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Photo of Matthew J. Friedman

Neurobiology and Pharmacotherapy for PTSD

Matthew J. Friedman, M.D., Ph.D.
National Center for PTSD

About this Course Module

This presentation has two principal objectives. First it will review the psychobiology of the human response to stress in order to establish the pathophysiological rationale for utilizing different classes of medications, that act at specific pharmacological target sites, as potential treatments for PTSD. Second it will review the current literature on evidence-based pharmacotherapy for PTSD. New medications currently being tested will also be discussed.

Goal: This course provides a solid background for understanding the effects of combat stress/trauma on the human physiological stress systems and provides an overview of pharmacological treatments and mechanisms of action.

Objectives: After viewing the presentation, the participant will be able to:

  1. Identify the major components of the human stress system
  2. Consider their implications in the development and treatment of PTSD and other combat-stress reactions
  3. Identify the major neurotransmitters and pathways (such as norepinephrine, serotonin, gaba, glutamate)
  4. Consider their implications in the development and treatment of PTSD
  5. Report the major pharmacological interventions and their likely mechanisms of action in the care of clients with PTSD/combat stress reactions

Download course module with instructor's narration

(ZIP file - 32.5 MB)

Download Transcript (PDF)

Abbreviated instructions:

  1. Download ZIP archive of module
  2. Unzip ZIP archive of module
  3. Double-click to open "friedman_pharmacological_a.pps" (do not move files out of folder)

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Download course module without instructor's narration

(ZIP file - 2.7 MB)

Download Transcript (PDF)

Abbreviated instructions:

  1. Download ZIP archive of module
  2. Unzip ZIP archive of module
  3. Double-click to open "friedman_pharmacological.pps"

Read complete instructions

How to obtain Continuing Education Credits

Continuing education credits can be earned for this course. For more information and step-by-step instructions, please visit the CE Credits page. Here is the brochure required for CEs for this course.