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JavaScript Helper:
Meet Paige Turner, the least geeky geek we've ever come across.

Variables and Operators Explained:
First of a three part guide to JavaScript basics.

Controlling Forms:
Enhance your HTML forms with a touch of JS.

Forget how it works, let's see some in action!

New On internet.com:
MS Access and MySQL
Learn how to set up an off-site copy of a working MySQL database, an Access version of the same back-end, and a front-end that could link to either.

Cisco AutoQoS: VoIP QoS for Mere Mortals
Optimizing VoIP traffic traditionally requires a deep understanding of your network, but with Cisco's AutoQoS and some interfaces, happier VoIP is only three steps away.

While VoIP Adoption Explodes in Enterprise, Carrier Spending Lags
Traditional wire-line telcos are diverting dollars from network upgrades to flashy—and more profitable—new service offerings.

Database Journal
DBJ offers SQL courses and other database related resources for beginner to expert developers.

WebDeveloper Articles
A Crash Course in Subversion
Are the programmers in your shop tired of playing 'Who's on First?' when it comes to code revisions? Try Subversion. Like other version control products, you work with a single central repository that holds all versions of code in progress. You (and others) can interact with the repository and end the confusion of what code to use and who is working on it already.

Mac Support for Sidekick II Out of Danger
Mac synchronization support arrives for the T-Mobile Sidekick II / Danger hiptop2. The Mark/Space built solution appears about eight months after the carrier first shipped the smartphone.

How to Create Flick Animations with CSS
Fed up with Flash and GIF animations? Try out the new alternative - CSS Flick Animation. These animations normally appear as static images on the page but they spring into life when you move your mouse across them.

BeInSync: A P2P Approach to Remote File Access
Need access to your files? When all you want is to 'BeInSync', it's time to reevaluate your allegiance to those notoriously clunky remote tools.

Panda Platinum Internet Security 2005 Review
Faster than a speeding bullet and just as destructive, nasties like Sasser, Netsky, and MyDoom can spread almost instantly, infecting thousands of computers in the blink of an eye. Panda Software claims to have a solution for such zero-day threats with new TruPrevent technology featured in its Panda Platinum Internet Security 2005 software.

Generics in .NET: Type Safety, Performance, and Generality
Generics, a new addition in version 2.0 of the .NET Framework, offer a combination of type safety, performance, and generality in the defined type. Find out why generics are valuable and what they can add to your applications.

Event-Driven Architecture vs. Publish-Subscribe Systems
Event-driven architecture is much more powerful than the traditional publish-subscribe architecture because of the flexibility and dynamic nature of contracts between subscriber (client) and publisher (server). Explore the richness of EDA contracts and learn the design consequences of this richness.

XML Buffs Laud XQuery
The spec isn't official yet, but developers are already taking up the language with gusto.

Key Points on Programming in Assembler
This tutorial covers the most commonly used instructions, some of the macros in MASM, and rules on local memory and optimization that make life so much easier for the Assembler developer.

Creating Silhouette Illustrations in Photoshop
Silhouette illustration is a trend in today’s design community that has become very popular. Matt Kloskowski shows you how to create your own in Photoshop.

SQL Server: How to Check the Status of a File Before Processing
MAK demonstrates how to use the user defined function, udf_CheckFileStatus, to avoid waiting for a file to be copied and how to run a process more efficiently.

How to Pass Access Data Across the Web
Danny Lesandrini examines how to pass a little bit of data from an internal Access application behind a firewall out to a public web site in real time.

Perl Module Primer
In this article, we examine the basic building blocks and fundamental concepts that you need to know to begin writing and using your own modules. Towards the end, We'll touch--very briefly--on extended topics such as autoloading and object classes.

Microsoft in PR Push For Longhorn
Redmond begins to hype the next version of Windows in earnest.

Create Your Own Project Item Templates in VS 2005
Visual Studio 2005 builds on the flexibility of XML to condense the process of creating templates. Paul Kimmel demonstrates how you can take advantage of this function.

The JavaScript Diaries: Part 1
JavaScript is a versatile language which can be used to create menus, validate forms, provide interactive calendars, post the current day's headlines, track a visitor's history on your site and much more. This week is part one of an ongoing series on the process of learning JavaScript. By Lee Underwood.

Using Quick Fix to Improve Image Quality
Barbara Brundage provides a second batch of tips for speedy photo improvement in Elements 3.

Win2k3 Password Policies Lock Out the Badguys
Biometrics and smart-cards are hot, but a sane password policy can do a lot to keep your network secure. Here's how to give would-be crackers the boot with the Win2k3 Account Lockout Policy.

Oracle on the Web Part 1 - Exploring Oracle's HTTP Server
Hidden away in the depths of your Oracle installation is a valuable resource you can use to get a jump-start on learning how to combine Oracle's strength as a relational database management system and the power of the Internet. Join Steve Callan as he delves into the Oracle HTTP Server (OHS).

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Could I get some thoughts?
February 1st, 12:44 PM
JavaScript image scroller like this?
February 1st, 12:41 PM
Retrieving hidden fields
February 1st, 12:37 PM
Where can I put Meta Tags in Frames site?
February 1st, 12:37 PM
Firefox className problem
February 1st, 12:25 PM

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JavaScript image scroller like this?
February 1st, 12:41 PM
How to: Upload images using PHP
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Logo Pixelation in IE
February 1st, 10:34 AM
styling probs with simple feedback form
February 1st, 10:13 AM
cannot insert null error
February 1st, 08:42 AM

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