Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board: Indian Leadership for Indian Health

Reports, Publications & Media Materials

Red Talon STD/HIV Brochures
Red Talon Fact Sheets and STD Observance Days
STD/HIV PowerPoint Slides
Stop the Silence Media Campaign Materials
School-Based Chlamydia Screening - Promotional Materials
Red Talon STD/HIV Profile Report
Red Talon STD/HIV Resource Directory
Red Talon STD/HIV Case Study
Published Articles
Other Available Tribal Health Curricula and Toolkits


Project Red Talon brochures are also available in higher resolution for professional printing.
For copies, please download and print of any of these materials.
HPV and Genital Warts
Teens - Thinking about Sex? Know your score! Formatted for legal-size paper
• Contraception: Coming soon
Please contact Project Red Talon if you would like these documents in an alternate format, or if you would like to have your own clinic contact information included on the back.

Red Talon Fact Sheets and STD Observance Days

• Talking to Teens about Sex and STDs:Download the Document
• Adult HIV Fact Sheet:Download the Document
• Adult STD Fact Sheet:Download the Document
• Women’s HIV Fact Sheet:Download the Document
• MSM/Two Spirit HIV Fact Sheet:Download the Document
• Teen STD-HIV Fact Sheet:Download the Document
• National Native HIV Awareness Day:Download the Document
CDC Fact Sheet - HIV/AIDS among American Indians
     For copies, please download and print of any of these materials.

STD/HIV PowerPoint Slides

Teen STD Overview - With Graphic Photos
Teen STD Overview - Without Graphic Photos
School Based Chlamydia Screening
STD Advocacy Kit: Slides for Tribal Leaders
NPAIHB - Project Red Talon 2008 Activity Overview
NPAIHB - Project Red Talon 2008 Risky Business slides

Stop the Silence Media Campaign Materials

In September 2005, Project Red Talon received $50,000 from the Library of Medicine to develop a native-specific HIV Media Campaign for our NW Tribes. Working with G&G Advertising, a Native-run social marketing company, Project Red Talon worked with members of the Red Talon Coalition to produce a variety of posters, PSAs, and teen outreach materials.
• Community Website:
Stop the Silence Logo (for placement on shirts and other promotional materials)
Teen Posters
• Print Public Service Announcements (for placement in Newspapers etc):
Adult Tip-Sheet for talking to Teens about Sex and STDs
• Teen STD/HIV Magazines
     Three issues for younger teens:
     •Issue #1
     •Teacher’s Guide for Issue #1
     •Issue #2
     •Teacher’s Guide for Issue #2
     •Issue #3
     •Teacher’s Guide for Issue #3
     Three issues for older teens:
     •Issue #1
     •Teacher’s Guide for Issue #1
     •Issue #2
     •Teacher’s Guide for Issue #2
     •Issue #3
     •Teacher’s Guide for Issue #3
Please contact Project Red Talon to order copies of any of these materials.

School-Based Chlamydia Screening - Promotional Materials

In 2008, Project Red Talon received funding from the National Coalition of STD Directors and the Indian Health Service to support School-based Chlamydia Screening events within the NW Tribes. Working with G&G Advertising, the project produced a variety of outreach materials.

•Starting a School-Based Chlamydia Screening Project in Indian Country:Download the Guidelines
     The goal of this guide is to help communities in rural Indian Country implement school-based chlamydia screening projects.

•Parent Q&A Booklet:Download the Booklet

•Been Laid? Get Tested!
      Logo (for placement on shirts and other promotional materials):Download the Logo
      Flier (for placement in schools):Download the Flier
      Post Card (for community outreach or clinic reminders):Download the PostCard

•Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean you don’t have it!
      Logo (for placement on shirts and other promotional materials):Download the Logo
      Flier (for placement in schools):Download the Flier
      Post Card (for community outreach or clinic reminders):Download the PostCard

•P2B STD Free
      Logo (for placement on shirts and other promotional materials):Download the Logo
      Flier (for placement in schools):Download the Flier
      Post Card (for community outreach or clinic reminders):Download the PostCard

•Chlamydia Screening Teen Magazine:Download the Screening

•Chlamydia Screening Teen PowerPoint Slides: Download the Slides

•Chlamydia Screening Poster:Get the Poster

     Please contact Project Red Talon to order copies of any of these materials.

Red Talon STD Profile Report

The Red Talon STD Profile was completed in October 2005. The report documents AI/AN STD incident rates and trends, tribal screening and treatment practices, and STD prevention activities among the NW tribes. This document was used by the Red Talon STD/HIV Coalition to facilitate the strategic planning process for the inter-tribal STD Action Plan.
Chapter 1: Executive Summary and Introduction
Chapter 2: Tribal Clinic STD Testing and Treatment Practices
Chapter 3: Tribal STD Prevention Activities
Chapter 4: Chlamydia
Chapter 5: Gonorrhea
Chapter 6: Syphilis
Chapter 7: HIV/AIDS
Chapter 8: Hepatitis A, B, and C
Chapter 9: NW Tribal STD Priorities and Recommendations
Chapter 10: Related Definitions, Tables, and Appendices
Download Report: Profile Report PDF 2,247 KB

Red Talon STD/HIV Resource Directory

The Red Talon STD/HIV Resource Directory was completed in May 2006. The reference guide documents: service available through the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board, information about Sexually Transmitted Diseases, STD rates in Indian Country, native prevention resources, NW Tribal Health Facilities, Non-Tribal STD clinics in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington state, STD/HIV hotlines and medical advice, resources available on the internet, videos, brochures, condom vendors, and local training services.
Section 1: Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board
Section 2: Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Section 3: STDs in Indian Country
Section 4: Native Prevention Resources
Section 5:  NW Tribal Health Facilities
Section 6:  Non-Tribal STD Health Facilities: Idaho State
Section 7:  Non-Tribal STD Health Facilities: Oregon State
Section 8:  Non-Tribal STD Health Facilities: Washington State
Section 9:  STD/HIV Hotlines and Medical Advice
Section 10: Resources on the Internet
Section 11: STD/HIV Videos
Section 12: STD/HIV Publications and Brochures
Section 13: Condom Vendors
Section 14: STD/HIV Training
Download Directory: Compete Directory PDF 2,576 KB

Red Talon STD/HIV Case Study

This paper provides an overview of Project Red Talon, a STD/HIV capacity-building project serving 43 tribes in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.

The purpose of this case study is to:
•Describe the social and political context in which capacity development has taken place in the Pacific Northwest.
•Discuss activities and lessons learned by Project Red Talon.
•Provide guidance to those who are interested in replicating elements of the project in their own communities or regions.

Download Case Study:

Published Articles

• Stopping the Silence: Program Opens Lines of Communication to Cut STD Rate Among Native Americans. Tim Weldon. The Council of State Governments, Vol. 51, No. 3. March 2008.
Download the Article

• Project Red Talon: Health care professionals, communities benefit from coalition’s HIV/STD training. Babette Herrmann. Indian Country Today. December 19, 2007.
Download the Article

• Within the Hidden Epidemic:  Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV/AIDS among American Indians and Alaska Natives. Kaufman CE, Shelby L, Mosure DJ, Marrazzo J, Wong D, de Ravello L, Craig Rushing S, Warren-Mears V, Neel L, Jumping Eagle S, Tulloch S, Romero F, Patrick S, Cheek J. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (May 2007).
Download Report

• HIV-related risk behaviors, perceptions of risk, HIV testing, and exposure to prevention methods among urban American Indians and Alaska Natives. Lapidus J, Bertolli J, McGowan K, Sullivan P. (2006). AIDS Education and Prevention 18(6), 546-559.
Download Report

• Sexually transmitted diseases among American Indians and Alaska Natives in Washington State, 1995-2000. Puuka E, Jackson S, Stehr-Green P. (n.d.) Northwest Tribal Epidemiology Center, Northwest Portland American Indian Health Board. Download Report

Other Available Tribal Health Curricula and Toolkits

Tribal Advocacy Kit

The STD/HIV Advocacy Kit was designed by the Red Talon STD/HIV Coalition to help tribal STD programs educate their tribal decision makers about the impact of sexually transmitted diseases on tribal health, and the importance of comprehensive STD prevention activities. The Kit includes information about AI/AN STD rates, the social and economic impact of STDs on tribal communities, and steps that can be taken by tribal councils to improve school-based, clinic-based, and community-based prevention efforts.
To support dissemination and tribal outreach, the Kit is compiled in a folder that can be distributed to tribal council members, school administrators, clinicians, and others who have an impact on community health. A PowerPoint presentation is available to help tribal health educators share the content of the Kit during group presentations.
Download Advocacy Kit PDF

Please contact Project Red Talon to order copies.

No Place Like Home for Sex Education - An Adaptation for Native Americans.

Developed by Planned Parenthood Health Services of Southwestern Oregon.
visit: for free copies.

HIV/STD Prevention Guidelines for Native American Communities: American Indians, Alaskan Natives, & Native Hawaiians

In collaboration with the National Native American AIDS Prevention Center, the Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention has developed prevention guidelines for HIV/STD for Native American Communities. Contact RCAP to request free copies:

Be Safe

An AI/AN HIV Cultural Competence Model is available though the National Minority AIDS Education and Training Center (NMAETC) at:
Or Download the Model

HIV Prevention, Early Intervention and Health Promotion: A Self Study Module for Health Care Personnel Serving Native Americans

Available through the Mountain-Plains AIDS Education and Training Center (MPAETC) at:
Or Download the Study Module

Starting a School-Based Chlamydia Screening Project in Indian Country

Developed by the Indian Health Service STD Program, The manual provides ideas, checklists, case studies, and tools for tailoring a school-based screening project to the needs and resources available to your tribe.
Download the Manual

Hepatitis-C Video
Warning: large file! (approx 33MB)


The IHS site contains links to a variety of tools and resources.

IHS Division of Epidemiology and Prevention - STD Program

The site contains links to a variety of tools and resources.