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VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guideline for Management of Traumatic Stress

Harold Kudler, M.D.
VISN 6 Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center
Duke University Medical Center
Josef I. Ruzek, Ph.D.
National Center for PTSD

About this Course Module

The VA-DoD Clinical Practice Guideline for Management of Traumatic Stress represents an official VA- and DoD-approved delineation of best practices for the assessment and treatment of PTSD. The Guideline is a broad one, including sections on PTSD in primary care, management of acute stress reactions, management of combat and operational stress reactions, and management of PTSD in the specialty mental health sector. This presentation orients the practitioner to the Guideline, explains its structure and key recommendations, and suggests ways for VA mental health providers to achieve greater compliance with the guideline.

Goal: This presentation will orient the provider to the VA-DoD Clinical Practice Guideline for Management of Traumatic Stress, explain its structure and key recommendations, and suggest ways for VA mental health providers to achieve greater compliance with the guideline.

Objectives: After viewing the presentation, the participant will be able to:

  1. Report the key elements of the VA/DoD CPT for Management of Traumatic Stress
  2. Utilize 3 concrete steps towards improving compliance with the CPG within VA mental health care
  3. Implement one or more of the  4 “strongly recommended” psychotherapies for PTSD

Download course module with instructor's narration

(ZIP file - 20 MB)

Download Transcript (PDF)

Abbreviated instructions:

  1. Download ZIP archive of module
  2. Unzip ZIP archive of module
  3. Double-click to open "kudler-ruzek_clinical_practice_a.pps" (do not move files out of folder)

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Download course module without instructor's narration

(ZIP file - 1.6 MB)

Download Transcript (PDF)

Abbreviated instructions:

  1. Download ZIP archive of module
  2. Unzip ZIP archive of module
  3. Double-click to open "kudler-ruzek_clinical_practice.pps"

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How to obtain Continuing Education Credits

Continuing education credits can be earned for this course. For more information and step-by-step instructions, please visit the CE Credits page. Here is the brochure required for CEs for this course.