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Ice and Snow Data

Ice and snow measurements on lakes and surrounding land areas.

Great Lakes Ice Data (contact: J. Wang and G. Leshkevich).

Great Lakes Ice Atlas. The original ice chart data set consists of over 1200 digitized ice charts. These ice charts display observed ice cover over each Great Lake throughout every winter season from 1973 to 2002.

There are three analysis products. The first product includes ice charts of the following: dates of the first reported ice, dates of the last reported ice, and ice duration for each winter, as well as, the maximum, minimum and average ice cover concentrations. The second product is the 30-year annual daily ice cover time series. The daily time series was used to create: 1) computer animations of spatial patterns of ice cover for each winter, 2) line plots of lake averaged ice cover for each lake over the 30 winters. The third product is weekly statistics. There are weekly ice charts and grids of: maximum, 3rd quartile, median, 1st quartile, and minimum ice cover concentrations for the 30-winter base period. The weekly statistics are based on the original ice chart data set and not on the daily time series.

NOAA Technical Memorandum TM-121, Assel et al. (2002). A 28-winter digital ice cover data set consisting of 1122 ice charts. Data are available in ARC/INFO export and ASCII grid formats.

Great Lakes Ice Data Rescue Project. NOAA Technical Memorandum TM-117. Norton, et al. (2002). This data is an update to the Great Lakes Ice Cover Data Base. Ice charts digitized contain some extrapolated data and cover the entire surface area of the Great Lakes. The updated data base contains information on ice concentration, ice age (thickness), and ice form (flow size) with an improved spatial precision of 2.56 km.

A Computer Animation, Data Base and Analysis Tool.
Long Term Average Surface Temperature and Ice Cover Animation

National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
(GLERL contributes data to NSIDC. The following links point to GLERL data on the NSIDC web site.)

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Last updated: 2004-02-18 jjs