[design image slice] U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service on faded trees in medium light green background [design image slice] more faded trees

Arapaho & Roosevelt National Forests
Pawnee National Grassland

[design image] green box with curved corner
[design image] green and cream arch

Find a Forest (NF)
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USDA Forest Service
Arapaho & Roosevelt
National Forests
Pawnee National
2150 Centre Avenue
Building E
Fort Collins, CO 80526-8119

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.



  • Make sure to drink enough water to avoid dehydration. Symptoms of dehydration are headache, feelings of irritation and frustration, and more tiredness than warranted by the trip. If your headache persists after drinking plenty of water, you may have altitude sickness. Return to a lower elevation and seek medical attention if warranted.
  • Wear clothing to protect you from the elements, such as wide-brim hats for sun protection or long pants and sturdy shoes for protection from insects and sticks. Check the list of day-use gear.
  • Always let someone know where you are going and when you plan on returning.
  • Do not travel alone; take a companion with you.
  • Pay close attention to your surroundings and landmarks, and relate this to your location on a map.
  • Stay calm if you get lost. Try to remember how you got to your present location. Trust your map and compass, and do not walk aimlessly. If you are on a trail, do not leave it. Stay put if it is nightfall, if you are injured or if you are near exhaustion. As a last resort, follow a drainage or stream downhill. This can be hard going but will often lead to a trail or road.
  • Also follow the rules and regulations of the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland.


Altitude Sickness
  • To treat mountain sickness, rest, move more slowly, drink water, assure adequate salt from food or salt tablets, and eat high energy food. If this does not help, return to a lower elevation immediately. (Learn more)
  • Make camp before dark. Give yourself about two hours of daylight to set up camp.
  • Check for potential hazards. Be sure to check the site thoroughly for glass, sharp objects, branches, large ant beds, poison ivy, bees and hazardous terrain.
  • Pitch your tent in a safe spot. Make sure your tent is made of a flame-retardant fabric, and set up far enough away from the campfire.
CORSAR (Colorado Outdoor Recreation Search and Rescue) Card
  • The CORSAR card replaces what was known as the Colorado Hiking Certificate. Money generated from the sales of these cards goes to the Colorado Search and Rescue Fund, which then provides reimbursement for expenses incurred during search and rescue missions. The cost is $3.00 for a one-year card or $12 for a five-year card. A list of CORSAR Card Vendors is available by contacting the Colorado Department of Local Affairs at (970) 248-7310.
Heat Exhaustion
  • Heat exhaustion is possible, but more commonly occurs at lower elevations of 5,000 to 9,000 feet. It is caused by excessive heat, exertion and dehydration. The symptoms are headache, dizziness, nausea and a "flushed" feeling. Get out of the sun, rest, drink plenty of liquids and replenish lost sodium with food or salt tablets. Try to lower body temperature. Water can be useful for this, if available.
  • Do not attempt a route that is beyond the ability of any individual in the party.
  • Before starting out, do warm-up exercises. Stretching gradually increases heart rate, temperature and circulation to your muscles.
  • Allow enough time for the return trip. Turn back immediately if fatigued or if adverse weather conditions develop.
  • Take frequent rests or vary your pace to recover from strenuous activity spurts.
  • Hypothermia can even happen in summer months. It is caused by wind, wetness, cold and exhaustion. The symptoms are uncontrollable shivering, uncoordination, clumsiness and incoherence. If putting on more warm clothing seems like too much trouble that is when you need it most. To treat a victim, provide shelter from wind and rain, and warmth in the form of extra clothing, fire, warm liquids and body heat from someone warm. To prevent hypothermia, wear proper clothing, stay dry, stop before exhaustion and know your limitations. Dressing in layers is the best prevention, and pack rain gear even for short day trips.
  • Beware of poisonous plants. Familiarize yourself with any dangerous plants that are common to the area. If you come into contact with a poisonous plant, immediately rinse the affected area with water and apply a soothing lotion such as calamine to the affected area.
  • Water from streams and lakes should be considered unsafe to drink until properly treated by boiling, filtering or chemical purification. Always pack drinking water no matter how short the planned trip.
  • Check weather reports before venturing out into the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland. Always carry extra clothing, blankets, tire chains, a shovel and sand, and some non-perishable food.
  • Also monitor backcountry avalanche danger provided by the Colorado Avalanche Information Center.
  • Beware of lightning. Summer afternoon storms are usually electrical. Plan to be off summits and exposed ridges not long after noon. Turn back or seek shelter if you see thunderstorms building. Colorado is the state with the second most lightning strikes in the country. If caught in a lightning storm, seek shelter. Get out of the wind and do not be the tallest or most isolated figure in the landscape. Remove metal objects. Move from exposed ridges or open flats to lee sides, behind trees, rocks or other barriers. Find natural shelter in rock formations, caves, dense evergreen forest or behind large logs.
  • Do not sit or lie down in an electrical storm. These positions provide much more contact with the ground, providing a wider path for lightning to follow. If you are with a group and the threat of lightning is high, spread out at least 15 feet apart to minimize the chance of everybody getting hit.
  • Check with the Colorado Division of Wildlife for specifics.
  • Rattlesnakes are a natural part of the environment. If you hear a rattler, stop, locate the snake and move away slowly.
  • Keep your food in bear-safe containers. Put garbage in bear-proof garbage cans where available or secure it with your food and then pack it out. Don ot burn or bury garbage. Bears will dig it up.
  • Store toiletries with your food. Like other scents, the smell of toiletries may attract bears. Practice good personal hygiene.
  • Stay calm. If you see a bear and it has not seen you, calmly leave the area. As you move away, talk aloud to let the bear discover your presence. Back away slowly while facing the bear. Avoid direct eye contact as bears may perceive this as a threat.


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USDA Forest Service, Arapaho & Roosevelt National Forests, Pawnee National Grassland
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Last modified January 30, 2008

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