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Photo of Robert Jenkins

Cross Cultural Issues: African-Americans and Treatment Impact for PTSD

Robert C. Jenkins, Ph.D.
National Center for PTSD

About this Course Module

As clinicians treat African-American patients with PTSD and other issues it is very important that they take into historical, cultural, and societal issues and their personal beliefs and biases that may facilitate and/or hinder the therapeutic process. In this course, information is provided about cross-cultural issues with African-Americans that are helpful to be aware in the context of both individual and group therapy. In particular, cultural/societal issues involving power and privilege, African-American Families, multicultural awareness, competence, and therapy guidelines and overall PTSD issues are presented to assist clinicians in facilitating their therapeutic engagement and treatment effectiveness.

Goal: The course is meant to enhance the provider's transcultural and trans-experiential competencies in the planning and provision of services to African American clients.

Objectives: After viewing the presentation, the participant will be able to:

  1. Integrate  major historical and current cultural and societal issues into case conceptualization and  treatment of African-American clients
  2. Relate the differences in African-American and European-American cultural roots including world views, cultural patterns and themes, values and male/female relations
  3. Employ a culture grid to aid in the conceptualization of the therapist/client relationship when treating African-American clients with PTSD

Download course module with instructor's narration

(ZIP file - 22.8 MB)

Download Transcript (PDF)

Abbreviated instructions:

  1. Download ZIP archive of module
  2. Unzip ZIP archive of module
  3. Double-click to open "jenkins_cultural_a.pps" (do not move files out of folder)

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Download course module without instructor's narration

(ZIP file - 1.1 MB)

Download Transcript (PDF)

Abbreviated instructions:

  1. Download ZIP archive of module
  2. Unzip ZIP archive of module
  3. Double-click to open "jenkins_cultural.pps"

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How to obtain Continuing Education Credits

Continuing education credits can be earned for this course. For more information and step-by-step instructions, please visit the CE Credits page. Here is the brochure required for CEs for this course.