Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Highlights of the 2001 National Household Travel Survey cover

Highlights of the 2001 National Household Travel Survey

Table of Contents File Formats
Entire Report
Front Matter
Executive Summary
Household, Individual, and Vehicle Characteristics
Daily Passenger Travel
Long-Distance Travel
Methodological Considerations, Data Reliability, and Data Comparability
Table 1 - Mode of Transportation Used to Commute to Work in the Past Week
Table 2 - Total Daily Trips and Total Miles Traveled in Daily Trips
Table 3 - Long-Distance Trips by Mode and Sex, in Percent
Table 4 - Percent of Long-Distance Trips by Mode and Roundtrip Distance
Table 5 - Percent of Long-Distance Trips and Miles by Destination
Figure 1 - Mean Number of Vehicles by Household Size
Figure 2 - Percent of Households with Zero Vehicles
Figure 3 - Proportion of Vehicles by Type
Figure 4 - Mean Model Year by Household Income
Figure 5 - Mean Daily Trips by Age
Figure 6 - Proportion of Trips by Mode
Figure 7 - Proportion of Trips by Purpose
Figure 8 - Percent of Trips by Time of Day
Figure 9 - Mean Occupants by Trip Purpose
Figure 10 (Part 1) - Mean Minutes Spent Driving by Driver Age
Figure 10 (Part 2) - Mean Miles Spent Driving by Driver Age
Figure 11 - Proportion of Long-Distance Trips by Mode and Household Income
Figure 12 - Proportion of Long-Distance Trips by Purpose
Appendix A - Tables with Estimates Used in the Report and Standard Errors
Section II. Household, Individual, and Vehicle Characteristics
Table A-1 - Travel-Related Characteristics of Individuals 15 and Older, in Percent
Table A-2 - Mean Number of Drivers, Vehicles, and Bicycles per Household
Table A-3 - Mean Number of Personal Vehicles by Number of People in the Household
Table A-4 - Percent and Characteristics of Zero-Vehicle Households
Table A-5 - Distribution of Household Personal Vehicles by Type, in Percent
Table A-6 - Mode of Transportation Used to Commute to Work in the Past Week, in Percent
Table A-7 - Mean Personal Vehicle Model Year by Household Income and Number of Adults in Household
Section III. Daily Passenger Travel
Table A-8 - Total Daily Trips and Total Miles Traveled in Daily Trips, in Billions
Table A-9 - Mean Number of Trips by All Persons by Sex, Age, Driver Status, Worker Status and Medical Condition
Table A-10 - Distribution of Trips by Mode of Transportation, in Percent
Table A-11 - Distribution of Trips by Trip Purpose, in Percent
Table A-12 - Distribution of Trips by Time of Day, in Percent
Table A-13 - Distribution of Daily Trips by Day of the Week, in Percent
Table A-14 - Vehicle Occupancy Per Vehicle Mile by Daily Trip Purpose
Table A-15 - Vehicle Occupancy Per Vehicle Mile by Time of Day and Weekend Status
Table A-16 - Minutes Spent Driving Daily by Persons 15 and Older by Sex, Age and Worker Status
Table A-17 - Miles Driven Daily Persons 15 and Older by Sex, Age and Worker Status
Section IV. Long-Distance Travel
Table A-18A - Long-Distance Trips by Mode and Sex, in Percent
Table A-18B - Long-Distance Trips by Mode and Sex, in Millions
Table A-19 - Long-Distance Trips by Household Income, in Percent
Table A-20 - Long-Distance Trips by Mode and Household Income, in Percent
Table A-21 - Long-Distance Trips by Age, in Percent
Table A-22 - Long-Distance Trips and Trip Miles by Mode, in Millions
Table A-23 - Long-Distance Trips by Mode and Distance, in Percent
Table A-24A - Long-Distance Trips by Purpose, in Percent
Table A-24B - Long-Distance Trips by Mode and Purpose, in Percent
Table A-25 - Long-Distance Trips and Miles by Destination, in Percent
Appendix B - Glossary
Appendix C - Census Regions and Divisions of the United States