USDA Forest Service


State And Private Forestry

US Forest Service
Northern Region
State and Private Forestry
P.O. Box 7669
Missoula, MT 59807


US Forest Service
Intermountain Region
State and Private Forestry
324 25th Street
Ogden, UT 84401


United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

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Intermountain and Northern Regions

Resource Conservation and Development Partners     

What are Resource Conservation and Development Partners?

The Resource Conservation and Development Program, better known as RC&D, engages  people to identify and solve human, economic, and environmental problems in their communities. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) administers the program for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. NRCS provides funds for a coordinator and gives other support for each RC&D area. But it is the local council and volunteers that make each RC&D area unique.


What does RC&D do?

  • Land Conservation - Protects the resource base and finds the best ways to use it.
  • Water Management - Protects and enhances ground water supplies and improves water quality, agricultural water management, and flood control.
  • Community Development - Establishes and improves community services, facilities, and infrastructure. Prepares feasibility studies; creates or improves recreational areas; and develops, improves, and promotes historic sites and tourist attractions.
  • Encourages the best use of forest lands and resources; and creates and expands forest-related industries. Focuses on expanding markets and creating jobs.
  • Environmental Enhancement Projects - Conserving energy, creating and improving fish and wildlife habitat; developing and improving wetland habitat; and safely utilizing waste
  • Working with the Forest Service and State Forester, provide critical local facilitation to establish Community Fire Plans and assist in implementing the National Fire Plan on private and state lands within the interface.

Who Is Involved In RC&D and how do they work?

Most RC&D Councils are non-profit corporations, comprised of local citizens and agency employees that represent sponsoring organizations, which include county governments soil and water conservation districts, towns, water districts, and other nonprofit groups as well as communities ranchers/farmers, and businesses.  Most members have a mutual interest in helping with economic development and resource conservation projects in primarily rural areas. This program is administered through NRCS in conjunction with non-profit RC&D Associations.


Key Partners

  • National Association of RC&D Councils
  • Forest Service
  • County and town governments
  • Environmental organizations
  • State economic development agencies
  • State tourism departments
  • National Association of Conservation Districts
  • State commerce departments
  • State Foresters

Opportunities for National Forests and Grasslands

  • Co-leaders with RC&D organizations in planning and implementing rural development and environmental programs and projects across all ownerships in a county or counties within an RC&D area
  • Cooperates and coordinates numerous activities with RC&D's to improve economic and environmental conditions.  RC&Ds can leverage scarce financial resources into needed project support.
  • National Forests and Grasslands may build MOUs and cost-share agreements to gain community interest and support for natural resource projects.  RC&Ds can coordinate natural resource projects among various interests across boundaries.
  • Non-profit groups can operate with great flexibility in many arena's where federal agencies are restricted. Partnering with non-profits increases an agency's capacity to serve customers.

Program Coordinator for ID, MT, NV, ND, UT

For further assistance contact Margie Ewing


US Forest Service - State and Private Forestry - Intermountain and Northern Regions

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.