambassadors, American Revolutionary Bicentennial Commission, aeronautics, and trade.

Richard C. Tufaro 1972-73 (5 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

As a Staff Assistant to the Domestic Council, Richard Tufaro had assignments with the Interagency Classification Review Committee, in which he was concerned with expediting the declassification of documents and the Cabinet Committee to Combat Terrorism. Both of these tasks are documented in the files.

Vice Presidential Collection | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Vice Presidential Papers (Cushman Files-PPS 320) | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Anne and Ron Walker | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Allan Wallace (1 box) | Adobe Acrobat PDFFinding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

This collection contains Allan Wallace’s campaign materials as an “advance-man” for the 1960 Nixon campaign. It includes detailed itineraries, sketches of soundstages, and outlines for televised campaign appearances.

Betty Lewis Walton | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Gerald L. Warren 1971-72 (2 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Gerald Warren was the Deputy Press Secretary to the President. Much of the material in this file group consists of communication with the Press Secretary, Ronald Ziegler.

Glen E. Wegner (61 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Glen E. Wegner was Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislation (Health) in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. His responsibilities involved fields relating to health and education legislation, including the National Fluoridation Proposal, funding for medical schools, health planning, health care, consumer protection, and environmental health and manpower resources. In 1971, Wegner accepted a position in the White House as Deputy to Counselor Robert Finch. In this capacity, he was responsible for advising Finch on health matters, and he acted as the liaison between the White House and the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare on health issues.

J. Bruce Whelihan 1969-74 (12 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Bruce Whelihan was a Staff Assistant in the White House Press Office. The files consist primarily of news clippings and related materials pertaining to controversial issues monitored by the Press Office.

John Whitaker and Richard Fairbanks (159 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

The John C. Whitaker file group documents primarily the Nixon administration’s environmental and natural resource policies, from mid-1969 through early 1973. The three men whose office files comprise the file group – John C. Whitaker, Richard M. Fairbanks III, and L. Edwin Coate – were all members of the Domestic Council staff, with responsibility for environmental and natural resource policies.

White House Central Files | Finding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland
The Central Files are divided into the following three categories:

  1. Staff Member and Office Files
    See descriptions under invididual staff names
  2. Alphabetical Name Files
  3. Subject Files

White House Conference on Aging (7 boxes)
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

The objective of the Conference was to provide a forum for representatives of older Americans throughout the country to discuss and propose solutions to the unique problems facing the elderly in the United States. This collection contains primarily printed and released materials, both in the form of press releases, pamphlets, minutes, and reports. No inter-office or personal correspondence is included in this file series.

White House Gift Unit (52 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

The White House Gift Unit was responsible for sending and receiving White House Gifts and Cards. The series contains correspondence, subject files, Gift lists and cards and form letters.

White House Office Records | Finding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

The White House Office is one of five divisions of the Executive Office of the President, and was established by E.O. 8248 on September 8, 1939. Its functions included carrying out the administrative duties assigned by the President, and maintaining communication with the Congress and its members, directors of Executive agencies, the press, and the general public. Record Group 130 contains general, budgetary, accounting, personnel, and miscellaneous records. Record Group 130 is available by appointment only.

White House Press Office | Adobe Acrobat PDFFinding Aid

Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

The files contain materials produced by the Press Office for distribution to the media. These materials include press releases, press conference transcripts, and other notices to the press. The topics addressed cover the full range of activities and policies of the Nixon White House.

White House Special Files | Finding Aid
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

The Nixon Administration established the Special Files in September 1972 to provide a central storage location for materials considered sensitive for either personal or political reasons.

The Special Files are divided into the following three categories:

  1. Staff Member and Office Files
    See descriptions under invididual staff names
  2. Alphabetical Name Files
  3. Subject Files

White House Special Files, Administrative Files 1972-74 (4 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

These files were created by the White House unit responsible for maintaining the Special Files and pertain to: general office functions, finding aids and inventories, accesses and searches, and control of the White House taping system.

Wilderness Years Collection | Adobe Acrobat PDFInventory
Location: Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California

Charles B. "Bud" Wilkinson (72 boxes)
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Charles B. “Bud” Wilkinson served as a Special Consultant to the President. Wilkinson was responsible for reviewing 1,500 to 1,800 Federal non-regulatory boards and commissions and making recommendations on improving their effectiveness. Wilkinson was also responsible for arranging press conferences and public relations appearances by Department and Agency heads and members of the President’s staff. The series contains: Chronological Files; Administrative Files (memoranda to and from White House Staff); Subject Files (relating to various programs); and Publication Files (miscellaneous reports, Committee hearings on a variety of domestic programs, government printing office publications, and Republican National Committee publications).

David G. Wilson 1971-73 (2 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

David Wilson was on the staff of the Office of the Counsel to the President. The files consist of memoranda from John Dean or Wilson concerning various legal issues regarding the administration.

Rose Mary Woods
White House Central Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

Rose Mary Woods served as the President’s personal secretary and executive secretary. The Rose Mary Woods materials consist of five series: Correspondence, Legal Correspondence and Printed Materials, Trip Files, News Clippings and Printed Materials, and Photographs. The Correspondence file consists primarily of perfunctory letters to and from admirers of Rose Mary Woods. The remainder of the file group consists of Miss Woods’ notes, which include her observations on the legal and internal White House Watergate problems pertaining to the 18 ½ minute tape gap, telephone conversations, legal briefs, reports, and annotated news clippings. Most of the Materials in the News Clippings and Printed Material series are photocopies of newspaper or magazine articles. The Trip Files consist primarily of background papers and information provided to staff members who accompanied the President on his official trips in 1969 and 1972.

David R. Young 1970-73 (28 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

David Young was Special Assistant to the National Security Council and later was detailed to the Domestic Council to work for Egil Krogh. In the latter position he was involved in domestic and external security matters including investigating leaks of information within the administration. He was a co-director of the White House Special Investigations Unit ("The Plumbers"). Because of the sensitivity of Young's responsibilities many of the NSC documents in his files have been withdrawn for national security reasons.

Ronald L. Ziegler 1969-74 (51 boxes) | Finding Aid
White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files
Location: Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland

This is a portion of the overall Press Office materials generated during the Nixon administration. It includes some of Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler's files but consists primarily of the records of the Correspondence Research Office and the Press Office. The files include briefing books, position papers, talking points memoranda, news summaries, and other background materials.



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