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April 16, 2008 Deputy U.S. Marshal/Public Information Officer
Stephanie Creasy (901) 601-0228;
Kristin Helm (615) 744-4087 (TBI)
Second TBI Top Ten Most Wanted, Akeem Scott, Arrested in California
Memphis, TN - On Wednesday, April 16, 2008, U.S. Marshals Los Angeles Regional Fugitive Task Force (LARFTF) arrested Tennessee Bureau of Investigations’ Top Ten Most Wanted fugitive Akeem Scott in Anaheim, California two weeks to the day that his fugitive father Winfred Scott was arrested in Kansas City, MO.

On December 15, 2005 the State of Tennessee issued a warrant for Winfred Scott and his son Akeem Scott after both were indicted for Rape of a Child. In January 2006, the U.S. Marshals Mid South Fugitive Task Force (MSFTF) quickly adopted this vile case and followed the Scott’s across the United States. In January 2008, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) added Winfred and Akeem Scott to their Top Ten Most Wanted and TBI and MSFTF investigators combined their resources to locate these fugitives. After Winfred Scott was arrested, in Kansas City, MO on April 2, 2008, investigators knew that it wouldn’t be long before Akeem Scott would be reunited with him. When Deputy U.S. Marshals first approached Akeem Scott at the apartment he lived at with a girlfriend, he tried to deny his identity and showed identification with his brother’s name and photograph, but Marshals were not fooled. When Akeem realized he was going to jail, he fought with the arresting officers, and continued to fight after a tazer was utilized on him. U.S. Marshal David G. Jolley noted, “Two weeks ago today, myself, the TBI case agent, and lead deputy on this case stated that Akeem Scott’s days as a fugitive were numbered and it was time for him to self surrender. Like so many others, he obviously did not take that advice. So today, the arrest of Akeem Scott and his father Winfred Scott should serve as examples to all fugitives that a life on the run is short lived. TBI Director Mark Gwyn added "Fugitives from Tennessee who are added to TBI's Top Ten Most Wanted should know that they are not only being tracked in Tennessee, but across the U.S. because of the joined forces of TBI and the U.S. Marshals. "

Tonight, Akeem Scott, like his father will now have “apprehended” in red letters stamped across his photo on TBI’s Top Ten Most Wanted as he sits in a Los Angeles county jail awaiting extradition to Shelby County, TN.

Information about the U.S. Marshals can be found at Information about the TBI can be found at .

The Mid South Fugitive Task Force is a multi-law enforcement agency task force comprised of Deputy United States Marshals, Shelby County Sheriff’s Deputies, and Memphis Police Officers and focuses on locating and apprehending violent offenders and sexual predators.