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Photo of Diane Castillo

Cultural Dimensions in the Assessment and Treatment of Hispanic Veterans with PTSD

Diane T. Castillo, PhD
New Mexico VA Health Care System

About this Course Module

Hispanic Americans are a diverse people in languages and in culture. This course provides an overview of issues that providers need to consider in their planning and provision of services to the Hispanic client. Using case examples, the author provides a review of PTSD Symptoms, discusses the role of primary/secondary language, family, role, assessment considerations and other topics in order to familiarize or enhance the provider's trans-cultural competencies.

Goal: This course is meant to enhance the provider's trans-cultural competencies in the planning and provision of services to Hispanic-American clients.

Objectives: After viewing the presentation, the participant will be able to:

  1. Relate the symptoms of PTSD
  2. Interpret the salient features and frequently encountered themes of the Hispanic culture in their provision of services to Hispanic individuals
  3. Incorporate basic assessment and treatment issues when providing services to Hispanic individuals

Download course module with instructor's narration

(ZIP file - 17.4 MB)

Download Transcript (PDF)

Abbreviated instructions:

  1. Download ZIP archive of module
  2. Unzip ZIP archive of module
  3. Double-click to open "castillo_cultural_a.pps" (do not move files out of folder)

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Download course module without instructor's narration

(ZIP file - 1.1 MB)

Download Transcript (PDF)

Abbreviated instructions:

  1. Download ZIP archive of module
  2. Unzip ZIP archive of module
  3. Double-click to open "castillo_cultural.pps"

Read complete instructions

How to obtain Continuing Education Credits

Continuing education credits can be earned for this course. For more information and step-by-step instructions, please visit the CE Credits page. Here is the brochure required for CEsfor this course.