United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
National Hepatitis C Program
Patients' Home > Complications > Cirrhosis > IntroductionEnlarge Text Size:Small Font SizeMedium Font SizeLarge Font Size


Introduction: What is this program for?

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Facts: This program explains basic facts about the liver, and a disease of the liver called cirrhosis (pronounced "sir-o-sis"). It can help you understand the causes and treatments of cirrhosis.

Tool: You can use this guide to help you talk to your provider about how to take better care of your damaged liver.

Support: You can use this guide to feel more in control of your disease. Your family members and friends may read it to understand the challenges you face and to learn how they can help you.

Answers: This guide will answer your questions about common complications of cirrhosis and what can be done about them.

Emergencies: This guidebook gives you important information about the most serious emergencies in cirrhosis. It provides practical tips on how to keep your liver as healthy as possible, including things to do and things to avoid.

Ttreatment Tracking: This guide tells you what you should keep track of when you have cirrhosis, so you can actively participate in your health care.

Resources: A list of the medical terms used in this guide appears at the end. You may hear these words in discussions with your health care provider or when you read about cirrhosis in books, articles, or on the Internet. A list of information sources you can trust is also included.