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Women's Health

Women's Health ‹ STD: HIV/AIDS Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)


AI/AN HIV / AIDS Indian Health Program Site

Trends in HIV-Related Risk Behaviors Among High School Students - 1991-2005

Perinatal HIV Hotline


HIV/AIDS Among Youth

Prenatal HIV Screening and Consent Procedures

HIV/AIDS Risk Factor Reporting Alarmingly Low

  • New report from CDC showing that over 1/3 of new patients with HIV/AIDS have no identifiable risk factor

Opportunisitc Infections

HIV/AIDS Basic Statistics

More HIV Slides


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CDC HIV/AIDS Surveillance Supplement Reports

HIV increasing in women

Guidelines for Performing CD4+ T-Cell Counts

What is the latest in HIV treatment and management?

The HIV/AIDS Treatment Information Service (ATIS) is your central resource for federally approved treatment guidelines for HIV and AIDS.

Successful implementation of perinatal HIV prevention guidelines

Enhanced perinatal surveillance is needed to assess prevention needs and to monitor the effect of prevention programs. This item outlines a successful implementation

A method for classification of HIV exposure category for women without HIV risk information

Women account for a steadily increasing proportion of AIDS cases in the United States. Reliable data on exposure risk categories are crucial for HIV prevention because allocation and direction of resources

Minority issues

The Minority HIV/AIDS Initiative

The Office of Minority Health HIV/AIDS Initiative has current information on funding, technical assistance and prevention

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C.D.C. recommendations

Screening pregnant women

Both documents : Guidelines for HIV Counseling, Testing, and Referral and Revised Recommendations for HIV Screening of Pregnant Women


Compendium of State Laws impacting HIV screening and treatment


National Prevention Information Network (N.P.I.N.)

This C.D.C. National Prevention Information Network (N.P.I.N.) website is a reference, referral, and distribution service on H.I.V./AIDS, S.T.D.s, and T.B.

Community-based organizations (C.B.O.) and factors that affect HIV prevention programs

The C.D.C. report, "Learning from the Community: What Community-Based Organizations (C.B.O.) Say About Factors that Affect HIV Prevention Programs," is available as an Acrobat Reader (.PDF) download.

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HIV Prevalence Trends in Selected Populations in the United States: Results from National Serosurveillance, 1993-1997

The C.D.C. report is available on a Web page, or as an Acrobat Reader (.PDF) download. (Note: PDF file is larger than 10 M.B. - long download.)

HIV/AIDS surveillance in women through 2000 [slide series]

  • The nine slides include information on incidence, cases and rates, exposure category, age of diagnosis, injection drug use and heterosexual contact, region and race/ethnicity, and living with HIV infection

Women are less likely than men to receive antiretroviral drug therapies for H.I.V./AIDS

Women are less likely than men to receive antiretroviral drug therapies for H.I.V./AIDS. States need to investigate this disparity in use of antiretroviral drug therapies and develop policies to increase access to women. Research summary on-line.

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Feedback: David Gahn, MD  Content Coordinator