
The New Books Shelves


Fall 2006

These lists of new titles reflect the new books recently added to the Library's collection. The books are located on the "New Books Shelves" in Room G-30 at Archives I and in Room 3000 at Archives II. Please drop by either location to browse the "New Books Shelves" if you can. NARA staff at other sites are encouraged to call the Reference Desks (Archives II -- 301-837-3415 or Archives I -- 202-357-5018) or e-mail alic@nara.gov to make arrangements to reserve books for their use.

Also part of our ALIC collection are our Memorial Books, which have been donated to ALIC in memory of family members and friends.

Past lists -- New Books Shelves

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 • Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272