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VA National Clinical Public Health Programs — HIV/AIDS

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Complaint-Specific Workups



Lymphadenopathy is very common in HIV-infected individuals and may occur at any stage of HIV infection. It may be the first indication of a serious local or systemic condition, and should be evaluated carefully. Rapid enlargement of a previously stable lymph node or a group of nodes requires evaluation to identify the cause and to determine whether treatment is needed. Similarly, nodes that are abnormal in consistency, tender to palpation, fluctuant, asymmetrical, adherent to surrounding tissues, or accompanied by other symptoms should be evaluated promptly.

Lymphadenopathy may be generalized or localized and is usually characterized by lymph nodes that are >1 cm in diameter. A multitude of conditions can cause lymphadenopathy, including HIV itself, opportunistic or other infections, and malignancies. The likely causes of lymphadenopathy, and thus the diagnostic workup, will depend in part on the patient's degree of immunosuppression. The risk of opportunistic and certain malignant conditions increases at lower CD4 cell counts (see chapter CD4 Monitoring and Viral Load Testing).

Many individuals with primary HIV infection (see chapter Primary HIV Infection) may have generalized lymphadenopathy that may resolve or may persist for months to years. If lymphadenopathy of >2 cm in size occurs in 2 or more noncontiguous sites and persists for more than 3 months, and if appropriate evaluation reveals no other cause, the patient is diagnosed with persistent generalized lymphadenopathy (PGL). PGL is usually due to follicular hyperplasia from chronic HIV infection. As long as enlarged nodes are stable in number, location, and size, persons with PGL require no management other than monitoring of nodes at each physical examination. Changes in the character of the lymph nodes should prompt further evaluation. Rapid involution of PGL may occur with advanced HIV disease and is a poor prognostic sign.

SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan)


The patient complains of new, worsening, or persistent glandular swellings in the neck, axilla, groin, or elsewhere.

Ascertain the following during the history:

bulletSymptoms that accompany the lymphadenopathy, particularly constitutional symptoms such as fever, sweats, fatigue, and unintentional weight loss.
bulletLocalized symptoms or conditions that involve areas of the body with lymphatic drainage into the area of abnormal lymph nodes (eg, in the case of axillary lymphadenopathy, ask about breast masses and skin conditions or trauma involving the arm)
bulletA full review of systems
bulletHIV-related or other malignancies, opportunistic illnesses
bulletRecent travel, country or region of origin, disease exposures (eg, tuberculosis [TB], sexually transmitted infections), and risk behaviors (eg, injection drug use)
bulletTrauma or injury (including cat scratches)
bulletExposure to household pets
bulletCurrent medications


Review recent CD4 cell counts and HIV viral load measurements.

Check vital signs. Perform a complete examination of lymph nodes, including the cervical, submandibular, supraclavicular, axillary, epitrochlear, and inguinal sites. Document the location, size, consistency, mobility, and presence or absence of tenderness of all abnormal nodes. In cases of localized lymphadenopathy, examine the area drained by the node. Check for hepatosplenomegaly. Perform a focused examination (eg, lung, breast, skin, genitals) to identify signs of local or systemic illness.


The differential diagnosis of lymphadenopathy in HIV-infected patients depends in part on the degree of immunosuppression. For further information, see chapter CD4 Monitoring and Viral Load Testing.

Infectious Causes

Generalized lymphadenopathy

bulletHIV infection, including PGL
bulletMononucleosis; Epstein-Barr virus
bulletMycobacterium avium complex
bulletSecondary syphilis
bulletHistoplasmosis, other fungal diseases
bulletBartonella infection
bulletHepatitis B
bulletLyme disease
bulletChlamydia (lymphogranuloma venereum [LGV])
bulletWidespread skin infections
bulletImmune reconstitution syndrome
bulletFollicular hyperplasia

Localized lymphadenopathy

bulletAny of the above
bulletOropharyngeal and dental infections
bulletCellulitis or abscesses
bulletTB (scrofula)

Neoplastic Causes

bulletAcute and chronic lymphocytic leukemias
bulletOther malignancy; metastatic cancer
bulletKaposi sarcoma

Other Causes

bulletReactive process (benign)
bulletHypersensitivity reaction to medications
bulletSerum sickness
bulletRheumatoid arthritis
bulletCastleman disease


Diagnostic Evaluation

After the history and physical examination, the cause of lymphadenopathy may be clear and further diagnostic testing may not be necessary. If the cause of the lymphadenopathy is still uncertain, perform diagnostic testing as indicated by the patient's presentation. This may include the following tests:

bulletCD4 count (with or without HIV viral load), to determine the risk of opportunistic illnesses
bulletComplete blood count with differential; liver function tests; urinalysis
bulletChest x-ray
bulletTuberculin skin test (purified protein derivative, or PPD)
bulletRapid plasma reagin (RPR) or Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) test
bulletBlood cultures, if patient is febrile (bacterial, mycobacterial, and fungal, as indicated)
bulletTesting for specific infections if suspected (eg, Bartonella or LGV)

If a node is large, fixed, nontender, or otherwise worrisome, or if the diagnosis is unclear after initial evaluation, fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy may provide a diagnosis. If FNA is nondiagnostic (false-negative results are relatively common), obtain an open biopsy for definitive evaluation. Biopsy specimens should be sent for bacterial, mycobacterial, and fungal cultures; acid-fast staining for mycobacteria; and cytologic examination.

If a node is large, inflamed, tender, or fluctuant, and a bacterial infection is suspected, consider initiating empiric antibiotic treatment and monitoring the patient over 1-2 weeks. If the node does not respond to antibiotic treatment or the patient becomes more symptomatic, arrange for FNA or open biopsy to establish the diagnosis.


Treatment will depend on the cause of lymphadenopathy. Refer to the guidelines in Section 6: Disease-Specific Treatment or primary care management guidelines as appropriate. In the case of HIV-related lymphadenopathy, antiretroviral therapy may be effective.

Patient Education

Key teaching points
bulletLymphadenopathy may come and go throughout the course of HIV infection, but it may be a sign of a serious condition.
bulletAdvise patients to notify their clinician if lymph nodes increase in size or change in character.


The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Veterans Affairs of the linked Web sites, or the information, products or services contained therein.
bulletBoswell SL. Approach to the Patient with HIV Infection. In: Goroll AH, Mulley AG, eds. Principles of Primary Care, 5th ed. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott; 2005:78-91.
bulletEvaluation of Lymphadenopathy. In: Goroll AH, Mulley AG, eds. Principles of Primary Care, 5th ed. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott; 2005:73-77.
bulletKocurek K, Hollander H. Primary and Preventive Care of the HIV-Infected Adult. In: Sande MA, Volberding PA, eds. Medical Management of AIDS, 6th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1999:125-126.