Interagency Working Group (IWG)

Records of the Office of Strategic Services 1940-1946
(Record Group 226)

(For earlier releases, see the Report to the IWG on Previously Classified OSS Records.)

Contents of RG 226:

Entry 213

Boxes 1-3 Location 250/64/33/6

Box # Subjects of Documents
1 Memo regarding the trip of Princess Maria Pignatelli di Cerchiara across Allied lines from Naples to communicate "accurate military information to the enemy," including "the existence of her husband's intelligence network working in Southern Italy on behalf of the Fascist government," May 3, 1944, 5pp.
Report from SCI Unit Z in Genova, Italy on "Mission Rossignol," November 30, 1945, ca., 12pp. The report is about the activities of one Commander Cheyron, and personnel under his command, who operated in Northern Italy between July and September 1945. After describing the Mission's activities, the report complains that despite repeated verbal and written requests to HQ for information, the Mission's true purpose was still unknown. It could have been the search for French war criminals, the "search for and collection of loot and currency transported out of France by political refugees," or "exploitation and racketeering."
Memo on French activities in Italy, December 6, 1945, 1p. The memo lists four names, summarizing their wartime activities and describing their current location and activities.
Report from SCI Unit Z in Rome, Italy, entitled "Plan Abraham Lincoln (Neo-Fascist Organization)," December 6, 1945, 14pp. The report describes the possible penetration of a possible neo-Fascist organization by a suspect source.
Report on the Information Service at the Vatican, December 7, 1945, ca., 2pp. The cover sheet describes this report as having "little or no intelligence value."
Report from SCI Unit Z in Rome on Communist activity in the 88th Division, December 13, 1945, 1p. The report states that the Secretary of the Swiss Communist party asked members of the 88th Division, on leave in Lugano, Switzerland, to "take back letters for mailing in the Trieste area."
Report from X-2, Italy, on I.T.& T activity in Italy, December 13, 1945, 1p.
Report from X-2, Italy, on approaches made to Italian atomic energy researcher Sisto Bosco by the Nazis during WWII, and by "JE-Land officers" after the war, July 7, 1946, 3pp.
Letter from Italy opposing the proposed elimination of the Delta section of the SIS, December 31, 1945, 6pp.
Report from X-2, Italy, on members of a Czech nationalist underground movement in Italy, January 14, 1946, 4pp.
Report from X-2, Italy, entitled "Political Reports on Communist Movement," March 2, 1946, 6pp. The report was originally written for the Italian Minister of the Navy. It assesses the international situation in general, and in France in particular, in light of Communist expansion.
Report from X-2, Italy, consisting of letters from participants in "Plan Strega," January 15, 1946, 5pp. X-2 reported that Plan Strega "is progressing but slowly."
Report from X-2, Italy, on a variety of activities involving one Sandro Garoglio, April 3, 1946, 5pp. The activities range from being asked "to form an intelligence service in Italy, to report on the activities of Communists in the country," to being asked to report on the condition and efficiency of 300 trucks said to be for sale from the American Command.
Report on two developments in Italy: the arrival in Rome of auxiliary police and a proposed cut in the CS budget, April 16, 1946, 1p.
Report from SCI Unit Z in Rome with a statement by Doris Duca, describing her wartime activities in support of the Allies in Italy, April 21, 1946, 2pp. Duca admitted that she worked for German journalist Hans Boettcher in 1939-1940, but said that she knew nothing at the time about the activities that later led to his expulsion from Italy.
Report on Robert Huldschiner, who denounced Doris Duca as having worked for Hans Boettcher, May 1, 1946, 3pp.
Memo containing allegations that seven people active in the Action Party in Milan, Italy were ex-Fascists, May 1, 1946, 1p.
Memo stating that the Italian Ministry of the Interior changed the codes in its Frontier Control Book from initials to conventional signs, May 1, 1946, 1p. The memo gives the old initials and the new conventional signs.
35mm roll of microfilm with copies of XIIIth Corps monthly intelligence summaries 1-6, for August 1945-January 1946. The transmittal memo states that the summaries "are of a relatively high level of competence and provide an indispensable fund of material on developments of a CE character in Venezia Giulia and Trieste for the period covered."
"Photographic copies of certain files of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers," April 4, 1946, ca., 120pp. The photographic copies, which are small, include reports on the clandestine enrollment of Italian pilots in the Yugoslav Air Force; the political situation in Yugoslavia; the disappearance of eight people from a refugee camp in Yugoslavia; Communist activity, and the general situation, in Venezia Giulia, Italy; the question of the Italian character of, and the general situation in, the city of Fiume, Italy; Albanian Communist activity, and other topics.
List of RSHA [Reichssicherheitshauptamt] personalities, from a source reporting to the SCI Detachment in Weimar, Germany, June 14, 1945, 4pp. The list is in German.
Location: 250/64/33/6
2 Memo describing the work of Source Zigzag, a former member of Abwehr III F in Berlin, who identified former Nazis for the US, October 31, 1945, 2pp.
Memo transmitting a report on German jet and rocket propulsion experiments, May 11, 1945, 2pp. The report is NOT in the file. The memo describes the authors of the report as two White Russians who "worked in the German Institute for Aeronautical Research under a German chief engineer" who was deported to Russia after the war. The memo says the report "deals with new inventions of great importance."
Report regarding two attempts by officers and men of the Soviet Repatriation Committee to kidnap "SABER" in Salzburg, Austria, January 30, 1946, 21pp.
Monthly progress report on Project Renard, March 18, 1946, 2pp. The report admits that there has been little progress so far, but claims confidence in the future, pointing out that Renard "was originally useful in procuring for us considerable information concerning the communication side of the Abwehr" and "the complete NSDAP Salzburg records."
Memo transmitting a report on Engineer Hans Ott, March 27, 1946. The report is NOT in the file. The memo says that the report "gives some interesting examples of TITO-German relations during the war."
Report on the Austrian State Police, May 27, 1946, 2pp. The report states that there were probably three intelligence services in Austria, not just one.
Progress reports from HQ, U.S. Forces Austria, SSU, WD Mission to Austria, on Project Checkers for April-August1946, 64pp. The reports, from Source DD603, consist of two main categories of information: Source DD603's observations from travels around Austria, and the recounting of his conversations with a man named Bilek, "a Czech intelligence officer and/or control/case officer." DD603's observations covered a wide variety of topics, including continuing pro-Nazi sentiment among the population, and how the Austrians felt about the treatment of ex-Nazis; how the Austrians felt about the Americans, British, and French; conditions in DP camps and refugee repatriation; the rebuilding of the country's infrastructure; elections; and the black market. He noted that "Hitler's birthday was not ignored by the population," and passed on many of the rumors he heard, including one which claimed that a new German Air Force was prepared to drop atom bombs on Nuremberg if any war criminals were sentenced to death.
Report from HQ, U.S. Forces Austria, SSU, WD Mission to Austria, on Project Symphony, June 20, 1946, 1p. The report tells of the arrest of a man involved in a "private emigration racket" involving Jewish refugees.
Progress report from HQ, U.S. Forces Austria, SSU, WD Mission to Austria, on the Salome Project, September 5, 1946, 2pp. The report relates mainly to administrative matters, but contains a handwritten note at the bottom of the second page stating that "She was last known to have apparently been abducted by the Russians in Vienna. Oct. 46." [See below.]
Progress report from HQ, U.S. Forces Austria, SSU, WD Mission to Austria, on the Salome Project, September 24, 1946, 3pp. Source Salome reported on the presence of the NKVD in Vienna, and on Russian troop movements and fortifications on the Hungarian border.
Memo about the impending extradition to Denmark of one Ludwig Nebel for a war crimes trial, June 29, 1946, 1p. The writer of the memo admits that the OSS earlier used Nebel in Operation Ostrich, and thus felt "obligated to give him as much protection as possible" when the Danish government first asked for him. Because of Danish insistence and strong evidence, however, Nebel was soon to be extradited to Denmark "to face trial for his activities there which are definitely of war crimes nature."
Report of CIC security lapses at the OMGUS Secretarial School in Berlin, July 25, 1946, 2pp.
Memo on exploratory contacts between the OSS and the UHVR, "which lays claim to being the only authorized counter espionage service of the Ukrainian Freedom Movement," August 23, 1946, 1p.
Memo from AB-51, Amzon to AB-43, Munich entitled "MVD Targets - Former Bavarian Abwehr Officers in Bavaria," August 7, 1946, 2pp. AB-51 reports that a group of former Abwehr officers "are slated for abduction by a Soviet intelligence agency." No counter measures will be taken, the memo explains, because to do so might endanger the source. "At the same time we are of course interested in learning what measures our Eastern friends are going to devise in order to pull off this abduction successfully."
Report warning that the Cafe Baikal in Berlin, Germany might be "an NKVD base of operations against the British and Americans," April 8, 1946, 1p.
Memo on whether or not to keep using one Margot Wilken as a source, August 9, 1946, 1p. This memo seems to mark the end of at least part of Ms Wilken's career, as it concludes by saying that as far as using her to penetrate the KPD, "we are inclined to accept Berlin's final verdict and consign her to oblivion."
Memo on the pros and cons of vetting White Russians, August 31, 1946, 3pp.
Memo to Richard Helms from Security Control Division, Austria, explaining how Helms underestimated the value of the Sybille Project, and explaining the project's future, October 2, 1946, 2pp. The memo explains that the Sybille Project was being reorganized, but that formerly one of its chief objectives was to maintain a check on the people involved in the Crown Project. In doing this, the memo explains, "a fund of information was developed on White Russians and other DP groups who have engaged in agent activity in the American Zone of Austria."
Draft and final version of report entitled "General Observations on the Soviet Intelligence Mission in Nurnberg," October 16, 1946, 8pp.
Report on the Anochin-Sheiko Network of Soviet Intelligence Agents at Munich, July 1946, ca., 4pp.
Report on Soviet intelligence activities in the French Zone of Germany, August 1946, ca., 3pp.
Location: 250/64/33/6
3 Empty; still undergoing declassification review.
Location: 250/64/33/6

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