[design image slice] U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service on faded trees in medium light green background [design image slice] more faded trees

Arapaho & Roosevelt National Forests
Pawnee National Grassland

[design image] green box with curved corner
[design image] green and cream arch

Find a Forest (NF)
or Grassland (NG)

USDA Forest Service
Arapaho & Roosevelt
National Forests
Pawnee National
2150 Centre Avenue
Building E
Fort Collins, CO 80526-8119

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.


Photo of a Forest Service employee working with children. Volunteers are the heartbeat of the Forest Service. The types of work a volunteer can perform are many and varied—the only tasks a volunteer cannot carry out are those associated with law enforcement. On the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland (ARP), volunteers provide immeasurable benefits to the land.

In 2002, the Canyon Lakes Ranger District was the number one recreational volunteer forest in the country. Volunteers dedicate hundreds of hours of service and accomplished projects to enhance recreational opportunities across the ARP.

There are multiple opportunities for volunteers on the ARP from trail work to education to restoration, and much much more. You can participate in a one-time project or serve over several months, seasons or year-round in various programs. Every person who donates their time makes a significant contribution to our public lands.


Volunteering can offer valuable experience and lifelong memories. Give it a try! Contact the forest volunteer coordinator for information and a volunteer application











Contact Us

What Projects and Programs?

Projects can range from a single-day project to a long-term undertaking lasting for several months and are available forest-wide.

What captures your interest—trail work, campground host, bird surveys, information receptionist, wilderness restoration, conservation education? There are many ways to transfer your love of the land to the active management of the land.

Opportunities on the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland include days such as National Public Land's Day. Programs include seasonal opportunities such as visitor information hosts. Year-round activities include patrols, Adopt-a-road and Adopt-a-trail groups.

Why Volunteer?

The ARP is a resource we all own, and volunteering is one way to take an active part of land management by being a steward of the land we all enjoy. There are multiple benefits to volunteering, such as...

  • Earning college credits through volunteer internships
  • Diversifying your job experience
  • Providing community service
  • Increasing your career choices
  • Meeting people and forming new friendships
  • Exercising while serving the land
  • Expanding your mind
  • Having fun

USDA Forest Service, Arapaho & Roosevelt National Forests, Pawnee National Grassland
Website comments? Please let us know.
Last modified February 09, 2006

USDA logo, which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo, which links to the agency's national site.