Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Journal of Transportation and Statistics (JTS), Volume 9, Number 1

Journal of Transportation and Statistics (JTS), Volume 9, Number 1 Author: Research and Innovative Technology Administration/Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Format:  Print (Soft Cover, 89 pages)
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Price: Free

Publisher: Research and Innovative Technology Administration/Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Publication Date: 2006
Publication Number: ISSN-1094-8848

This journal focuses on a variety of topics. Paper titles in this journal are the following: Impacts of Productivity Changes in Air Transportation on Profits, Prices, and Labor Compensation: 1990-2001; Speed as a Risk Factor in Serious Run-off-Road Crashes: Bayesian Case-Control Analysis with Case Speed Uncertainty; Speed Estimation for Air Quality Analysis; Measurement Errors in Poisson Regressions: A Simulation Study Based on Travel Frequency Data, Measuring Variability in Urban Traffic Flow by Use of Principal Component Analysis, Frequency and Severity of Belgian Road Traffic Accidents Studied by State-Space Methods.

The Journal of Transportation and Statistics features original research that measures transportation activity and its importance to society, analyzes the consequences of transportation activity, evaluates the performance of transportation systems, analyzes transportation trends, and advances the science of acquiring, validating, managing, and disseminating transportation information.


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