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Data Bank 10 - Form 41 Financial Schedules of U.S. Air Carriers: 2008 First Quarter CD

Data Bank 10 - Form 41 Financial Schedules of U.S. Air Carriers: 2008 First Quarter CD Author: Research and Innovative Technology Administration/Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Format:  Compact Disc
Availability: Immediate download
Price: Free

Publisher: Research and Innovative Technology Administration/Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Publication Date: June 2008
Publication Number: N/A

This CD presents financial data for large certificated U.S. carriers. Schedule B-1 presents the balance sheets of the carrier's accounting reports. Schedules P-1 and P-6 contain profit and loss data (income and expense items) for the carrier's operation in the reporting period. Schedule P-1 is the statement of operations, and P-6 is operating expenses by objective grouping. Schedule P-5 presents aircraft operating expenses by type of aircraft, and Schedule P-7 presents operating expenses by functional grouping.

Data are available since 1990.

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