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Hydrology & Hydraulics Data

Streamflow, channel flow, evaporation, water temperature, and other measurements of water quantity relative to the hydrologic cycle.

Great Lakes Precipitation Data (contact: R. Assel).P_*_DAT files contain the monthly precipitation data for each station in that state. *-HST files contain the station history information extracted from the WB 530-1 forms by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). These data show the station number, latitude, longitude, elevation, station name, and period of record for each station location. These are ZIPPED files, with one file for each state.

Great Lakes Temperature Data (contact: R. Assel).T_*_DAT files contain the monthly temperature data for each station in that state. *-HST files contain the station history information extracted from the WB 530-1 forms by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). These data show the station number, latitude, longitude, elevation, station name, and period of record for each station location. These are ZIPPED files, with one file for each state.

Great Lakes Monthly Hydrologic Data (T. Hunter) NOAA Technical Memorandum TM-083 (1994). Hydrologic data: overlake precipitation, runoff, lake evaporation, net basin supplies, connecting channel flows, diversion flows, beginning of month lake levels, and changes in storage.

Great Lakes Hydrometeorological Database [this link goes to the GLIN web site] (contact: Stuart Eddy). This directory features some 20,000 listings of station characteristics for over 11,000 hydrological and meteorological stations located throughout the Great Lakes region. It is intended as a resource for determining period of record, types of data collected and data availability. The mapping tool provides a geographic orientation and allows the database to be searched both by station characteristics and by location.

Great Lakes Hydrometeorological Database Directory. NOAA Technical Memorandum TM-074. (1991).

GLERL AHPS Products (Experimental). Links to plots for monthly values of inflow, outflow, total supply and mean lake level for each of the Great Lakes and Lake St. Clair. For each lake there is also a page (accessed by clicking on the lake name) with many other hydrology and meteorology variables.

Computer Program for Performing Hydrograph Separation using the Rating Curve Method. NOAA Technical Memorandum TM-100, C.M. Sellinger (1996). This reports presents a computer methodology for partitioning streamflow into overland flow or runoff and baseflow.

Computer Program for Estimating Evapotranspiration using the Thornthwaite Method. NOAA Technical Memorandum TM-101, C.M. Sellinger (1996). This computer program allows the calculation of evapotranspiration using large data sets in a more efficient and timely manner.

Derivative Outlook Weights Software
(related GLERL research project: Water Resources Management Decision Support - Thomas E. Croley II)

Large Basin Runoff Model Software (related GLERL research project: Next Generation Large Basin Runoff Model - Thomas E. Croley II)

MIDLAKES: A Coordinated Hydrologic Response Model for the Middle Great Lakes. NOAA Technical Memorandum TM-109. A.H. Clites and D. Lee (1998). A model for simulating quater-monthly lake levels and connecting channel flows for the middle Great Lakes (Michigan, Huron, St. Clair, and Erie).


Temperature Data - NOAA Technical Memos

Lake Erie

Lake Erie Water Temperature Data, Erie, PA 1916-1992. NOAA Technical Memorandum TM-094, McCormick (1996).

Lake Erie Water Temperature Data, Put-in-Bay, OH 1918-1992. NOAA Technical Memorandum TM-097, McCormick (1996).

Lake Erie Water Temperature Data, Sandusky Bay, OH 1961-1993. NOAA Technical Memorandum TM-098, McCormick (1996).

Lake Huron

Lake Huron Water Temperature Data, Bay City, MI 1946-1993. NOAA Technical Memorandum TM-093, McCormick (1996).

Lake Michigan

Lake Michigan Water Temperature Data, Green Bay, WI 1947-1990. NOAA Technical Memorandum TM-095, McCormick (1996).

Lake Michigan Water Temperature Data, St. Joseph, MI 1936-1992. NOAA Technical Memorandum TM-096, McCormick (1996).

Lake Superior

Lake Superior Water Temperature Data, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 1906-1992. NOAA Technical Memorandum TM-099, McCormick (1996).

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Last updated: 2004-02-18 jjs