The White House
President George W. Bush
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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
October 9, 2003

Fact Sheet: Building Momentum for New Job Creation

Today's Presidential Action

Background: The Path to Economic Recovery

President Bush has provided bold and active leadership to encourage growth and help people find work. America's economy experienced the unprecedented triple shock of a recession, economic disruption due to September 11 and the War on Terrorism, and corporate accounting scandals. President Bush acted promptly to help America's workers by providing tax relief to put more money in families' pockets and encourage businesses to grow and invest. Tax relief brought substantial savings to families and helped fight back the effects of the recession. Without the President's tax cuts, as many as 1.5 million additional Americans could have lost their jobs.

The President will not be satisfied as long as Americans are looking for work. Thanks to his leadership and the action taken by Congress, the U.S. economy is now on the path to recovery:

The President's Six Point Plan for the Economy

The steps we have taken are already producing results, but new actions are needed to reinforce economic growth -- and translate that growth into jobs for America's workers.

President Bush has proposed six specific steps to build on the economic impact of the tax relief by increasing employer confidence and creating greater momentum for new job creation:

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