US Forest Service

Intermountain Region


US Forest Service

324 25th Street
Ogden, UT 84401

(801) 625-5306


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About Us

Organizational Overview

[Photograph]: Man and Woman looking at seeds in the man's hand. The Intermountain Region in Ogden, Utah provides adminsistrative oversight and support to thirteen National Forests and one National Grassland in Utah, Nevada, western Wyoming, and southern and central Idaho.

The National Forest Supervisor's Offices are the headquarters for forest activities and provide oversight and support to the Ranger District offices within the forest boundaries.

Ranger Districts are the units that directly manage the national forests and grasslands. Types of management that occur on each district vary significantly. Some districts manage ski ares, wilderness areas, wild and scenic rivers, and resource management programs and extensive recreational uses.

The Regional State and Private Forestry office in Ogden provides outreach and education to states and other partners in urban and community forestry, forest stewardship, and forest health programs. The Ogden and Boise Field Offices survey for insect and disease infestations.

The Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) is one of six research stations around the country. The RMRS headquarters is in Ft. Collins, Colorado. The Ogden Service Center of the RMRS provides support to research units in Logan, Ogden and Provo in Utah, Boise, Idaho and Reno, Nevada.

Find out more and "Meet the Forest Service."

Addresses and Phone Numbers for
Intermountain Region Offices

US Forest Service - Intermountain Region
Last Modified: Monday, 10 March 2008 at 16:30:41 EDT

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