USDA Forest Service

Okanogan and Wenatchee National Forests

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Okanogan- Wenatchee National Forests

215 Melody Lane
Wenatchee, WA 98801

(509) 664-9200 Voice
(509) 664-9280 Fax
(509) 664-9201 TTY

Okanogan Valley Office
1240 South Second Avenue
Okanogan, WA 98841

(509) 826-3275 Voice
(509) 826-3789 Fax
(509) 826-3765 TTY

Tonasket Ranger District
1 West Winesap
Tonasket, WA 98855

(509) 486-2186 Voice
(509) 486-1318 Fax
(509) 486-5144 TTY

Methow Valley Ranger District
24 West Chewuch
Winthrop, WA 98862

(509) 996-4000 Voice
(509) 996-2208 Fax

North Cascades Smokejumper Base
23 Intercity Airport Road
Winthrop, WA 98862

(509) 997-9750 Voice
(509) 997-2077 Fax

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.


Welcome to the Okanogan National Forest GIS (Data Dictionary . This page contains metadata, or data about data, for our spatial data sets. The data sets are organized by theme. Each data dictionary will explain geographic information about the data set, who the data steward is, how the data set was built, and other associated information. Please contact the data steward if you have questions about the content of the data. Their phone number is included within the data dictionary.  The digital data is available on line free of charge. Just click on the Download link that is contained within the individual data dictionary. Many of these files are large, so please check the file size listed before downloading.  All data file have been compressed with the Unix Compress utility.   PC users can use a zip utility such as WinZip to unpack these

Winzip.Com . Unix users should use the uncompress command. Spatial Data is provided in Arc/Info export format.  These files can be used in Arc/Info, ArcView, or ArcExplorer GIS software packages. ArcExplorer is a free spatial data viewer that can read Arc/Info data sets. There is a free import utility that will import Arc/Info export files. ( ESRI.Com ).   Many other GIS and graphics software packages have a utility to import these files You can obtain a copy of this data set on 8mm tape in unix tar format or on CD-ROM if you contact Jack Rainford, GIS/Data Services Analyst at (509) 826-3573. There is a $40 charge if you request the data on physical media. This page was Updated: 04/20/2006

Boundary Climate Ecology Fauna Fire/Fuel Geology
Infrastructure Insect_Disease Mgt Direction
Ownership Recreation Soil Topography Vegetation
Data set:
Projection: R6 Albers
Datum: Nad83
cb County Boundaries surrounding the Okanogan Forest
Data Steward: Vacant
db Ranger District Boundaries
Data Steward: Vacant
db_new New Ranger District Boundaries
Data Steward: Vacant
nb Okanogan National Forest Boundary
Data Steward: Vacant
owlrng Northwest Forest Plan Provincial Planning Boundary
Data Steward: Jan Flatten, (509) 826-3277
pb Northwest Washington Province from the Northwest Forest Plan
Data Steward: Jan Flatten, (509) 826-3277
r6nb Pacific Northwest National Forest Boundaries
Data Steward: Jack Rainford, (509) 826-3573
wa_bdy Washington State Boundary
Data Steward: Jack Rainford, (509) 826-3573
wa_cd Washington State Congressional District
Data Steward: Jack Rainford, (509) 826-3573
wa_county Counties within Washington State
Data Steward: Jack Rainford, (509) 826-3573
wa_nb Washington State Forest Boundaries
Data Steward: Jack Rainford, (509) 826-3573
wb Wilderness Boundaries, Chelan-Sawtooth and Pasayten
Data Steward: Vacant
maps of all pnv_amantemp pnv_cad pnv_cad_temp pnv_cadelev pnv_cadmant pnv_tan_ppt Potential Natural Veg Cold Air Drainage Temperature & mean annual temp

Data Steward: 

ppt Precipitation from Dept. of Wildlife for Grizzly Bear Plan of 1992
Data Steward: Bob Naney, (509)997-9744
wa_rons This isWashington State wide rain-on-snow zones
Data Steward: Jack Rainford, (509) 826-3573
Nat_heritage Natural Heritage rare plant species
Data Steward: Betty Stephens (360) 902-1051 Washington Natural Heritage Program
spdi_habitat Spiranthes Diluvialis Habitat
Data Steward: Rod Clausnitzer, (509) 826-3278


html for both



North Cascades Veg-1st Eval, by Dept. of Wildlife for Grizzly Bear Plan

North Cascades Veg-2nd Eval, by Dept. of Wildlife for Grizzly Bear Plan

Data Steward: Bob Naney, (509) 997-9744
griz_98 Grizzly Bear Habitat defined by Open Road Densities
Data Steward: Bob Naney, (509) 997-9744
laus Lynx Analysis Units
Data Steward: Bob Naney, (509) 997-9744
lynx Lynx Sitings  - not complete
Data Steward: Bob Naney, (509) 997-9744
lta-lynx Potential Lynx Habitat
Data Steward: Bob Naney, (509) 997-9744
canada_supr Fire Planning fire suppression area neighboring Canada border 
Data Steward: 
crn_fire Grid-Potential Crown fire, from 1983 Landsat Scene
Data Steward: Jim Burdick, (509) 664-9311
crown_fire Grid-Potential Crown fire, from 1983 Landsat Scene
Data Steward: Jim Burdick, (509) 664-9311
fbfm Fire Behavior Fuel Model
Data Steward: Jim Burdick, (509) 664-9311
fh Fire History, >5 acre polygons, from 1929-1997
Data Steward: Jim Burdick, (509) 664-9344
fi Fire Ignition Points, from 1910-1997
Data Steward: Jim Burdick, (509) 664-9344
fire_regime Fire Regime
Data Steward: Jim Burdick, (509) 664-9311
fm_cc Grid-Fuel Model Crown Closure, from 1983 Landsat Scene
Data Steward: Jim Burdick, (509) 664-9311
fm_model Grid-Fuel Model, from 1983 Landsat Scene
Data Steward: Jim Burdick, (509) 664-9311
fm_ve137 Grid-Fuel Model of 137 Vegetation Signature Classes, from 1983 Landsat
Data Steward: Jim Burdick, (509) 664-9311
fm_ve15 Grid-Fuel Model of 15 Vegetation Signature Classes, from 1983 Landsat
Data Steward: Jim Burdick, (509)664-9311
fmz Fire Management Zones
Data Steward: Jim Burdick, (509)664-9311
geoloc Geographic Locator system based on Lat/Long grid
Data Steward: Jim Burdick, (509)664-9311
ifpl Industrial Fire Precaution Levels
Data Steward: Jim Burdick, (509)664-9311
nffl_fmodel Grid-Fuel Model, ReClassified in 1997
Data Steward: Jim Burdick, (509)664-9311
flthazmoa_ln Flight Hazard Military Operations Area
Data Steward: Jim Burdick, (509)664-9311
reciprocal Reciprocal Land ownership areas for fire suppression
Data Steward:
reploc Representative Locations
Data Steward: Jim Burdick, (509)664-9311
geology Geology from the Washington Devision of Geology and Earth Resources
Data Steward: Rod Lentz, (509) 826-3274
mp Mineral Potential used for the Forest Plan
Data Steward: Rod Lentz, (509) 826-3274
wa_lithology Washington State coverage of Lithology
Data Steward: Rod Lentz, (509) 826-3274
gate Gate Inventory
Data Steward: Vacant
hwys Major Highways within the National Forest Boundary
Data Steward: Vacant
lookouts Lookout Stations
Data Steward: Vacant
pit_site Engineering Rock pit Sites
Data Steward: Vacant
powerlines Power Transmission lines from the Bonneville Power Administration
Data Steward: Jack Rainford, (509) 826-3573
raws Remote Automated Weather Stations
Data Steward: Jim Burdick, (509)664-9311
travel_route Engineering Transportation Routes
Data Steward: Vacant
skitrails_dh Down Hill Ski Trails
Data Steward: Jim Archambeault, (509) 997-9738
skitrails_xc Cross Country Ski Trails
Data Steward: Jim Archambeault, (509) 997-9738
trail Forest Trail System
Data Steward: Jim Archambeault, (509)997-9738
wa_hwys Washington State Major Highways
Data Steward: Jack Rainford, (509) 826-3573
wa_hwys_all Washington State Highways
Data Steward: Jack Rainford, (509) 826-3573
  Region 6 Insect Survey for Washington State

Metadata for all insects

Data Steward: John Townsley, (509) 826-3568

Land Survey:
ll Township, Range, and Section corners
Data Steward: Vacant
lt Township, and Range Corners
Data Steward: Vacant
Management Direction:
bmu Bear Management Units
Data Steward: Bob Naney, 
infish Inland Native Fish Strategy Boundary
Data Steward: Jan Flatten, (509) 826-3277
kws Key Watersheds from the Northwest Forest Plan
Data Steward: Jan Flatten, (509) 826-3277
manew New Management Areas per the Northwest Forest Plan
Data Steward: Jan Flatten, (509) 826-3277
roadless Roadless Areas from Forest Plan appendix C
Data Steward: Jan Flatten, (509) 826-3277
pac Pacfish Boundary
Data Steward: Jan Flatten, (509) 826-3277
pb Northwest Washington Province from the Northwest Forest Plan
Data Steward: Jan Flatten, (509) 826-3277
nwfp Presidents Forest Plan-Matrix, Congressionally withdrawn, & Late-Successional Reserves
Data Steward: Jan Flatten, (509) 826-3277
rb Range Allotment Boundaries
Data Steward: Keith Rowland, (509) 826-3067
wb Wildernes Boundary
Data Steward: Vacant
ls Land Status of Ownership, and Administrating ownership
Data Steward: Keith Rowland, (509) 826-3067
evc Existing Visual Condition from the Forest Plan
  Data Steward: 
rec_op Recreation Opportunity Spectrums from the Forst Plan
  Data Steward: Jim  Archambeault, (509) 997-9738
trail Forest Trails
  Data Steward: Jim  Archambeault, (509) 997-9738
snowmobile Forest Snowmobile routes
  Data Steward: Jim  Archambeault, (509) 997-9738
tp_close_98 Travel Plan Area Closures for 1998
  Data Steward: Jack Rainford, (509) 826-3573
lta-geo Land Type Association, Geology
  Data Steward: Anne Green, Okanogan National Forest. (509)826-3790
lta-veg Land Type Association, Vegetation
  Data Steward: Anne Green, Okanogan National Forest. (509)826-3790
lta-lgv5 Land Type Association, final-Version 5
  Data Steward: Anne Green, Okanogan National Forest. (509)826-3790
lta-lynx Land Type Association, Potential Lynx Habitat
  Data Steward: Anne Green, Okanogan National Forest. (509)826-3790
soil Forest Soil coverage - updated April '02
  Data Steward: 
soil_plot Soil Plots done by contract, Administered by the Okanogan
  Data Steward: 
elevation10 Forest wide digital elevation model. 1997 Vintage, generated from  10meter pixels. ( Caution: 313MB )
  Data Steward: Jack Rainford, (509) 826-3573
elevation30 Forest wide digital elevation model. 1992 Vintage, generated from 30meter pixels. ( Caution: 44MB )
  Data Steward: Jack Rainford, (509) 826-3573
doq Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles, 1992 Vintage Due to the size of these data sets, they have not been loaded on this ftp site.
  Data Steward: Jack Rainford, (509) 826-3573
cont100 100 foot Contour Intervals generated from the 1992, 30meter DEMS
  Data Steward: Jack Rainford, (509) 826-3573
mtn_peaks Mountain Peaks
  Data Steward: Jack Rainford, (509) 826-3573
(Also see the Potential Natural Vegetation (PNV) data under Climate )
cvs_plots Current Vegetation Survey
  Data Steward: Betsy Peterson, (509) 826-3773
gentree Genetic Tree Plots
  Data Steward: John Townsley, (509) 826-3568
nw Noxious Weeds
  Data Steward: Keith Rowland, (509) 826-3067
pag Plant Association Group new revision
  Data Steward:
pmrcc25 Grid-Pacific Meridan Resources Contract, 1983 Canopy Closure, 25meter
pmrcc50 Grid-Pacific Meridan Resources Contract, 1983 Canopy Closure, 50meter
pmrsg25 Grid-Pacific Meridan Resources Contract, 1983 Species Group, 25meter
pmrsg50 Grid-Pacific Meridan Resources Contract, 1983 Species Group, 50meter
pmrsp25 Grid-Pacific Meridan Resources Contract, 1983 Species, 25meter
pmrsp50 Grid-Pacific Meridan Resources Contract, 1983 Species, 50meter
pmrsz25 Grid-Pacific Meridan Resources Contract, 1983 Size Structure, 25meter
pmrsz50 Grid-Pacific Meridan Resources Contract, 1983 Size Structure, 50meter
range_suit Grid-Range Suitability Data Steward: Keith Rowland, (509) 826-3067
usu_ sz25 Grid-Utah State University -Size Structure, 1997, 25meter
usu_ cc25 Grid-Utah State University -Canopy Cover, 1997, 25meter
usu_ct25 Grid-Utah State University -Covertype, 1997, 25meter
usu_ct5ac25 Grid-Utah State University -Covertype 5 acre, 1997, 25meter
usu_struct25 Grid-Utah State University -Structure, 1997, 25meter
veg_zone PNV Vegetation Zones
  Data Steward:
airports Airports
  Data Steward: Jim Burdick, (509)664-9311
towns Town neighboring the Forest
  Data Steward: Jack Rainford, (509) 826-3573
wa_town Major Washington State Towns
  Data Steward: Jack Rainford, (509) 826-3573
glaciers Hydrologic Glaciers
  Data Steward: Mel Bennett, (509) 826-3164
hsmisc Hydrologic miscelleous
  Data Steward: Mel Bennett, (509) 826-3164
hspoint Hydrologic point data, dams, wells,
  Data Steward: Mel Bennett, (509) 826-3164
kws Keywatersheds from the Northwest Presidents Plan
  Data Steward: Jan Flatten, (509) 826-3277
rip_direction Riparian Reserves Direction Delineated per Presidents Forest Plan, the Inland Native Fish Strategy and Pacfish Plans
  Data Steward: Jan Flatten, (509) 826-3277
rivers Major Rivers within the Forest Boundary
  Data Steward: Jack Rainford, (509) 826-3573
stream Forest Stream Inventory
  Data Steward:Mel Bennett, (509) 826-3164
waterbody Waterbodies
  Data Steward: Mel Bennett, (509) 826-3164
watershed 4th , 5th, 6th field Watersheds
  Data Steward: Mel Bennett, (509) 826-3164
wetland_line U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Inventory of the wetlands
  Data Steward: Mel Bennett, (509) 826-3164
wetland_poly U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Inventory of the wetlands
  Data Steward: Mel Bennett, (509) 826-3164
wetland_point U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Inventory of the wetlands
  Data Steward: Mel Bennett, (509) 826-3164
wa_rons This is Washington State wide rain-on-snow zones
  Data Steward: Jack Rainford, (509) 826-3573
wa_rivers Washington State Major Rivers
  Data Steward: Jack Rainford, (509) 826-3573
1920_veg Historic Okanogan County Forest Type map delivered from the Region
  Data Steward: John Townsley, (509) 826-3568
1922_veg Historic Okanogan County map digitized on-forest from old 1922 county map
  Data Steward: John Townsley, (509) 826-3568
1924_veg Historic Okanogan County map digitized on-forest from old 1924 county map.
  Data Steward: John Townsley, (509) 826-3568
er_94 Engineering Transportion Routes prior to 1994
  Data Steward: Vacant
er_95 Engineering Transportion Routes. updates between 1994 -1995
  Data Steward: Vacant
er_96 Engineering Transportion Routes. updates between 1995- 1996
  Data Steward: Vacant
er_98 Engineering Transportion Routes. updates between 1996- 1998
  Data Steward: Vacant
fm_ins_des_89 Grid-Fuel Model Insect and Disease, from 1983 Landsat Scene
  Data Steward: Jim Burdick, (509)664-9311
fm_occur_89 Grid-Fuel Model Fire Occurance, from 1983 Landsat Scene
  Data Steward: Jim Burdick, (509)664-9311
fm_risk_94 Grid-Fuel Risk Analysis, from 1983 Landsat Scene
  Data Steward: Jim Burdick, (509)664-9311
hb_95 Fifth Field Watersheds
  Data Steward: Mel Bennett, (509) 826-3164
hbsub_95 Sixth Field Watersheds
  Data Steward: Mel Bennett, (509) 826-3164
lta_pasayten Land Type Association for the Pasayten Wilderness Prescribed Natural Fire Plan of 1992
  Data Steward: Jim Burdick, (509)664-9311
lsog Late Sucessional Old Growth mapped 1992 for Presidents Forest Plan
  Data Steward: John Townsley, (509) 826-3568
ma_89 Management Areas used for the Forest Plan
  Data Steward: Jan Flatten, (509) 826-3277
nbplan_89 National Forest boundary used for the Forest Plan
  Data Steward: Jan Flatten, (509) 826-3277
nfmas95 Fire Management Zones for 1995
  Data Steward: Jim Burdick, (509)664-9311
timber_suit Timber Suitability used for the Forest Plan
  Data Steward: John Townsley, (509) 826-3568
vs_89 Visual Significance from the Forest Plan
  Data Steward: 
wolverine_96 Potential Natural den site habitat
  Data Steward: Bob Naney, 


Jack Rainford


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