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Oceans and Human Health Initiative
Funded PIs

PI: Dr. Robert R. Bidigare, University of Hawaii
Title: Discovery of Pharmaceutical Lead Compounds from Marine Organisms (2004 Award)

PI: Dr. Alexandria Boehm, Stanford University
Title: Global Climate Change and Infectious Disease: A Biological and Physical Investigation into the Relationship Between Sea Surface Temperature and Microbial Pollution in Coastal Waters (2004 Award)

PI: Dr. Sylvain De Guise, University of Connecticut
Title: The Impact of Different Classes of PCBs on Marine Mammal and Human Health: A New Assessment of Immunotoxicity (2004 Award)

PI: Dr. Lawrence J. Dunn, Mystic Aquarium & Institute for Exploration
Title: The Impact of Marine Origin Brucella on Marine Mammal and Human Health (2004 Award)

PI: Dr. Jay Grimes, University of Southern Mississippi
Title: The Use of Remote Sensing and Molecular Detection to Predict the Risk of Infection by Vibrio Parahaemolyticus (2004 Award)

PI: Dr. Frances M.D. Gulland, The Marine Mammal Center
Title: Sub-lethal effects of Domoic acid on California’s Sea Lions, Sentinels of Ocean Changes that Affect Human Health (2004 Award)

PI: Dr. Joanne Jellett, Jellett Rapid Testing Limited
Title: Investigations Into the Use of Lateral Flow Tests for the Detecting and Monitoring of Shellfish Toxins (2004 Award)

PI: Dr. Erin Lipp, The University of Georgia
Title: Human Pathogens in Shellfish Harvesting Waters: Relating Climate, Water Quality and Disease Outcomes (2004 Award)

PI: Dr. Mercedes Pascual, University of Michigan
Title: Cholera Across the Scales: Oceanic Links to Climate and Local Estuarine Influences (2004 Award)

PI: Dr. Joan Rose, Michigan State University
Title: Influence of Combined Sewer Overflows on Crytosporidium and Giardia Accumulation in Sediments and Impacts on Water Quality and Health in the Great Lakes (2004 Award)

PI: Dr. David C. Rowley, University of Rhode Island
Title: Exploration of the Marine Subsurface Environment for Novel Biomedical Resources (2004 Award)

PI: Dr. David B. Senn, Harvard School of Public Health
Title: Coastal Eutrophication and Hypoxia: Implications for Mercury Methylation, Mercury Biomagnification and Human Health (2004 Award)

PI: Dr. Ramunas Stepanauskas, University of Georgia
Title: The Role of Metal Contamination in the Proliferation of Antibiotic Resistance in Coastal Water-Borne Pathogens (2004 Award)

PI: Dr. Peter Strutton, Oregon State University
Title: Optical Tagging and Tracking of Water Masses for Prediction of Human Health Hazards (2004 Award)

PI: Dr. Gordon T. Taylor, Stony Brook University
Title: Viral Decay/Attenuation in the Coastal Ocean (2004 Award)

PI: Dr. David F. Ufnar, University of Southern Mississippi
Title: The Influence of Storms and Geological Processes on the Persistence of Bacterial Indicators and Pathogens in Recreational Waters (2004 Award)

PI: Dr. Guangyi Wang, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Title: Exploration of Biodiversity and Pharmaceutical Potentials of Marine Fungi in Hawaii (2004 Award)



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Last Updated November 3, 2004